Thanks for the info, Pammie. I'll look into the gentleman you mentioned and will e-mail him.
My friend Mikey and I were just talking about in the latter part of your post: how much the price has gone down here in the States...and how much more it's sure to go down. There's a surgeon that we would like to use here in O.C., but it would just be too difficult to come up with the approx. $14K surgery would run. You're right...there's so much competition that's out there, that "Bariatric Care Centers" and physicians, will ultimately lower there prices to compete in the market. It's very frustrating--to say the least. I, for one, am thankful for Dr. Ortiz's rates and his experience in bariatric surgery. It makes me feel really good that while we can't afford to self pay in the States, that there's still a place for us to turn to.
Hope you're doing well. Take care.