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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. I have never in my adult life EVER wore anything sleeveless. I think I'll make that one of my wishes [that won't come true till next summer, but that's OK.] I'd also love to wear one of those tankini's... they are so cute!! [Again, next summer.] I have a favorite pair of Levi's that I want to get back into. I got them when straight legs were in, then flare leg came in and my straights didn't fit me anymore. I've never tucked in my shirts either... too much gut. Don't own a belt, never needed one! Maybe next year, hehe
  2. Yea, the fill package [$279] gets you a ride from the airport to the OCC to get your fill, then to the Lucerna, and then the next day back to the airport. The people who actually drive to TJ only pay $100 for the fluro and the fill's free [if you're banded at the OCC.]
  3. Another thing that I just thought of.... I know that I'm not drinking enough water. I know better, and I do like water but I'm gonna have to force myself to do better in that area. How's your water intake? I'm also hoping after I go back to work next month, I'll do better....
  4. Blend any soup you want, as long as you can drink it, it's allowed. Watch the salt though, some soups are really high in sodium. I took a piece of grilled chicken breast and blended it with cream of broc. soup and it was great! It was totally liquid and I heated it in the microwave. Some other bandsters mentioned those Bullet blenders, they say they're really good. I don't think that pulp in juice is gonna hurt you, unless it's chunks. There's alot of swelling in your stomach after surgery, so it takes some time for that to go down. Alot of bandsters have good restriction until they're first fills due to swelling. Best wishes, Darlene
  5. If you find out what works, please pass it on.... I've been at 188 for a month and a half. I can eat pretty much everything and takes alot to get me full. I can't wait till my 2nd fill on the 29th!! I feel your pain Kimmie, I know we'll get through this though!! When's your next fill?
  6. I don't know about gas pains, but I have to be very careful with bread cause it gets stuck. I can eat it, but I have to take small bites and chew really well. Alot of bandsters can't eat bread at all. Good luck!
  7. P.S. I don't think they'll do them WITHOUT fluro....
  8. The fill is free, but it's $100 for the fluro. I go on the 29th for my second fill,.... hopefully my last for awhile!
  9. I hear different answers to this question, but I'll give you mine... I also went alone in March to be banded. I checked into a room the night before [actually, early in the morning before] my surgery. I was told to check out and bring my things with me to the OCC. {I packed very little, only my basic nessecity's} The next day when I was released, I went back to the hotel and checked into a different room. Use a suitcase with wheels, it's a BIG help! No one touched my things, they were in my room at the OCC right where I left them before going into surgery. Hope this helps, anything else, just post! Best wishes, Darlene
  10. It's all about the poop Mona, it's ALL about the poop!!! P.S. Hope you and your sis are feeling better real soon! Best wishes, Darlene {AKA, Princess of Poo}
  11. stormy, I had trouble with financing too and finally got the loan through HFC [Household Finance Co.] I got turned down by the surgery financing co. and about 5 others. I know your frustration!! You're in my thoughts and prayers, Darlene
  12. I know that someone had posted on here about an anti-nausea medicine, but I can't remember what it was??!! I don't know if a motion sickness med. like Dramamine would work or not? I sure hope you feel better soon, best wishes, Darlene
  13. Have a nice visit Cathy..... see you when you get back!
  14. OMG Kimmie!!!! They are ALL gorgeous!!!!! I want to smooch 'em all!! A world of ((((((HUGS)))))))
  15. Congrats Cathy, you're doing great!! =D> =D> Keep up the good work!!
  16. OMG!!! THIS IS AWESOME!! :girl_haha: :lb16: Take 'em for everything they got!!
  17. It'll pick back up..... isn't solid food the BEST! =D>
  18. Yes, yes, yes.... walk, walk, walk and shop, shop, shop!!! Congrats honey!!
  19. Where's the pix of the new baby on the forum??? The Princess of Poo demands pictures!! My kitties, Bella, Binx, Bailey and Bettis send Hugs and Love to the new baby!
  20. I'm a computer idiot, so I don't have the TEAM CRAPTASTIC banner.... but I currently hold the title [proudly!] Princess of Poo. [i can't even post pictures, I read Mamamichelle's directions on how to do it, and to me, it's like reading another language!] Princesses don't have to be smart LOL
  21. I don't think you're getting enough calories, definately check with your Doc! Maybe it is the lack of protien, Dr. M didn't specify, she just changed my diet around a little and it helped. I worried I may pass out while driving or something. Let us know how you gals are!! Darlene
  22. :lb5: :lb9: :cheerleader: :lb10: :lb24: :lb21: Glad you're feeling good..... remember, walk and sip! Darlene
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