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Everything posted by greyhounder

  1. Hi all! Sorta just stumbled on this site and just had to join! I'm in the very earliest stages of getting a Lap Band. My local hospital (south eastern WI) has a bariatric program. In January I attended the info meeting (a requirement) but since my insurance doesn't cover surgery for weight loss and I'm not rich, I put everything away (I was going with Mom, who may or may not have the surgery -- she has the good insurance). And then in the course of life, it got back to my fairly well-off grandfather that I'm in a place in my life where I'm unhappy with my weight, not having success in losing anything (just gained 5 pounds in the last month) and wanting to do things that my weight impedes (running marathons, mountain biking, very physical things like that -- things I really want to do). Well, Grandpa is a sweet person and is willing to foot the bill for me! I turned in my "application/info sheet" and have spoken to the program coordinator. She feels that I am a good candidate. My first appointment with her, the surgeon and the dietician is this coming Monday (March 12). Then I have 2 appointments in the coming week with a psychologist (take the MMPI, and ensure that I'm not too much of a looney ). I have an empty account set up with the hospital to take my money, and arrangements have been made for me to get the money to put into the account. So I don't have a surgery date yet. I suppose I could be turned down for some reason (certainly not my weight, but who knows!) But the coordinator says that I should expect the surgery within 4-6 weeks of the first appointment -- which puts me around mid April. Weird and freaky -- that how I'm feeling. I really want to change my life. I'm willing to go through this. I'm scared but excited. I'm glad this support network is here. Just wanted to say "hi" right now. More later, I hope. Bec
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