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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. Did you have any restriction after your second fill? From what I've heard, losing a little fluid isn't unusual.
  2. I also got 1.8 for my first fill and now feel nothing I'm looking into going on July 29th, spending the night at the Lucerna and flying back on the 30th. I'll probably get the package deal and I'll be going alone. Unless someone else is going????
  3. Congrats on your decision!! You won't regret it, believe me!! I felt the same way after my flight was booked.... OMG, this IS gonna happen!! :girl_dance: Is Hubby going with you? I went by myself, Hubby had to stay home with our daughter. If he is going with you, he'll [and you'll] be very pleased with the OCC! My family went back down with me for my first fill and we had a good time. Remember.... WALK, WALK, WALK AND SIP, SIP, SIP!!! Best wishes, Darlene
  4. Too bad the OCC couldn't be affiliated with an airline to get us good rates!! There's a good suggestion... any chance of something like that??!!
  5. I have thought about that too..... OMG could I put away the food!! I could eat a 12in Subway loaded sub, a small bag of chips and a soda. Not even a half hour later I could eat a huge bowl of ice cream [or whatever desert was around!] Just before I got banded, I joked that my meal time's were my "feeding time"! Like I was some kind of huge animal in a Zoo! Food ran my life and in a smaller way, it still does. I know that I have to be REALLY careful because I could SO easily go back to my old ways. Food speaks to me and I'm learning to tune it out! P.S. Kittycat, you go girl!!
  6. That's an interesting thought???? I guess it's one of those things, if it IS psychological and it's working, who would want to "fix" it? :-? :scratch_one-s_head:
  7. My surgery was done on 3-25 and my port is still a little tender. I can feel it pretty easily, but it hurts a bit if I poke around too long. Everyone's different, but I wouldn't worry about a problem unless it's really red, hot and swollen. Make sure you call Doc if it does! I emailed Dr. O about 2 weeks post op because I had a tugging pain in my port area, felt like tugging from INSIDE, and he emailed me back and said it was normal for the healing process and it would ease in a few days, which it did. Try warm to hot drinks instead of icy ones. Cold drinks made my shoulder and collar bone area ache, warm or hot seemed to soothe the pain. Best wishes, Darlene
  8. It's different with each person. You may be able to tolerate breads and pasta but may not be able to eat chicken. I could eat everything before my first fill, but I did PB once because I ate chicken real fast and didn't chew well. If you don't have swelling around your band and you eat small bites and chew well, you shouldn't have a problem. Just take it slow, I got full really quickly when I first started solids. Good luck and best wishes, Darlene P.S. No drinking while eating..... really, don't do it right from the start!! [it's a hard habit to break!!]
  9. Mines tighter in the AM, then I can eat alot later in the day.
  10. Everyone goes through a case of nerves before their journey begins! I was the same way for months before my surgery. This forum is THE BEST, everyone's so supportive! Make sure you post after your surgery and let us know how you are!! Best wishes, Darlene P.S. Tell everyone at the OCC the "forum" say's HI!!
  11. Kim, Did you ask about getting a partial refund? I sure would!! I don't blame you for being upset, that's alot of money! I got my FIRST fill at the OCC and got 1.8cc and unfortunatly THAT isn't enough restriction, I can still eat alot of just about everything. I'm trying to get the funds scraped together and go back..... flights are outrageous!! Good luck Kim, I sure hope they do right by you! Darlene
  12. You're going to be in the best hands and there are no worries going to Mexico. Don't go anywhere by yourself or after dark and you'll be fine. Any concerns, just post them and we'll help you through. :lb10: Darlene P.S. GO STEELERS!!!! :cheerleader:
  13. It sure looks like you lost more than 18lbs.! :lb24: :lb10: :cheerleader: :yes: AWESOME!!!
  14. What KIND of surgery did you have????!!!! P.S. Ask Chad, he'll help you out.
  15. I just had popcorn last night with no problem. [i was banded 3-25, first fill 5-29] I chewed it really well and had about 1 and a half cups. Hope that helped! Darlene P.S. No regrets,... would do it again in a minute!
  16. That's great! =D> I'm hoping to get one here in Pa. too. I'm a little worried though, he's new to lap banding and does his fills blind. I had my first fill at the OCC and wish I could afford to keep going there. I have sent my paper work into Hubby's insurance and am hoping they'll reimburse us at least part of it. If they do, I'm definetly going back th the OCC! Good luck with your fill and keep us updated on how it goes, Darlene :yes:
  17. NEVER a stupid question..... actually, that's a great question.... never thought about that!! How many people on the forum have 4cc in their bands? How's your restriction???
  18. No words to describe how CUTE, OMG!! And I mean all 3 of you, not just the babies!
  19. You're a stronger woman than me!!!!! I could have NEVER sat there and let him poke around that long! I'd have been soaked in sweat and probably passed out! :shok: [i'm a sissy though!] Anyways.... how's your restriction? Keep up the GREAT work and keep us updated. Best wishes, Darlene
  20. I'd be frustrated too!! No wonder they make you pay up front.... you'll probably be going to them for 2 or 3 years to get your proper fill!! That's alot of money though.... will they give you a partial refund if you leave now?? Bless you Kimmie, you've come so far! :yes: I hope it all works out! Best wishes, Darlene
  21. Hello Donna, :lb9: and tell your Hubby that he's the best!! That kind of support system is so important right now, tell him we're SO proud! I think all kinds of questions come to mind when you're in the early stages of getting lap band surgery. Like another bandster said, keep a pad and pen handy and jot down anything that comes to mind. When I started looking into lap band with Dr. O, I spoke to Carolyn and she was so helpful! You'll find that everyone at the OCC is.... I wish I lived out West!! Feel free to post any concerns on the forum, there are alot of awesome people on here who'll be there for you. I chose not to tell people that I had this done, so this forum is my bandster family. I lean on them alot and they've helped me through some rough struggles! :yes: Best wishes!! Darlene
  22. Too cute..... as I sit here pising my coffee!!!
  23. AWESOME!! =D> =D> =D> Congrats to you and keep up the good work! :yes: I'm hoping when I get my second fill that I'll find my sweet spot.... fingers crossed!
  24. I didn't have any hiccup issues, but the big, big burps, I did and still do! I let them roll too, I'm not holding them back. I excuse my self over and over..... but it feels so good to let them out!! I have heard of many bandsters that have hiccup issues early on.
  25. WOW Cedar!! Congrats in a GIANT way!! =D> You should be very, very proud of yourself! [i'm not being a smarta$$ either, I truely mean that!!] > I have to admitt, I'm one of the cheaters. No sense in hiding [no where TO hide, LOL] This was a big change for me, for all of us, and I'm doing much better now. Live and learn and I've learned to work WITH my band instead of against it. Again, CONGRATS!! :yes: Darlene
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