I work for a chocolate factory!! I work on the line that enrobes things in chocolate, like all the nuts and pretzel rods and twists. We make speciality items also like s'mores and they are working on making chocolate covered blueberries... OMG are they good, I tried some of the sample runs last year. That's not the worst part of working there, the worst part is... from the day you start working there, you are told that you can eat whatever you want, as much as you want, you just can take it off the floor!!! [Like to the breakroom or home.] I've been there 2 years and gained 55lbs!!! And I have summers off!! We make all holiday candies, different sized Easter eggs [up to 5lbs.!] Dark chocolate, milk chocolate and we have our own chef that makes caramel, marshmallow and all the cremes and nogout[?] from scratch!! :lb12:
I used to take banana's in and run them through the enrober on the days we did peanut butter on one enrober and chocolate on the other. :cray: