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Everything posted by OCLili

  1. ....bump.... LoriBecky--any insight to my original question in this post? -Lili
  2. Hey LoriBecky... Thanks for chiming in with that. Can you take a look at my original question on this post? Maybe you can corroborate what Pammie was saying...that the Inamed Allergan Lap Band is the same band both here in the U.S. and the one that Dr. Ortiz uses (meaning we don't get a lesser product because it's in "Mexico" or because it's Inamed using a "Mexican Distributor". Wow. That was a mouthful.
  3. Thanks for the info, Pammie. I'll look into the gentleman you mentioned and will e-mail him. My friend Mikey and I were just talking about in the latter part of your post: how much the price has gone down here in the States...and how much more it's sure to go down. There's a surgeon that we would like to use here in O.C., but it would just be too difficult to come up with the approx. $14K surgery would run. You're right...there's so much competition that's out there, that "Bariatric Care Centers" and physicians, will ultimately lower there prices to compete in the market. It's very frustrating--to say the least. I, for one, am thankful for Dr. Ortiz's rates and his experience in bariatric surgery. It makes me feel really good that while we can't afford to self pay in the States, that there's still a place for us to turn to. Hope you're doing well. Take care.
  4. Hi everyone! I have a question about the actual band, where it's made/distributed. One of the questions I forgot to ask when my husband and I met Dr. Ortiz for his pre-surgery consult is: I know that the band that Dr. Ortiz uses is the Inamed Allergan Lap-Band. But, I've seen in different posts (on other forums) that this company has distribution in both the U.S. and in Mexico. If so, is it the same product that is distributed in both countries? Is there a difference in the "Mexican Inamed-Allergan" Lap-Band and the U.S. one? I think that this might be a question I may have to pose to the office itself to get clarification, but I thought I'd try the boards first. Thanks for reading, and if you can clarify, it's appreciated. -Lili
  5. Ok, so it's my honey that Mikey's having surgery with on July 18th....anyone else want to join the party??? :-h -Lili
  6. Hey Judy... I would call my regular M.D. and not Dr. Ortiz. He would have a better idea of your current and prior medical history vs. Dr. O. Actually, I'm not sure what insurance you have, but it might be a good idea to have a physical done so that you can get an idea of how your blood work comes out. That is so great that your sugars been low enought that you haven't had a need for any of your diabetic meds. Anyway, back to your immediate issue--whether you get a physical or not, getting blood work would probably be a good way to go. I'm a fan of getting to the bottom of things. It's an annoying trait (as far as my hubby's concerned) but it's just that I don't like to be left wonderring. It's late in the day...but I hope you got a chance to talk to your doc. Let me know what happens. -Lili
  7. Hey Judy... I think that it would probably be a good idea to call your doc. I'm not sure how your Metformin would cause you to have a sharp pain in your upper left side. I'm not a doctor, nor a Diabetes expert, but it just doesn't make any sense that a pill that lower's your insulin resistance (it's the generic for Glucophage, right?) would have anything to do with the pain your describing. Call your doctor. It's probably nothing major, but it will give you piece of mind. Also, just a quick question...but has your blood sugar been low enough post surgery that you didn't have a need to start up on the Metformin until now? Just curious about the need for either diabetic or HBP meds post-surgery. Take Care, Lili
  8. Wow, this is such a touchy subject for me. Our insurance (Cigna) doesn't cover the Lap-Band procedure at all. I've heard of people getting an "advocate" and fighting them to get the surgery coverred. Unfortunately...there's no way I would risk fighting them on it--just to have them drop us like hot potatoes. My hubby (who's having surgery 7/18) is a Cancer survivor, has diabetes and HBP....yeah, you would think that it saves the Insurance Co. money to have surgery and get him off all meds/dr. visits/etc., but...who knows what the deal is with our system. Hubby applied with our ins. for the RNY bypass (which is coverred by Cigna) and was denied once--we appealed and they denied our appeal....followed through with their requirements just to apply again and find out that--Hello--we had "exhausted" our avenues with 2 denials. ??? What a mess. Thank God for Dr. Ortiz. I don't know what we would've done without his help. You're right, it is difficult coming up with the money...but it is soooo worth it. Good luck in your journey...I wish you the best.
  9. Hey there, Just like Mikey said...I would be extremely leery of actually eating solid food at this stage (as mushy as the fish was...it's still too heavy for you). Stick to your liquids. Stay hydrated and comfortable. The last thing you want to do is cause needless irritation to your tummy. Stick that fish in the freezer and give your body time to heal. Good luck to you and congratulations on your surgery! Take care, Lili
  10. If MikeyLikesIt.....then I Love it!!!

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