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Everything posted by JERI

  1. I have spent today calling doctors all over southern cali, I have come to the conclusion that I might have to fight it out with my husband about going to Dr. Ortiz. How much did you all pay? How did you pay? I was planning on using some of those courtesy checks from my credit card at a low interest rate like I did with my daughter. do you think that is possible? thanks to all who have answered my posting. Jeri :-h
  2. :-h I intend to get the lap band in this summer, I know about Dr. Ortiz but husband won't go for the TJ thing (even though he is from there). So my option is to find one in the San Diego/Riverside area and in between. I live in Temecula. Has anyone done research on the prices for self pay in the area? I found one in SD charging $14,300 but with almost no refills. Can anyone offer help? This is my first posting here. Jeri :-h
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