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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. Mamamichelle says she uses the breath strips right after she starts feeling full and then she doesn't want to go back to eating. I thought that was a good idea! =D>
  2. I have never carried a barf bag with me,... thank goodness my 2 episodes happened at home. I did make sure there was one on the plane on the way home from my first fill. I tend to get air-queezy and was worried. [Nothing happened though!] OMG, I can't imagine doing that 1 or 2 times a day!! My stomach and throat still hurt from the pizza episode yesterday!! Maybe when I'm "nicely" filled I'll start carrying a bag. I'm having ALOT of trouble re-learning how to eat. I've always been a super fast eater and I know that it's going to be a hard habit to break. WillT, you wouldn't happen to be a trouble maker, would you??!! :yes:
  3. Glad to hear that you're bouncing back. I wasn't hungry for a little over week or so. I felt bloaty and I didn't have a BM until the 6th day post op. [Pay attention to that, it can get VERY uncomfortable!] Take care of yourself and keep us updated!!
  4. Tomatoes are a no-no in Pa. also. The only ones that they're okaying are grape and on-the-vine ones. [i don't know why though] I sure hope you feel better soon, bless your heart!! Take care and keep us updated. Darlene
  5. I PB'd pizza yesterday and my stomach muscles and my throat are sore today. I was shoveling it in, too fast and not chewing well. :lb12: Live and learn!! :yes:
  6. I think that's the Betadine [?] that orangey-brown germ killing stuff. It does stain pretty bad and stuck with me for a few weeks!
  7. Awesome Kim!! Looks like you all had a really great time!! :good2:
  8. I clipped mine off with nail clippers when it was lifting off. I didn't pick or pull at it [i'm not a scab picker either] but when it was lifted away from my skin I'd clip it so it wouldn't catch on my clothes. Mine took about 3 weeks total to come completely off.
  9. Hang in there Suananna, believe me, I KNOW it's hard! :lb12: I, myself, consider PBing as throwing up. I had an episode yesterday and it wasn't pretty. I've had one fill so far and have very little restriction. If I could give ANY advice to new-to-be bandsters it would be..... learn ahead of time how to eat small bites and chew thoroughly and practice at every meal! I didn't relearn how to eat ahead of time and am now paying for it. I still eat very fast and don't chew well. I had a slice of Pizza last night and ate it too fast and it got stuck. OMG does it hurt!! My mouth watered like mad and I was leaning over the sink heeving for 5 minutes. [TMI but] foamy slime and bits of pizza came up. Now my stomach muscles hurt today and I broke little blood vessels around my eyes. No fun, let me tell ya! I didn't have to quit smoking or drinking before surgery, but I do understand addiction and I know it's really hard. Keep reminding yourself of the outcome :i-m_so_happy: Best wishes, Darlene
  10. I did take the Phazyme and it worked for me. They're gel caps so they go down smoothly. I know everyone repeats this over and over, but it's true, the more you walk, the better. My house is open down stairs and I walked in a big circle over and over. I forgot to mention also, I'm a sloucher and when I slouched it was more uncomfortable. I learned to sit up straighter and it seemed to relieve some of the discomfort. Hope you're feeling better!! :yes:
  11. He probably wanted to make sure you were safe. There are some shadey goings-on down there.... better safe than sorry! Best wishes, Darlene
  12. Awesome Cathy!!! Glad you're OK! :lb9: :lb10: :lb21: :lb24: :cheerleader: Take care, Darlene
  13. P.S. Did you Poo??? That can be another reason... I didn't go till the 6th day post op. :lb12:
  14. Hi Angela, Have you tried taking Phayzime for the gas? Gas X strips didn't work for me. The bloatness [ ] lasted about 11 or 12 days for me... like you said, not really pain, just discomfort. Do you have the shoulder pain too? I had that off and on and lasted a little longer than the bloating. Warm to hot drinks soothed me, my favorite is hot tea. Good luck and best wishes, Darlene
  15. I also think you'll be safe,... are you catching a cab to the OCC? Wish I could go with you!!
  16. YYYYYYAAAAAAAA!!!! =D> :lb24: :lb21: :lb10: :lb13: :lb16: :cheerleader: :dance4: Keep up the GREAT work!!
  17. Good luck with your fill!!! Please let us know how it goes... I need my second fill soon!! :yes: Best wishes, Darlene
  18. There are guys on just about every street corner on Revolution Ave. that have donkeys painted like Zebras and you pay them to take a photo with it. Personally, I feel sorry for the poor animals! :lb12:
  19. Let us know how your fill feels after you first eat.... fingers crossed for your sweet spot!!! :yes:
  20. Bless your heart Cathy!! > We'll be waiting to hear from you!! Best wishes, Darlene
  21. Bargain with the shop owners, don't give them what they ask for. You can get "name" brand purses, jewelry and everyone goes crazy over their pure vanilla, they sell it everywhere. There are pharmacy's every couple of shops. They sell prescription drugs over the counter down there. [didn't get any though] Make sure you go with friends, I wouldn't go anywhere alone down there. Even the Hotel staff will tell you to be in before dark. [They told us that anyways] Have fun, we sure did! Try the resturante in the lobby, it's really good! =D>
  22. I'm sure your weight gain is water weight. I don't know about you, but when I'm out in the heat, my fingers and feet swell really bad! :lb12: I'll bet the heat and that time of the month that it's water weight. :yes:
  23. You were told to eat after your "FIRST" fill?? :lb12: I was told to wait 3 days to eat after my first! ( He said after my second fill I'd eat right after to test it. My luck....
  24. At the OCC they encourage you to eat after your second fill to "test" it. I got my first fill recently and had to do liquids for 3 days. :lb12: Best wishes, Darlene
  25. I had my first fill 11 days ago and have very little restriction. I'd also like another fill, but going back to Mexico right now is out of the question. I haven't been on the scale lately because I know I'm over eating. Have you had any fills by the OCC? I have 1.8 right now and need a little more.... Hopefully soon..... :lb12: Best wishes, Darlene
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