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Everything posted by NWMarc

  1. I'm going to get my first fill tomorrow afternoon. I've selected a doctor that was at the Seattle Band Bash in Feb. However, I'm real nervous about eating after the adjustment. (I know I'll be on liquids for a day or two after the fill.) Right now if I forget to chew enough and/or take too large of a bite of food I can feel it and then then feel it finally go through. My assumption is that after the fill this will be even more frequent and more painful. Is my assumption correct? I need the fill as I've not really lost any weight in a couple of weeks. Any other suggestions? Thanks, Marc
  2. Hi, I had my band surgery a week ago. I went alone. No problems with luggage. I only brought a carry-on and my laptop bag. The hotel has wireless Internet access. A carry-on is probably all you need. You only need to pack two days of causual cloths. NWMarc
  3. Hi Karen, I was getting my pre-op the day of your surgery. I remember your mom and (I think boyfriend's mom) went in to see you and then came out and said you were just crying and they didn't want to upset you. I had a similar but very delayed reaction. When I came home on Sunday after the plane trip and car drive I was a bit down for awhile. Maybe it was coming off of the great meds they give you. This liquid diet is ... very interesting. Take care, NWMarc
  4. Hello all, I was banded yesterday morning. I think I was second for the day. The room is very nice. I was asked to take off all of my clothes and put the wonderful gown on and lay in the bed. After doing so I turned on the TV. So can you guess what channel came on.... that's right, the food network. I chuckled at that. Then Havero (great guy) came in a gave me a couple of "I don't care pills"... After a few minutes... you don't care. The very wonderful Jose came in and got my IV going. I was cooperative but my viens weren't. I told her I was pollo (chicken). I talked to the Dr.s before surgery. Everything was ready and they weeled me in. Added something to my IV and was asleep REAL quick. After the operation I felt pretty back for a little while but they game me medication. I was up walking around a little while later. The entire staff was excellent. One recommendation. Bring gas-x with you. I didn't and I really wish I did.
  5. Arnold, I don't get it. You do something extremely positive for yourself and then you go ahead and start the insanity of golf. I guess you have to replace one crutch with another... LOL. I'm looking forward to hiking again. And yes, I might dust off the clubs also. 6 Days and counting till poke day.
  6. Thanks for the information .... everyone. I've opted for the Slim Fast Optima. I saw the Glucerna, however I wasn't constrained to it since I don't have Diabetes. The Optima had fewer calories and it was about 2/3 the cost of Glucerna. The taste is good but I'm only had one Rich Chocolate so far. Since I'm less than a week away I'm going to be drinking quite a few of them. I have no doubt in Dr. Ortiz, or I wouldn't let him poke holes and put foreign objects in me later next week. Once again, thanks for the info. NWMarc
  7. You should absolutely conduct extensive reasearch on banding possibilities. You can listen to everyone else's research which may help but the final decision is YOURS. I even considered and was in the early planning stages of going to India. Even with the air fare I would have spent less money. But then I went to the Seattle Band Bash in Feb. I learned so much that day and got to hear 5 doctors. Actually talked to a couple of them myself. The 3 Dr.s from Mexico all seemed to be at the top of their professon. My final decision was to schedule my surgery with Dr. Ortiz for April 28th. So here are my recommendations: Research, Research, Research Go to a "Band Bash" or some other gathering. Most folks you hear from will say Dr. "Fill in the Blank" was excellent. Don't listen to anyone bad mouth anybody without specific names and reasons. I've seen a U.S. Dr. put down Mexican Dr.s. You may have to pay for the surgery yourself. Ask yourself how much money your life is worth. As much as possible don't make this a money issue. Make it a "is this the best thing for me" question.
  8. Hello all, I'm in the mode of trying to drop some lbs before surgery. I like the vanilla FIT365 drinks I make from powder. However, they messed up my order and can't send the chocolate until two days before I leave for TJ. I'm running out of the vanilla real quick. Does anyone have any good alternatives? I get Gout and I believe soy protein might cause an attack. Thanks.
  9. I'm pre-op and have been wanting to hear from men who have had their band. Maybe we should have a "Guys Only" running posting.
  10. I'm scheduled for April 28th. Yep, getting excited also. However, I need the time to try to drop some weight before the surgery.
  11. Just a guess here, but I think it has something to do with the drink goes straight through the banded small part of your stomach to the larger part. There may be a higher chance that gas will build up down there and have a tough time coming up. I would equate "tough time" with pain.
  12. Hi Lisa, Don't know where you live but to bad you didn't come to the Seattle Bash this weekend. There were several hundred (my guess) people there. A few of us were pre-band but the majority were banded and most of them seem to have been banded in Mexico. There were three Dr.s from Mexico there. After the panel discussion I choose Dr. Ortiz. The other two Dr.s seemed great but one is a bit further away (not in TJ). The other seemed great also but I thought Dr. Ortiz was best for me. Before the bash I even considered going to India. Aftercare was an issue for me also. However, if you look hard you will probably find one fairly close. There happens to be one in the Seattle area that was at the bash that seemed excellent. However, when you look at the cost it's probably almost the same to fly to TJ. I will absolutely get my first fill there and maybe any others also. There is also a company just starting up call Fill Centers (or something like it) they will be doing fills for anyone. I know this is going to be the BEST thing I have ever done for myself. I'm scheduled for late April and I am very excited. Good luck in your decision process.
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