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  1. hello i was banded on the 23rd august i was just wondering if anyone could tell me how the reckognise that the band may have slipped,wot signs to look for ,i must say i have kept to the post op diet and have lost weight. Im just a bit curious and probably a bit nervous as my time gets closer to eating food again . thank you for any advice
  2. hello jenna . i am having lap band surgery. i am very excited about it ,what are your experiances with the lap band thank you
  3. hello i have my surgery booked for th 23rd of august in england .when i received my appointment i was awash with all kinds of emotion,happy,excited scared and worried,im not worried about the surgery im worried about if it dosn't help me loose my weight what if i gain weight like some people do, i suppose im just nervous dose everyone feel like this ? if anyone could give me advice i would be very greatful i have butterflies as i write this thank you
  4. hello to you all i have myu surgery booked for august the 23rd in england scince receiving the appointment i have felt all sorts of emotions , im' excited worried scared happy all rolled into one ,but mostley what if it dosn't work for me or i gain weight like some people do,dose everyone feel like this at first. i would appreiciate any advice anyone could offer me oh i have butterflies just writing this thank you all for listening
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