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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. Maybe throw in some salad greens, you might not be getting enough calories. Drink lots of water too.
  2. Hi Lauren, I got my first fill on Thurs. Do you feel restriction? I haven't really ate anything yet, applesauce and a few bites off a muffin. When I drink my coffee in the morning I feel stuffed for about 2 hours. I feel good though, a little shoulder discomfort.
  3. I can understand what you're going through, I stopped losing weight weeks ago [banded 3-25.] I had my first fill on Thurs. and I'm still on liquids. I hope that it jump starts my weight loss! When I had my fill, Laurie [i met her at the OCC, we were banded the same day] watched my fill. He had me drink the barium and it went right through. He gave me 1.8cc and I drank again and it chugged through slower. Laurie drank her first sip of barium and it chugged through, it didn't go straight through like mine did. He put 1.5cc in her band and she drank again and in went through slower. Everyone is different and will need different fill levels. I made sure that I drank ALOT of water the day of my fill, kept myself hydrated. Don't get discouraged, you have alot on your plate right now [no pun intended.] I wish you all the best with your Mom and try to relax and work with your band. We're not all going to lose fast and I've accepted that. We'll get there though!! > Take care of YOURSELF, and keep us updated! :lb18: Darlene
  4. So glad to hear that all went well!! Definetly keep walking and sipping. You may feel like you don't want to move, but it actually helps alot!! Keep us updated and enjoy Mexico!
  5. We got home late last night and I was thinking about you! Let us know how you're doing since your surgery. Tell George "Hello" from us. So nice meeting you both, please keep in touch!! Best wishes, Darlene & family >
  6. How are you doing Tammy???? I was looking for a post since you've been banded..... I hope you're feeling OK! My first fill so far is OK. I will test it later today. I plan on keeping it simple though, I'm going to make some chic noodle soup and take it easy. I notice that I feel full just by a cup of coffee.... for now anyways. I'm so glad I don't feel the really over-tight restriction that some bandsters feel, I can drink without any problems.
  7. I'm such a numb-nut,... I didn't log in under my name!! Sorry deparis!! This is Darlene AKA iwantbanded. It was great meeting you too Tammy & George! Make sure you post how you're doing tomorrow after your surgery!! =D> Take care, Darlene
  8. See you there..... Getting ready to go catch my plane for my first fill!!! Darlene
  9. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA+++++++++++++++++++++ :lb24: :lb10: :good2: :dance3:
  10. Thanks Lora, I guess I'll keep my fingers crossed. She swims in compititions so she's used to cool water. I hope that it's at least warm outside. Thanks also for the luck on my fill.... hope it works cause I can eat almost everything in large amounts :lb12:
  11. I guess I thought since it was hot in the west that Mexico would get hot too :lb12: Hopefully Mikayla can swimm a little anyways... I don't think I'll be displaying myself either... that could get ugly! :pilot: LOL! Thanks all!
  12. Thanks Dolittle, hopefully it'll get up into the mid-70's.... Here in Pa. it's been in the 80's with some humidity, so I was hopeful that the weather in TJ was just as nice. Darlene
  13. :lb14: :lb10: :lb9: :cheerleader: Awesome!! Glad all's well, Darlene
  14. :lb5: :lb9: :cheerleader: :lb10: :lb24: TAAAA DAAAA!!! Darlene
  15. :lb24: :lb21: :lb10: :lb9: :cheerleader: :good3: WELCOME!!! Darlene
  16. A friend of mine suggested that I freeze some grapes and pop a few of them from time to time. Try it, they're great!
  17. My daughter and hubby are comming with for my fill. Mikayla's soooo looking forward to swimming at the Lucerna. How's the weather in TJ right now??? Thanks!
  18. I did the shakes and lean cusine and wrote to Dr. M and told her I was getting light headed so she said to cut out one shake and eat an egg and toast for breakfast and it worked. I lost 6lbs preop.
  19. Easy, wasn't it??!! I know it's hard for people to understand, but it is SOOOO easy! :yes: I went by myself and everything went very smoothly. As for the thong..... I got rid of that thing ASAP!! Enjoy Mexico!! Darlene
  20. You need to get fluids, you'll get dehydrated very quickly. Don't wait, contact your Doc and let him know what's going on and how much, if any, fluids you're keeping down. Let us know how you're doing! Darlene
  21. Trust me, it's normal! I was worried too and you'll see, it's all for nothing! I went to Mexico all by myself, so I was worried, scared, you name it. I haven't traveled much, let alone out of the country, but I knew I had to do something or I'd probably die within the next few years of a stroke, heart attack or end up with diabetes. That's what kept me strong. I didn't want my girls having to take care of me because I had a stroke. Remind yourself why you are doing this and know in your heart you'll be fine You'll be in the best hands [wait until you meet the Doc's , they'll melt your heart! :heat: ] Enjoy! Darlene
  22. I was banded on 3-25 and my first fill is scheduled for Thurs. I weighed 208 on my surgery day and I weigh 192 now. I lost 6lbs. post op for a total of 22lbs. You're right though, it varies with everyone. I probably would have lost alot more but am not doing very well watching what I'm eating. That'll all change after my fill! :punish:
  23. I agree, please do contact the OCC, something sounds fishy. You may be catching a bug, better safe than sorry. Please let us know how you're doing???!!!! :lb18:
  24. :lb10: :lb11: :lb21: :lb24: :lb9: :cheerleader: You're in the best hands!! :yes: enjoy your mini vacation, Darlene
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