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About Tummytime

  • Birthday 12/18/1972

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  • Location
    New Mexico

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  1. HELP!! ( I am having a horrible time sticking to the pre-op diet! I need to lose 10lbs by the 18th and so far I've only dropped 2. I have been eating as much salad as I can stomach but that doesn't help with the carb cravings. Any suggestions? I will try just about anything i really want to lose this so my surgery won't be postponed. Does taking the fiber capsules really help? Although it's not really hunger that is my problem it's the cravings for breads and other carbs. Any help from anyone will be most appreciated. Love and strength to all of you CA
  2. Coco, I hope you are doing good. I have been away for a bit. How is the weight loss coming? Are you finding it easier? I haven't started my pre-op diet yet. I start that on Monday. I have just about 12 lbs to lose so i hope it goes well. Any tips? I will try and check messages more often i think it is very important to get as well as give support. Keep up the hard work I know it will all be worth it in the end. Hope to talk more later. C
  3. Coco, Thanks for getting back to me. This is turning out to be easier than I could ever have hoped. After taking to other Drs in AZ and other states I was told I was probably be looking at a year to 18 months before I could have surgery. Today I talked to Carol and I am scheduled for June 18th. I am thrilled. Just like you I have some weight to lose and I'm hoping it goes easily. How are you doing? I know your surgery is on the 29th right? Good luck to you I hope all goes well. Stay in touch. C
  4. Hello Sorry I am not scheduled for June. Not scheduled at all yet, but I would love to talk to someone who is at the beginning of this process as well. I have decided to have the surgery and i am very anxious to get this ball rolling. I have the full support of my husband but we don't have a lot of time or money. I was wondering if someone could tell me how long the process takes from contacting the center to having surgery and how many times you had to go down to TJ before surgery? Also what can I do to really get prepared for the consult. I have quit smoking and I have given up alcohol and caffine but should I also be trying to lose weight? I know this may seem like I am in a real hurry and in a way I am. I would like to have the surgery ASAP. Thanks for any advice anyone has. C
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