Hang in there Suananna, believe me, I KNOW it's hard! :lb12: I, myself, consider PBing as throwing up. I had an episode yesterday and it wasn't pretty. I've had one fill so far and have very little restriction. If I could give ANY advice to new-to-be bandsters it would be..... learn ahead of time how to eat small bites and chew thoroughly and practice at every meal! I didn't relearn how to eat ahead of time and am now paying for it. I still eat very fast and don't chew well. I had a slice of Pizza last night and ate it too fast and it got stuck. OMG does it hurt!! My mouth watered like mad and I was leaning over the sink heeving for 5 minutes. [TMI but] foamy slime and bits of pizza came up. Now my stomach muscles hurt today and I broke little blood vessels around my eyes. No fun, let me tell ya!
I didn't have to quit smoking or drinking before surgery, but I do understand addiction and I know it's really hard. Keep reminding yourself of the outcome :i-m_so_happy: Best wishes, Darlene