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Cavrona last won the day on January 25 2013

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About Cavrona

  • Birthday 07/17/1973

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  1. Hi there, I was banded 2/4/08 I am currently 147....gained a little while I had no restriction after the tummy tuck... I missed my band terribly, and I am so happy to have restriction and feel "normal" for me again Best decision I ever made about my weight problem There are always ups and downs to everything, including the band, but I am very happy I did it
  2. Glad to hear your doing well, I only had the front tummy tuck but I am looking into doing the back part now. Do you have drains in the back? and how is moving around or sitting, standing going? Also, I had no pain , are you on painkillers or just tylenol? and what hurts most? I hope my questions make sense, sorry..I had a great experience the first time, but I am still nervous. I want to do the back part of the tummy tuck and just wondering what the recovery for that is like.
  3. Hi everyone, I am now 8 weeks post op, I feel good. My incisions are fully healed and look great. I feel like I am fully back to normal. I went to see both Dr. So and Dr. Castillo yesterday. I love going to OCC. Everyone there is so nice Dr. So did my fill. I now have 2 ccs in my band. I am so happy to have restriction back. For me, I feel normal with my band eating habits so I am happy to get back to them. He said my band was in the perfect position where it was supposed to be and my pouch was perfect It has been almost 4 years since I got my band and it was cool to see it and know it's all good. I had wanted to try to eat the same way without the restriction but that is impossible. I noticed I ate more even though I tried not to. I felt like I was always hungry. It has been super hard. I gained 4 pounds and have been really disappointed in myself. With everything going on in my life, I was just very weak in the willpower department. So, I am looking forward to be back on track with myself. Dr. Castillo said everything looks great. He showed me my before pictures and took after pictures. I wanted to cry seeing the before pictures. How quickly I forgot what the hanging skin looked like. I am now used to seeing the new me. I love zipping up my jeans and not having to tuck skin in or worry about a muffin top hanging over ruining the look of a really cute top. i had some cute clothes I wouldn't wear because of how my extra skin would show up. I am happy having smaller breasts. After having big ones my whole life, I really wanted to go smaller. I went bra shopping and am super happy with a C cup. I can now buy cuter bras and matching underwear. Why can't they make cute stuff like that for bigger sizes? This is a decision I am super happy I made. I am considering going back to do a posterior beltectomy ( I needed a circular tummy tuck but only did the front, this would do the back) and an inner thigh lift. Maybe in the summer of 2012. I want to hit the gym and really tone up a bit better than I am now. My arms have angel wings but I think if I really work at it, I won't need an arm lift, not to much skin there, I think I could live with how they look if they were toned up.
  4. First fill 8 weeks after TT...YAY..I have restriction..oh, how I have missed you!!!!!

  5. I am excited for you momma4...keep us posted on how your doing. I am going tomorrow for a fill and to follow up with Dr. Castillo. I will post when I get back LisaVA I just sent you pics, I am sorry it has taken this long, I wish I could get them to post in my gallery.
  6. Dr Ricciardi has done 3 fills for me. He is a great doctor. He was the doctor Fill Centers USA used. I was very happy with my experience with him. I had one fill done using floroscopy and two done without. He takes his time to talk to you about how everything is going, and has a nice manner about him.
  7. I went back to the hotel on a sat, then to the back and forth to the clinic on mon, tues, and weds. and flew home on weds. I hope all goes well for you, i look forward to hearing about it.
  8. I was very scared too. that's normal, its a big decision, I am sure you'll be fine. They will take very good care of you, I am excited for you, I would love to hear about your experience, when are you going? by the way today is 4 weeks post op. I finished my first week back at work. Everyone says I look amazing. That is always great to hear. I feel well. I did get tired but I work 10 hour days so they drag on LOL. Tonight will be my first night out of my binder garments, can't wait to see how that feels. I only have a little bit of the tapes left on my breasts just around the nipple area. my incisions look so good. I think they will fade to a very light line similar to my port scar. that is how thin they are. I can't wait to go bra shopping. I am so excited to buy something that is not a double or triple D and that has matching underwear. I hated being so big it was hard to find that. My husband jokes around, he always matches...everything he wears is white hahahaha If anyone would like to see after pics, please email me and I will send them that way. I cant seem to be able to post them here. MY laptop windows system crashed the other day BOO so I am on a different computer and I don't know what the issue is but I will happily e mail them if you would like to see
  9. The morning after my surgery I was ready to be up and walking. I walked around OCC and then later in the day, I got to go back to the Lucerna. I walked up and down the hallway on the floor we were on throughout the day. We took cabs to go out to eat. Right down the street from Lucerna there are a bunch of restaurants. In the first few days, It just felt like I got tired quickly, but felt good otherwise. I am back to work now. I feel really good. Some of the surgical tapes have still not come off, but the swelling has gone down. I am still in my binder garments all the time. After Friday, I will only wear them during the day. I am anxious to see how I feel without them. When I shower and then get back into them, they feel way comfy..
  10. Ok, tried to post pics, not uploading so I'll try again later
  11. 3 weeks post op..doing very well :)

  12. 3 weeks post op..doing very well :)

  13. Hi everyone, today I am 3 weeks post op. I feel good. no pain....a bit of itching though. The tapes are starting to come off and the incision lines look very nice. I will post a few pics up. I started swelling a bit...my tummy felt like a water balloon. If I pushed lightly on one side I could feel like a small wave go across my belly..Odd.. Called Dr. So, he said this is normal. Just stay in my compression garment, it will help. I now feel strange when I take it off. But one more week and then I will be out of it at night. I go back to work in 3 days. I took off plenty of time to recuperate, but I feel very ready to go back. I have not done anything strenuous but I have been up and around and resting quite a bit too. I am just very bored, not a sit around kind of girl. I do want to make sure my body heals well and I don't over do anything because I feel really good. I have had small bouts of a bit of depression, I am prone to this though and i used to take meds for this. I have been off of them for quite some time now and I am not sure if this is just a stage of my recovery or just me. To feel better I have had my husband take me for a drive, He is not letting me drive yet, that in itself could be an issue. I love to drive and listen to music. or he takes me to go get frozen yogurt, one of my favorite things. I am just tired of watching movies and being on the computer. I am very ready to be back to my normal routine.
  14. Oops.... My muscles were stretched and were in need of repair. And Dr. So said they did not need to make any changes to my port but now it feels like it's right above my belly button. However, it's still pretty close to where it was before surgery.
  15. Yes my muscles were super stretched and were
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