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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. You look awesome too.... I was on Michelle's post and told her the same thing. You BOTH are lovely ladies!! Be proud!! =D>
  2. It is 3 meals a day with no snacks. 1200 cals a day with moderate exercise will take off the pounds :yes:
  3. You look awesome Michelle..... I hope I can soon get my crap together and do as well!!
  4. I took the broccholi [?] cheese soup and put it in a blender with a grilled chicken breast and blended it to liquid. I LOVED it! I didn't do it every day, but I was having trouble getting enough protein and the shakes lose their appeal after a few days! My first "real" food after surgery was chicken and mashed potatos. I didn't eat a whole lot, got full quick, but it was so good!!
  5. On the private jet note,... COUNT ME IN TOO!!! I need another fill [got 1.8 eleven days ago] and can eat everything including bread. :lb20:
  6. When I went for my first fill last week, doc said he can tell right away with the fluro if the port flipped. [That's one reason I wanted to go back to the OCC for at least my first fill, I wanted to make sure all was well.] And it is, thank goodness!! >
  7. They said it all..... the suitcase with wheels is a biggy!! It's a pain lugging a bag around if you're flying far. [i had to change planes so it was hard.... I DIDN'T have wheels!] Relax and have a good time in Mexico. If you go to revolution Ave. make sure you bargain with the shop owners, DO NOT GIVE THEM THE PRICE THEY ASK! I got a Coach purse for my daughter and they wanted $75 and I got it for $30. Pretend to walk away and the price comes down FAST! Best wishes, Darlene
  8. I've been there.... that's why I did the post of "Eating waaaayyyyy too much!" I can't figure it out either, I really wish I knew! It's almost like a panic-ed feeling, like if I don't hurry and eat this, the world's gonna end! :lb20:
  9. You should be OK.... I know what you went through and boy does it hurt!! :lb12: How much salad did you eat? You were probably feeling the tightness because of the swelling. Does you stomach still hurt\ache? If so, maybe go with clear liquids tomorrow and let it rest. Best wishes, Darlene
  10. Hello tlag, Look on page 5 under "port incision draining" and read Carolines story. I don't think her port flipped... not sure though.
  11. Best wishes Denise!! Tell everyone at the OCC we say"HI!" > :-h :good3:
  12. Jayme, thanks for the update on Caroline I've been worried about her!! > Make sure you send her our well wishes until she feels up to comming back on the forum. :yes: Darlene
  13. Right there with you Mona! I didn't have the best childhood and all that but I really don't think that's why I love food. I can think about the taste of a certain food, and I can be full or just not hungry and still eat that food! I can honestly say that there isn't much food [that I've tried] that I DON'T like. I do eat when I'm bored and all, but I eat to eat, simple as that. I want the taste of food and lots of it. Now, what do I do from here? How could a therapist help me? How could he or she help me stop compulsive over eating? [And again, I want to say that I'm not being a smarta$$, I'm truley looking for answers.] I think I'll donate my brain [or the lack there of] to science after my death for study to see if I [or over weight people in general] have some kind of glitch that "normal" people don't have. P.S. I ordered that book by Roth, "Breaking free from compulsive eating" from Amazon.com
  14. Awesome Mona, I know you were upset..... 3lbs is great!!! =D> Hopefully I'll soon to follow [i haven't been on the scale, too scared!]
  15. Tell George to just take it easy on you!!! :yes:
  16. The OCC did switch back to the Lucerna. I was there for my surgery and again 10 days ago for my first fill.... you won't be disappointed! The staff are great and [i think] the hotel is beautiful. Try the tortilla soup from the resturante in the lobby, OMG it's yummy!!
  17. Fudgesicles too... Dr. M said I could have them and also don't worry about sugar free as you're getting so few cals.[ I won't eat or drink anything with artificial sweetners,... YUCK!!] But it was nice having fudgesicles, I love 'em!
  18. I've been banded since 3-25 and never cut any of my meds. I've swallowed caplets, capsules and tablets and didn't have any problems. :yes:
  19. Michelle..... hmmm, I seem to remember a Michelle..... Just busten your chops, Welcome back honey!!! We sure missed ya!! >
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