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Everything posted by NoWorry

  1. Step 12: Heading home The next morning, I bathe and pack my stuff. I check out and settle up the 50 cents I owe for the call to the Clinic. I
  2. Step 11: The day after surgery I have a hot, hot shower and examine my surgical incisions. The four small cuts are actually rather tiny. I
  3. Step 10: Discharge The next thing I know, it
  4. Step 7: Surgery morning I set the room alarm for 7 a.m. I have my own travel alarm. I set it for 7:05 just in case. I woke up when the first alarm went off. I was making a pot of coffee when a buddy calls from the east coast. I happen to mention that the coffee is brewing. He asks if I
  5. Step 6: To Hotel Lucerna Now I just have to wait for Mrs. Ortiz to drive me to the hotel. And wait. And wait. A little over an hour later, Mrs. Ortiz arrives. Not so much as a hello, a nod, or an acknowledgement. She
  6. Step 4: To Tijuana In spite of all my tendencies towards research, I
  7. Step 3: Which Doctor? I made a spread sheet and started listing all the pros and cons for each doctor. I factored in cost, level of care, distance to travel, cost of travel, number of procedures performed by each surgeon, quality of my contact with them and a bunch of other less tangible elements. I ruled out Cancun
  8. Step 2: Why Mexico? Since my friend was the deciding factor, it made sense to approach her doctor
  9. Step 1: The decision I was banded by Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana, Mexico on May 16, 2007. As far as I can tell, the procedure was a total success and my first five days of recovery have been excellent. During my research, prior to my banding, I looked extensively for a complete picture of the entire banding experience. While I found mounds of useful information in forums, magazines, books and internet articles, I was unable to find a complete picture. This, then, is mine. I hope it helps you. I have been obese for around 9 years. I spent almost all of those years trying to lose the weight. If you
  10. Small tip. Ask for a room facing the back/swimming pool of the hotel. If you face the front, you'll hear traffic noise all day, plus a Ceramic Tile shop across the street blares music all day.
  11. How soon after surgery can you take them? I also have a back problem and it is screaming for its Ibuprofen!
  12. I was there yesterday. I'm sure I saw Claudia taking a credit card from a patient for dental work.
  13. Free Wi-Fi at the hotel (ask for your Login and Password at check in) and also at the hospital (latter was a little temperamenal). Have a great trip!
  14. After navigating a number of forums and posts, I came up with the following shopping list. Not every item is for everyone and since I haven't yet had my surgery, I don't know if I've missed anything. Feel free to add suggestions. PHARMACY
  15. Just remember the flight restrictions on liquids: no more than 3 oz containers. So if you're planning on taking juice, gatorade, even liquid Tylenol, you'll have to have them in containers less than 3 oz and put those in a clear 1 qt ziploc bag. I couldn't meet those restrictions, so I'm going to check in my bag even though it's light enough to normally carry on board. For more details on the 3-1-1 restrictions, see http://www.tsa.gov/311/index.shtm
  16. When I have a cold, a fever, or an illness of any kind, all my normal signals are absent. I can even feel stuffed after half a bowl of chicken noodle soup! Having surgery and your body going into recovery mode really should be no different. Your body is busy healing. Although, if you're really lucky, you may never feel like killing for food again.
  17. I'm making a checklist for what all I need to pack for Mexico. Does anyone have any tips? Anything you took that was not obvious? Anything you wish you had taken?
  18. I briefly forgot all about my upcoming surgery and had a drink last night with just 3 days to go to surgery. Anyone have any idea why alcohol is prohibited for 2 weeks prior to surgery and have I messed up big time?
  19. According to my pre-op instructions, I'm not allowed to have Aspirin or NSAIDs (including Ibuprofen) during the week immediately prior to surgery. I suffer from chronic back and neck pain and require some relief. Any idea what pain killers are allowed? Advil? Tylenol? Acetaminophen? Will any of these interfere with blood clotting following surgery? Sanjay
  20. I'm very sorry to hear of your results. What does it cost to have the band removed? Is it the same as for putting it in? Actually, all docs must keep stats on failures. They may not publicize them, but keeping complication rates and failure rates is mandated by Inamed. You can usually get them by asking the Doctor. Failing that, you can request the information from Inamed.
  21. Hi Judy, I was originally scheduled for surgery on May 9th. I developed a sore throat that turned into a cold with runny nose, mild fever and body aches. I figured that surgery is tough enough on the body without a cold. So I've postponed my surgery to the 16th. I've already recovered from the cold and am now looking forward to the surgery without having to worry about fighting the cold AND surgery recovery at the same time. Sanjay
  22. Hi Kelly, Thanks very much for sharing your story. It certainly motivates me to follow in your footsteps. I also have diabetes, high cholestrol, high blood pressure and a family history of heart disease. In addition, I have Sleep Apnea and sleep with a CPAP machine. I started my pre-op diet on Monday and have already lost 17 lbs (271 to 254) with another 5 days to surgery (16th) and a target below 250 for surgery date. I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited. I'm less concerned about the surgery - it's pretty much out of my hands, and I'm confident that I've chosen an excellent surgeon - but rather worried about the post-op diet. Nothing but liquids for 4 weeks sounds VERY difficult. How are you coping? I'm very pleased to see that you've lost another 10 lbs since your surgery. Has it been tough on the diet? What about pain and discomfort? I quess it's way too early to know what kind of impact it's having on your various weight-related diseases. But what about your meds? Are you crushing them, or are you able to swallow them whole even with the band? Thanks again for sharing your story, Sanjay
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