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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM pastry :shok: [droooooollllll!] P.S. Your youtubes are so cute!!
  2. I sure hope you're feeling better Kris!! >
  3. I've had it with no problems. I make mine in the oven with the onion soup mix..... makes awesome gravy. I haven't had it since my fill though.....
  4. I work for a chocolate factory!! I work on the line that enrobes things in chocolate, like all the nuts and pretzel rods and twists. We make speciality items also like s'mores and they are working on making chocolate covered blueberries... OMG are they good, I tried some of the sample runs last year. That's not the worst part of working there, the worst part is... from the day you start working there, you are told that you can eat whatever you want, as much as you want, you just can take it off the floor!!! [Like to the breakroom or home.] I've been there 2 years and gained 55lbs!!! And I have summers off!! We make all holiday candies, different sized Easter eggs [up to 5lbs.!] Dark chocolate, milk chocolate and we have our own chef that makes caramel, marshmallow and all the cremes and nogout[?] from scratch!! :lb12: I used to take banana's in and run them through the enrober on the days we did peanut butter on one enrober and chocolate on the other. :cray:
  5. I've had one fill so far on 5-29 and need another [trying to get the funds together to go back to the OCC] I have 1.8 now.... wonder what my sweet spot will be??? :scratch_one-s_head:
  6. Happy to hear that all's well!! :lb9: :cheerleader:
  7. UH- OH!!! Here comes Doolittle :whistle3:
  8. Don't be afraid to drink your water, it won't stretch your pouch. You really need it and you don't want to get dehydrated. Try a little bigger drinks than you've been taking, it slips right through, you may even be able to feel it. I'm a water drinker too, don't like flavored stuff, just plain H2O! I'm going for a glass right now.... P.S. I think it's 15 min. before eating....
  9. They can tell port flip under fluro [doc said at my first fill]........... that's when I met you and your hubby! > I don't know about band slippage, but I think it can come from being very ill and vomiting alot. There was one lady here on the forum who had surgery after she was banded and kept throwing up afterwards and her band slipped. She had to have surgery again and have her band and part of her stomach removed. She was recently re-banded by Dr. O!!! P.S. Your questions aren't dumb... the unknown is scarey!
  10. Suzanna, I'm sending prayers, hugs and best wishes!!! Are ya feeling the love??!! > You'll do just fine and will be in the best hands. Relax and enjoy and get an eye full of the Doc's.... :heat: Keep walkin' and sippin' and you'll do just fine! Darlene
  11. Won't they pull out your fill to see how much you have before they fill you? I thought they try to keep track to see if any saline is "disappearing" I think telling him that you got 2 would be good, it's the truth, and just go from there. Good luck and let us know how it goes! Fingers crossed for you :yes:
  12. Yes, that is a great idea and I love bracelets! I'll have to start looking for one I like and check out charms. AWESOME!
  13. That's awesome Mona!! :superstition: I have 4 kittys of my own and love them dearly. Someone is watchen out for her, after 3 years of being sick and now all's well???!!!! It's Brudder to the rescue!! :yes:
  14. I just heard on the news that they lifted the ban on tomatoes in Pa. I'm still gonna wait ahile before buying them again.... I SO love tomatoes!!!
  15. I never had that kind of feeling... been banded since 3-25. Send Dr. O an email and ask him. They're really good at getting right back to you, they'll help you out! =D> :lb11:
  16. I've only had one fill, but I'm alos tighter in the AM. I've read alot of bandsters that have the same thing. After a cup of coffee or tea they may start loosening a little. Some drink their protein for breakfast cause they can't eat early. [i'm not that tight.... yet!] I would think it would be OK unless you can't even drink liquids.
  17. If you over eat solids, you can stretch your pouch. Also, Dr. R said that if you drink while eating you can stretch it. The food will be sitting on top of the band, slowly going through and if you drink on top of it, it causes pressure and pushes out on your pouch which can cause it to stretch. Did that help or did I totally confuse you??? Darlene
  18. Maybe I'll try cutting up my food first... I'll try anything to avoid PBing again! [Throat's still a little sore this morning!] I'm alway's in such a hurry at feeding time and I have to learn to slow down. It's like when I see the food, I can't get it on my plate and shoveled in my face fast enough. Sucks!
  19. I had that too, it feels like something getting caught under the edge of your rib? It happened alot to me at first, now it "catches" every once in a while. Not sure what it is.... I figured it was from the swelling? Also, your actual port isn't right under your incision, it's about 3 in. below it. That's where Doc stuck me for my fill.
  20. Hello Beth and welcome!! Most of us here were banded or going to be banded by the OCC Doc's. If you want you can pm me and I'll answer any questions you have! > Darlene
  21. Thank you for your replys! > I called my hubbies insurance before I even scheduled my surgery at the OCC and they said his policy doesn't cover any weight loss surgery. But I read on the forum [here] that others had the same situation, their insurance didn't cover WLS and had turned their surgery into their insurance and they got reimbursed some or most of the costs. I'm going to try, like you said, maybe they'll give me back for the testing. Thanks again and anyone out there in a similar situation, I'll post what happens. Darlene
  22. Best wishes!! Remeber.... walk, walk, walk and sip, sip, sip!!!!! >
  23. Hello everyone! I've read in the past that some bansters turned their surgery into their insurance and they got part or all reimbursed. I was wondering what insurance you have? I have Anthem Blue Coss Blue Shield. I know that insurances vary alot, but wondered if anyone else had it and turned their surgery in. I'm gathering my info. [any help with that would be greatly appreciated, what all do I need??] I'm gonna try, hopefully I'll get some back, Momma needs another fill!! Thanks everyone!! Much love, Darlene
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