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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. You two look alot alike!! Awesome progress and congrats all around!!
  2. I was banded on 3-25 and unless I'm poking at my port, I don't even know it's there. I can feel it under my skin and tend to poke around and "feel" it and it is tender then. I know, I know... don't do that!!!
  3. How's that fill workin' for ya Mona???? Just curious, my second one's comming up!!
  4. I'm getting my second fill at the OCC on July 29th. Is anyone going that day???
  5. I did notice that when I'm out in the heat and humidity that I'll swell up too. I wonder why heat causes it??
  6. Hey there, how ya doing??? Nice pix of you and the wife! Chris says to tell you "Hi!" I have seen Boston Market dinners, but never bought them. I'll take a peek next time I go to the store. I'm gonna try to stay away from processed foods,... I've been doing pretty good, but in a pinch, I'll use them. Darlene
  7. The past few weeks, I noticed that if I eat something high in salt [usually something processed] my hands and feet swell like crazy!! Now I imagine that this happened when I was fatter, but didn't notice as much. I ate a few tortilla chips and salsa last night around 7pm and I still feel the swelling and it's been over 24hrs! I don't cook with salt and if I do salt my food, I use Morton Lite salt. I find myself looking more at sodium content in foods.... my gosh there's ALOT of salt in processed foods!! Does everyone have this "swelling" problem?? Is it just an "over-weight" issue??
  8. Great pix WillT!! I have to get off my lazy butt and get Hubby to help me post mine. I know NOTHING about computers
  9. Keep jumpnig up and down,... you'll get below 180 real quick! You're doing great, keep it up! You should be proud of yourself, no doubt about it!! :yes:
  10. Good job Paula, I think it'll make you feel better too! I've heard that it's supposed to be easier on your joints being in the water. There's a class in my town at the High school..... gotta get off my butt and go
  11. You look terrific!! :yes: Keep up the good work!!
  12. Hello and welcome to you and your daughter!! Are you being banded by Dr. O? If you browse through the forum, you will find testimonials of bandesters from Dr. O and other surgeons. Most here are Dr. O's patients, but not all. There are alot of great people here who'll help you through your worries and concerns. If you have any questions, just ask, we'll help you through!! I was banded on 3-25 and would do it again in a heartbeat!! Darlene
  13. Thanks for the post Jann, we all need reminders of how our band works. I do have one question, for anyone.... If we chew our food to liquid [which I still am not doing ] why is it so important to eat solids? I understand the vitamin part of it, making sure we get enough protien and all, but what is the difference of drinking a protien drink and chewing meat to liquid before swallowing? Wouldn't it pass through just as quickly? I'm not asking because I'm promoting "drinking meals", trust me, I'd much rather eat, but I wonder what the difference is???
  14. Thanks Julie..... it's one of those things... I knew what I meant but didn't know the name for it. :yes: I got the pain off and on but nothing exreme.
  15. Hey Mona!!! Best wishes on that fill!! I go July 29th for my second and am hoping for some decent restriction!! Have fun and best wishes!! Darlene
  16. Hello All!!! I have it booked for July 29th @ 12 noon. Just wondering who all I'll get to see??? > Hopfully this will give me some restriction!!! Fingers crossed!!
  17. Doc's say that the shoulder pain is trapped gas from surgery but I think alot of it is pain from your actual surgery. The pain is from your stomach being banded and swollen, but it feels as if it's in your shoulder and collarbone area. When I'd drink cold stuff I noticed that that pain would get worse and when I drank warm, it soothed it. It is very common, but I've read that a few bandsters never got it! I never used my spriometer [and I have asthma] but they gave me breathing treatments before and after surgery. They give you a spriometer at the OCC to take home with you. It's nice that you have a friend to go with you.... are you going shopping??? Do keep us informed!! <' /> Best wishes, Darlene
  18. Dearest Jim, I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I can't begin to imagine what you and your family are going through. The prayers are said and will continue. Bless you and your entire family, Much Love and support, Darlene Harris
  19. I took tea bags [you can heat water in the coffee pot in the room] I'm a coffee drinker, but the first few days I wanted tea?? Anyways, I found that warm or hot drinks [room temp] felt better in my belly, cold drinks tended to kick up the shoulder \collarbone area pain. Suitcase with wheels is a blessing, especially is you're changing flights. If you get air sickness on planes, make sure you take Dramamine.... I forgot mine for the flight out and got so nausious :bad: They fixed me up at the OCC, but I felt horrible. They also gave me a couple Dram. for the flight home, bless their hearts! I know that you've read it on here a hundred times, but it is SO TRUE.... the more you move, the better you'll feel! You may not feel like moving, but make yourself!! Also, keep a bottle [i prefered room temp] water with you all the time and sip constantly! I went shopping on Rev. Ave the day after banding and carried a bottle with me and sipped. The hotel has 2 bottles in the room, but just call the front desk and they'll bring you more. I used it for my tea too. [Not sure of the safety of the drinking water down there... didn't want to take any chances.] Is Hubby going with you?? Relax and enjoy your trip! Before you know it, you'll be posting your experiance Best wishes, Darlene
  20. I'm flying from Pa., so mine cost more. I pd 580 for round trip and I'm flying out of a small airport and changing planes in Ohio [and will do the same on return.] I also have about an hour layover. It would be cheaper if I flew out of Pitts., but don't want the extra drive time. I can't believe some of the prices!! :shok:
  21. I just made an appt. to get my second fill on July 29th..... anyone else going that day?? I'm gonna get the fill package and get the transportation and stay over night at the Lucerna. I'll be going it alone this time, gosh airfare's are ridiculous!! I checked CHEAP TICKETS, ORBITZ, PRICELINE, YAHOO TRAVEL, SMART FARES, EXPEDIA, AMERICAN, BOOKING BUDDY and a few others and I ended up booking straight through Delta and it was cheaper!! Southwest only fly's out of Pittsburgh and I didn't want to drive down there.
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