Right there with you Mona! I didn't have the best childhood and all that but I really don't think that's why I love food. I can think about the taste of a certain food, and I can be full or just not hungry and still eat that food! I can honestly say that there isn't much food [that I've tried] that I DON'T like. I do eat when I'm bored and all, but I eat to eat, simple as that. I want the taste of food and lots of it. Now, what do I do from here? How could a therapist help me? How could he or she help me stop compulsive over eating? [And again, I want to say that I'm not being a smarta$$, I'm truley looking for answers.] I think I'll donate my brain [or the lack there of] to science after my death for study to see if I [or over weight people in general] have some kind of glitch that "normal" people don't have.
P.S. I ordered that book by Roth, "Breaking free from compulsive eating" from Amazon.com