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Everything posted by thrip

  1. My surgery was so easy I asked if they did anything after the anesthesia wore off. My pain never went above 3 out of 10, one time. The difficulty began when I couldn't urinate and they ultimately had to insert a Foley catheter. I've been bleeding a lot since then when I urinate and although I still have no pain don't like this at all. Its only been a few days since surgery and I wonder how long I should wait before seeking more treatment/advice. Its also disappointing to me that the weight is not moving down, I expected to see some results after switching to the soft food diet, and I'm surely taking in a fraction of the calories burned for a day. I need to be more patient but thats not me.
  2. I too have my doubts, my surgery is scheduled about a month away, but mostly I'm concerned that it won't be effective, I've been a grazer for so long it will be hard to stop, and I don't think the lap band will be effective if I keep the pouch full all the time. The difference will be in that I cannot eat a large meal any more. That should cut out a bunch of calories but will it be enough?
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