Hey Judy,
How are you doing. I just had a piece of watermelon for breakfast. The first time I tried watermelon, it was hard to chew up....So now I dice it up in a bowl and eat it with no problem. My brother who has the band also said the same thing for strawberries.
I still have a hard time with all the chewing. So I have better luck cutting my food in little pieces and then chew, chew, chew.
I was so use to being the first one done etting at the table. Now I'm sitting and chew while others are done. Its one of the mind games.....
I've lost #26 pounds since surgery. Can't believe its been 5 weeks. Sometimes it seems like a life time ago that we could shovel food into our mouths.
Last weekend my sister and brother inlaw had a big grill out. They had invited lots of their neighbor and friends. Its the first time I've been in a "social" type situation where there was food involved. I was pleasantly suprised that it wasn't as hard as I thought, it might be. Had just a bite of everything. And a 1/4 of a glass of wine.
Had no problems at all. Now I won't be so self consious at the next social funtion.
You'll have to let me know how you fill goes. I'm excited and nervous about the fill. I want some restriction but just not tooo much...