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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. Did I miss something?? Why are we supporting WillT? Not that I don't want to, I love to read his posts, he's so funny!! What's happened??
  2. AMEN Lori!!! All that hub-bub was very upsetting.... I need a hug :lb12:
  3. So glad that you're going back to see Dr. O, he'll get you through this!! =D> Please post and let us know how you're doing, Best wishes, Darlene
  4. I wouldn't have thought about low iron either. I take a daily vitamin, but if I try to take iron supplements, I have trouble going "#2".... :lb12:
  5. Wow Caroline, I never thought about the blood thinner! My injection site was OK, a little swelling, a little bruise but no itching or anything. I stopped the GB and will see if my bruises go away quicker. I wanted everyone to read this, to make sure they inform their Doc's of ALL meds they're taking, supplements and all. Hope your healing well?? Take care, Darlene
  6. Please post and let us know if you've spoke to your Doc...... we are ALL sincerely worried about you. Best wishes and lots of prayers,...Darlene
  7. I took my 11yr old with me in May to my first fill. She also LOVES to swim and swims in YMCA compititions. She really LOVED the pool at the Lucerna.... hopefully it's a little warmer for you gals. Best wishes, Darlene > P.S. Good luck with your fill!!
  8. :lb5: :lb10: :lb9: Glad to hear you're doing well!! Try to drink warm-room temp or hot drinks. Cold bothered me and gave me the shoulder & collar bone area pain. Try to sit up as straight as you can when sitting at the computer [or where ever.] Walk and sip is the best advice.... Take care!! Darlene
  9. Take care and walk and sip!! > Welcome to Band Land!! =D>
  10. Oh honey, please call your Doc!! That doesn't sound like food getting stuck.....
  11. He thinks it may be from the Ginkgo Biloba that I'm taking!!!??? Had no idea how much over-the-counter meds[supplements]can affect you and react with current meds you're taking. So please everyone, tell your Doc ANY supplements you are taking!! He said that GB can thin the blood causing you to bruise more easily and can make some people retain water. [i've had trouble lately with my hands and feet swelling and my weight fluxing] I mentioned that I'm taking Biotin and he said that was fine, that it wouldn't react with any meds I'M taking. I've told several bandsters on the forum about taking Biotin and never thought about possible reactions in people. So please, anyone taking the Biotin [for your hair] TELL YOUR DOC! The reason I posted this in the begining was because I STILL have bruising around my port incision. He said it'll take awhile for the GB to get out of my system and then the bruises should finally go away.
  12. "Would you like the Farting or Non Farting section?????"
  13. Much less food going in..... much less poo comming out!
  14. I don't know, but I do ALOT of both of them!!! I would guess that the farting is from all those good veggies that we're eating more of now. The burping..... every time I bend over, I burp!!
  15. The prayers are out there. May God watch over your Mom and help you all through this hard time in your lives. Best thoughts and wishes, Darlene
  16. I have a favorite pair of Levi's that I can't wait to get back into.... hopefully by Fall!! ALOT of my t-shirts are starting to fit me again [i'm a t-shirt and shorts- totally comfy kind of girl.] It is an awesome feeling getting into a smaller size!! :yes: Good for you Kimmie.... and shopping is sounding better to me all the time!
  17. :lb5: :lb11: :cheerleader: Have fun.... the drivers are nuts down there, aren't they????!!! Best wishes, Darlene
  18. Hi Paula, I'm scheduled for the 29th also, at noon. I'm paying 580 round trip from Pa. so I know what you mean about the prices!! I'm not sure what I'll be doing after this fill,... praying that airfare goes down!??? Hope to see you at the OCC!! Darlene
  19. I haven't noticed either of those problems. I really don't give my stomach a chance to growl [maybe once or twice since banding.... little kitty cat "meows".... ] I drink quite alot of water, no sloshing... yet???
  20. Congrats and welcome!! :lb9: :cheerleader: :party2:
  21. Hi Mona, I remember Dr. Romero saying that you should have NO restriction with fluids. They should go down smoothly. Are you getting enough water daily? It may take awhile for it to settle down, but make sure you're getting enough liquids!!
  22. Thanks again Michelle! I'll have to get me some and try it.
  23. Thanks Michelle! Did he say what the Bromeline does for you?I still have lots of fat, so I don't think it's from having a little less... I still have my surgery bruises. I don't go back to my family Doc till Dec., so I'll have to talk to the Doc at the OCC at the end of the month and see what he says. Now, the vitamin deficiency could be..... not doing too well with the daily vitamin either. My daughter usually reminds me.
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