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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. Thank you everyone, I really appreciate all your support!! =D> We've all had a rough road and I for one am ready for some smooth sailing!!
  2. Cool!! Getting 2cc in your band for a first fill is awesome! Can you feel it when you drink? I got 1.8cc and I now have very little restriction Good luck and please keep us updated!!
  3. OMG..... 170's!!!! It's been awhile since I saw that on my scale!! :lb12: You'll be there in no time at the rate you're going! You have an awesome attitude, keep it up!!! =D>
  4. Hello iamworthit!!! :lb9: Congrats on your decision, it's the best one I ever made!!! > , Darlene
  5. Thanks Michelle....... what I know about computers could fit in a thimble!!
  6. Something doesn't sound right?????? The OCC should be liable for the cost. I could see if you'd gotten fills somewhere else and they messed up. HMMMMMM..... please keep us updated!
  7. Dolittle had a post in Jan. that I photo copied called "increase your chances of a good fill". I looked back and couldn't find it in the posts. [My computer skills suck!] Anyways,.. 1. Be sure your very well hydrated, have plenty to drink on your flight in. 2. Do not have solids for at least 6 hrs. before the fill. Don't eat a huge dinner the night before. In some cases, food can still be in the pouch for 12 or more hours. ANY food in the pouch will make it impossible to give a good fill, or to get a good fluoro. 3. Don't drink COLD fluids for an hour before the fill. That will shrink your stoma and give a false fluoro reading and a poor fill. Room temp is fine. 4. Avoid getting a fill during a menstrual periodor a few days before an expected one. Women tend to retain water around that time and the fluoro will not be as accurate and the fill will not be either. 5. If possible, hang around for at least a few hours after your fill. It takes the the normal swelling after a fill 1-2 hrs. to develope, and by that time you may be too tight and need to come back. Better yet, if possible, stay overnight. This is only a portion of the post, but the important "before fill rules" Hope that helps! > Dolittle, if you're reading this, maybe you can post this again and pin it?
  8. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH real food!!! :shok: Great to hear you're doing well..... keep sippin' and walkin'! >
  9. I haven't changed my bra size yet but that's great! I HATE a tight, uncomfortable bra! I totally go for comfort when I buy them. Congrats!! >
  10. Hello All!! I was banded on 3-25 and my name was iwantbanded. I have now [finally! ] changed it to fat2nrml. I was always fat, and now I just want to be "normal". I want to take a minute and thank everyone on this forum for helping me out when I needed it, you'll never know how much I appreciate it! I chose [so far] not to tell but a few people about my surgery so I really lean on you guys. Now I'll have to get off my lazy butt and learn how to put up my weight loss info. I suck! Hubby will have to help. Thanks again everyone! Hugs and Love, Darlene P.S. I weighed 214 at the begining and now weigh 188!
  11. Blazn you should be VERY PROUD of yourself!! =D> :lb24: :lb10: :cheerleader: You look awesome! :yes:
  12. Did you ever have your band checked with flouro? Definetly call your Doc and let him or her know, you should have it checked out. Best wishes, Darlene
  13. Just suck on them instead of chewing them.... they slowly melt and won't get stuck in your braces. :good2:
  14. Just eat the steak or chicken really slow and chew very well. You should be able to eat it, just not as much as before. [That's what I'm hoping for with my next fill.] Good luck!!
  15. I started taking my daughter's vitamin..... Flinstones sour gummies! They're really good, an adult needs to take 2. I chew them and let them melt in my mouth. They're not super sour like sour patch kids, just a little bit. GOOD!!
  16. It seems everyone goes through a stalled stage, I stalled for over 3 weeks and just began to lose again.
  17. Your port is about 3 inches below your port incision [the largest incision.] That's where doc stuck me for my fill. I think the 10 cm is describing the band itself, not how much saline it'll hold. I'm sure that it holds 4cc. :-h
  18. I've actually wondered that myself..... I went to my local Doc the other day and hadn't told him I was getting the Lap band. He started examining me and it was running through my mind... "Should I say something?" He mentioned that I must be hungry cause my belly was growling [i had eaten baby carrots before I left the house and I think he was hearing them passing] He then told me to lie down and was pushing around on my belly and very quickly made a face and said "OH!" I then said "Oh ya, I got the Lap band!! Forgot to mention it to ya!" We went through the whole story.... when, where and WHAT?! I think he was a little shocked about the Mexico part! Told him about Dr. O, the OCC and told him to look on the website. He was nice about it all, told me to make sure I get follow up care [which I'm working on locally.] I've never had gallbladder problems, that I know of.
  19. I used cash to shop, I was afraid to use credit I tipped the hotel staff a buck or 2 and gave the driver 5. I didn't tip the cabbies...???? I kept cash in my pockets, I separated it and carried a very small purse with a little cash also. There's all sorts of stuff on Rev. Ave. "Designer" purses, every kind of jewelry imaginable, touristy stuff, clothes,.. you name it. There are pharmacy's every couple feet! Make sure you bargain, never give them what they ask for!! Have fun!! :yes:
  20. So glad to hear you're OK Caroline!! =D> And many thanks to Jme to letting us know how you were! The OCC just amazes me more and more.... the care that they give their patients is unheard of in the States. P.S. I am doing well, just trying real hard to stick with my diet, eat slow and not drink while eating. Keep us updated!! <' />
  21. Like they said, don't go anywhere after dark OR alone. I was leery and always looking around but nothing bad happened. I was a little startled by the Police down there. They ride around in full gear on the back of pick up trucks , rifles and all. The one shop owner said "they're OK, they're the good guys, they're here to protect you!!" With all the people on Revolution Ave., there was no "feeling" that you were unsafe. Relax and enjoy Mexico!! :yes:
  22. I take Biotin for my hair, but it's supposed to be good for skin and nails too. [Not sure how though] I have fine hair and was afraid to lose any so I started Biotin about a month or so preop. Banded on 3-25 and so far, no hair loss, except of course the normal loss. :yes:
  23. Funny thing is, I'm not a real big chocolate eater! I ate more of the roasted nuts, caramel and pretzels. Standing in the same place all day with all that in front of you is sooooo hard! I'll go back to work in August sometime and I'm NOT looking forward to it. It'll be a real test of my will power.... I've been doing pretty good lately.
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