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Everything posted by newjourney

  1. Good luck Coco. I hope I get a chance to meet you. I can't believe it's finally here. I'm getting my pre-op tests done on Thursday. So I hope to be one of the first ones on Friday. I rather get it out of the way because I don't want to keep thinking about it. Plus it will give me more time at the hospitalto recuperate. Take care... New Journey :-h
  2. I'll be getting myself ready today for the 3 day at OCC and post op at home. I know there is a forum on what is recommended to take such as liquid tylenol, gas-ex, etc. Since I won't have any free time during the week to shop I better get it all done today. I'm take the week after surgery off as vacation so I can get familiar with the liquid phase of diet before returning to work. I'm getting anxious and excited for our day. Take Care...
  3. I started my pre-op diet on Monday. It's going ok but I'm sure hungry by mid afternoon. Luckily I'm at work and I keep myself busy. I'm excited and nervous at the same time as the date quickly approaches. The difficult part will be getting through the first month. I'm driving down on the 28th. I thnk I will go to the airport and park my car there for the duration. I would feel safer it being there than at the border. Hope you're doing well. Talk to you soon.
  4. My surgery is scheduled for June 29th. I will start my pre-op diet on Monday. They want me to loose 5% which means 11 or so pounds. I've lost 5 lbs so far by walking and reducing my intake. So I hope to loose the remainder when I start my pre-op diet. I'm getting excited about the date quickly approaching. But I'm concerned how difficult it wil lbe to do the post-op liquid diet. But reading the forum has really helped. I'd like to know if any of you have told your co-workers? So far i plan on not sharing this with them. They've seen my recent weight loss efforts and I'll let them believe that I'm doing the same thing. Not sure how everyone will react. What are your thoughts???
  5. Hi Coco. I'm scheduled for surgery on June 29. I'm also very anxious about the entire process. It would be helpful to share our thoughts and emotions are we get closer. I live in the L.A. area. So I'll be driving down on the 28th. I'm going with my sister as morale support.
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