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Everything posted by WuldLuv2bThin

  1. Thank you for your response. It makes me feel a litlle better hearing what you had to say. I think I will check with INAMED, just so I can tell my family I've thoroughly checked into it. I'm really excited about the possibility of being banded, but scared after reading about all the things that can go wrong, including death. I guess that's the case with all surgeries though. Take care!
  2. I am considering LapBand, but am nervous about the procedure and having it done in Mexico. I have no support at this time from my husband or my mom. I know it's only because they are worried about me. My husband is not going to agree to let me finance the opperation, so I need to come up with the money on my own. How did so many of you afford it? If I do finance, how much are the payments typically, anyone know? Me and a friend of mine are starting Weight Watchers October 1st. I'm going to continue on Weight Watchers until I'm able to afford the surgery. Anyone have any words of advice or support? I have my consultation in November, hopefuly once I meet the staff and see the facilities I won't be so nervous about having the procedure done in T.J. Also, did any of you check into having your medical insurance company cover the procedure?
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