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Everything posted by deshar619

  1. Hi Melissa, thank you for sharing with us your experience with occ. I am sooooo excited and ready for this journey to start. I am glad for this thread to be able to share with one another > > > Good luck and I will keep you up to date after my surgery on the 19th.
  2. Hello everyone, I will have my surgery on the 19th. I have been praying for this day to come soon and here it is, one more week. =D> I have approximately 95 lbs to lose. So far doing ok on the pre-op but I do agree that this liquid diet suck . Good luck to all of you. I am glad to hear that they have the internet there to contact the family God Bless all of you on this journey :-h :-h :-h Sally
  3. Hi I read that you and your mom are having your surgery on the 19th of march, well I too am scheduled to have my surgery on the 19th. I will be arriving on the 18th, hope to meet you and start our journey together. I will start my pre-op diet tomorrow 5 march. Ihave to lose 12 lbs before the surgery. I stocked up on atkins drinks, lean cuisean, and tomorrow I am going to GNC to buy Iospure. I will attempt to contact the nutritionist here pretty quick. Hope to meet you soon > Sally
  4. I am trying to do some research on plastic surgery in Thailand, I had seen an investigative report on tv (can't remember which one) that soke highly of a specific hospital in Thailand. I am getting banded on 19Mar and I am already searching for a safe place to get a body lift. please keep me informed if you find out something, and I as well will let you know. Wish me luck with my surgery. Sally
  5. Hi, I am really excited for I have been struggling with my weight most of my life. I am scheduled to have the surgery on 19Mar, I am arriving on Sunday the 18Th of March. I would like to get in contact with anyone scheduled for their sugery the same day. Thank you.
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