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Everything posted by dactyl

  1. Hi, I live in Missouri and I am going to have my fills done at fill centers usa. They have a web site you can check out. I heard they are going to open one in Little Rock. Maybe about a 3 hr drive. I am going to the one in Farmington,MO which is about 1.5 hrs for me. Their prices aren't that bad either. Questions, let me know. Dactyl
  2. Hi SBL, I am also having the surgery on Oct 17th. Are you flying in? I'm coming from St.Louis. I am so excited and very nervous, I just wish I could get it done today! Maybe we can talk more via email before the surgery. Let me know and I can give you my email address. Dactyl
  3. Thanks for the info Judy and Kathy. I have heard that muscle milk is tasty,I work with a girl that drinks them all the time. I guess that is why she is 110 lbs LOL Terri
  4. I am sorta taking a poll on everyone's favorite protein drinks. Which brand and flavor were your favorites? I am trying to gather some info so I don't get stuck with $50 of shakes I can't drink. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Hi Robin, I did find out that one dr will do it but he charges 600.00 for the fill with fluro. I think I will be going to the Fill Center. In case you wanted to know the drs name is Darren Minkin (314-291-6224). He is in St.Louis county. By the way how did you like your experience with Dr.Ortiz and his staff? Anthing I need to know before I go? I will be traveling alone and am a little nervous. I wish my husband could go but we have a 3 yr old so he is stuck at home. Also when you go to the fill center let me know how it went. Thanks.
  6. I am having my surgery in august by Dr.Ortiz and was wanting to know if anyone knows of a fill dr in the St.Lois area and any pricing? Fillcenter is about 2 hours from my house and I am a little apprehensive about going there.
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