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Everything posted by iowagal

  1. I just got off the phone with Dr. Ortiz assistant. She said that the doc would like to see me to check out what is going on. I told her, I was trying the liquids for a few days to see if that will work. I will make an appointment in a week if it doesn't go away. I'll keep you informed. Thanks for all you concern. Beth
  2. I've had my band for 13 months. I have loved having the band and have lost 125 lbs. I have had no problems until this last few weeks. I've been suffering with terrible heartburn at night. When I go to sleep, my supper backs up my throat. Almost like I'm vomiting in my sleep. It wakes me out of a dead sleep, and has a terrible burning. I've tried not eatting 3 hours before bed time. Didn't really help. At first, it was happening just once in a while. For the past 10 days it been every night. I've had to sleep in the recliner becauce I can't lay down or the food will come up my throat. I read on a post once that a Dr had advised going back on liquids for 2 weeks to calm the band down, and let it slip back into place. Has anyone every heard that? Yesterday I went on all liquids for the day. I slept in my bed and had no problems. I've only had one fill since the surgery. I am pretty happy with the amount of restriction. I've always considered myself very lucky that the surgery worked so well for me. I'm going to try and call OCC today and talk with Dr. Ortiz. But was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Beth
  3. I've only had the one fill and yes, I went to TJ for it. I hate to have it unfilled because I have been so happy with the restriction...I can eat about anything if I take my time and eat a little bit...The only thing I have trouble with is fruit. Can't eat applesauce or really any kind of fruit very well. It kind of weird because I have to problem eatting meat... I'll give it a few more days and see if the acid reflex works itself out....
  4. I was banded last May. I have been so happy with my band. To date, I have lost 110 pounds. I have had only one fill and am happy with the restriction. This past two weeks, I am having trouble with heart burn. Seems like one bit of food can give me terrible heart burn... During the night I wake up and have a terrible burning in my throat.. Any ideas what it might be...
  5. ohhhh you made me laugh...Only because I had a very similar experience. When you have something stuck in the band....oh the pain...it was so bad. This happend 3 months ago and I still remember the pain. However....It had made me slow down to eat and chew. Something most obese people don't do. So I would say "A lesson well learned" as its never happened again. Beth
  6. Hey Mikey, When I had my first consult with Dr. Miranda I weighed #320. She suggest that I lose the recommeded 10% or 32 pounds. She gave me 10 weeks to lose it. I actually lost #40 before the surgery. It ran through my head...why pay $8500 for something I can do on my own. But then reality set in and I knew it would just be like the hundreds of other times I lost 40 pounds just to gain it right back. Anyway back to losing the 10% before surgery. Its true, at least it was with me... that you body will handle the surgery much easier with the weight loss. I could have gone to work the next day. Felt that good. Never had a ounce of pain. I haven't had a bad day since the surgery either. Just had my first fill 2 weeks ago and am adjusting to it. For me, the fill is harder to adjust to than the getting the band. Best of luck... I know the liquid diet sucks but....it just a short time in your life. Beth
  7. I'm so glad that you got your fill and everything went well. Since my first fill on 7/10 and have lost 14 pounds. I had a really hard time at first. I think my band was almost too tight. It's getting better. By afternoon I can eat about anything IF.... I take my time with very small bites and chew til mush. I get tired of chewing and just quit eatting. It's funny how the body works....When I am hot and working outside, liquids go down with no problems. In the mornings I can hardly swallow a sip or two.... I have to wait until 10 or so to drink my cup of coffee. Before having the surgery I would drink a whole pot before 10. Beth
  8. I just had my first fill in TJ. After the fill I couldn't even drink water. So I went back the next morning before flying back home and had a slight unfill. It's been 4 days and I can hardly eat a thing. Just a bite or two here and there. I even have a hard time drinking in the morning. By evening I can drink a glass if water. Does is "loosen up" after a while. Beth
  9. Hey Judy, How are you doing. I just had a piece of watermelon for breakfast. The first time I tried watermelon, it was hard to chew up....So now I dice it up in a bowl and eat it with no problem. My brother who has the band also said the same thing for strawberries. I still have a hard time with all the chewing. So I have better luck cutting my food in little pieces and then chew, chew, chew. I was so use to being the first one done etting at the table. Now I'm sitting and chew while others are done. Its one of the mind games..... I've lost #26 pounds since surgery. Can't believe its been 5 weeks. Sometimes it seems like a life time ago that we could shovel food into our mouths. Last weekend my sister and brother inlaw had a big grill out. They had invited lots of their neighbor and friends. Its the first time I've been in a "social" type situation where there was food involved. I was pleasantly suprised that it wasn't as hard as I thought, it might be. Had just a bite of everything. And a 1/4 of a glass of wine. Had no problems at all. Now I won't be so self consious at the next social funtion. You'll have to let me know how you fill goes. I'm excited and nervous about the fill. I want some restriction but just not tooo much... Beth
  10. Hello Donna, this is Beth aka the iowagal. I live in a small town just west of Waterloo. Its good to hear from someone around the midwest. Had my sugery on May21st. I'm doing well.. Haven't had any problems. It would be fun to meet sometime. When did you have your surgery? I'm going for my first fill July 10th. You can email me at claussen@mchsi.com Beth
  11. Hey Nicole. Good to hear from you. Hope your doing well. I'm doing good. Following the diet....So far --so good..... Elizabeth and I just got our plan tickets today. We fly into San Diego on July 10th around 11 am. We are getting our fills that afternoon. Staying at the Lucerna and flyin out on the 11th around 2 pm. If you join us that would be great. We can share the ride and room. My email address is claussen@mchsi.com or my phone # is 641 847 3350 let me know if your interested. Beth :-h
  12. Hey Judy, I would call Dr Ortiz. You don't want to have an infection get worst if that is what is happening. I would be concerned about it....If Dr O. says it nothing to worry about, then you will at least have peace of mind....Beth
  13. Hello banding friends, good to hear from you. I am doing fine. I started the liquid yogurt on Thursday. At least that's what Dr. Martini's told me. I was feeling so hungry and had such an empty feeling. Almost making me sick because I was so hungry. The yogurt has really helped. I had 3 on Thursday. Felt good all day. I went back to work a little on Thursday afternoon. How did you know, that you had a bigger band put on. I was so out of it before and after the surgery. Maybe he told my husband. I'll will have to ask him tonight. We had such a hard time getting home. Our flight was suppose to leave at 6pm on Wed. It was delay because of a bad thunder storm in Minneapolis. We didn't get home until 6 AM on Thursday. Bummer....but made it ok. I am planning on flying down to TJ for my first fill. Anyone else interested. Would like to share the taxi ride down. Don't know if I want to stay a day or fly back the same day. Am open to either. Beth
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