I took tea bags [you can heat water in the coffee pot in the room] I'm a coffee drinker, but the first few days I wanted tea?? Anyways, I found that warm or hot drinks [room temp] felt better in my belly, cold drinks tended to kick up the shoulder \collarbone area pain. Suitcase with wheels is a blessing, especially is you're changing flights. If you get air sickness on planes, make sure you take Dramamine.... I forgot mine for the flight out and got so nausious :bad: They fixed me up at the OCC, but I felt horrible. They also gave me a couple Dram. for the flight home, bless their hearts! I know that you've read it on here a hundred times, but it is SO TRUE.... the more you move, the better you'll feel! You may not feel like moving, but make yourself!! Also, keep a bottle [i prefered room temp] water with you all the time and sip constantly! I went shopping on Rev. Ave the day after banding and carried a bottle with me and sipped. The hotel has 2 bottles in the room, but just call the front desk and they'll bring you more. I used it for my tea too. [Not sure of the safety of the drinking water down there... didn't want to take any chances.]
Is Hubby going with you?? Relax and enjoy your trip! Before you know it, you'll be posting your experiance Best wishes, Darlene