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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. I'm from central Pa., near State College. I decided to go to Mexico because the Doc's around here wouldn't touch me cause I weighed ONLY 214lbs! My insurance didn't cover weight loss surgery anyway, so I went with Dr. O!! Best decision I ever made, no regrets. Good luck on June 6th, let us know how it goes!! :good2: Darlene
  2. Hello everyone, I have to admitt that I've been drinking with ALL my meals and snacks since being banded. :lb12: I go for my first fill next week and I realize that I have to stop! I drink ALOT throughout the day,.. water, milk, tea [no soda] or juice. I really can't imagine not drinking while eating.... :dash1: how did you all do it? What kind of chages did you make? I appreciate your help, Thanks, Darlene :punish:
  3. I'll be there on the 29th at 1:00pm for my first fill. My hubby and daughter will be with me, hope to see you!! Darlene
  4. I'm already there, but congrats and welcome!! Darlene
  5. To be totally honest, I never crushed any of my pills and they went down fine. I'm not sure about after I get my fill though....
  6. Pammie, Your before pix of your belly look like my belly NOW!! I have that low down roll of fat that I've had since puberty.. God I hate this roll!! I'd love to get a tummy tuck and Boob lift [maybe small implant] some time next year.... I'm keeping Dr. Nytes in mind!! Awesome pix, your belly looks great!! Darlene
  7. You won't need a passport until June of '09. I just used my photo ID and my birth certificate. Best wishes, Darlene
  8. :lb5: :lb10: :lb9: :cheerleader: Have a great time on your banding day!! I just read a post by Loribecky that the OCC has switched back to using the Lucerna Hotel. It's a really nice place, I'm staying there next week when I get my fill. Enjoy your time in TJ and with the OCC! Darlene
  9. One summer, at Band Camp..... Great idea!! I vote Band Camp 2009. I have to start saving money for this adventure at Band Camp!
  10. Hello All!! I was thinking about getting the Zoom whitening done while I'm at the OCC for my first fill. I have fillings in my front teeth and my dentist matched the color to my teeth. My teeth aren't extemely yellow, but I'm worried that the fillings may "stick out" after whitening. Has anyone else had the procedure with fillings? Was there a big difference in the color of the fillings and your teeth? I appreciate your feed back, thanks!! > Darlene
  11. Hi Cindy, Who's doing your surgery? If you're having your surgery at the OCC you can schedule surgery as soon as Doc gives you the OK and they have an opening. They will work with you, they're great at the OCC!! I forget how long it is before you can have soda, I think it's a couple months though. [i'm not a soda drinker,... iced tea is my down fall.] You can have a happy meal after your 3 weeks of liquids post surgery. I do have a burger from time to time, but I get my first fill soon and don't know how it will go down after that. Most people have trouble with breads and pasta's after banding. Anything else, feel free to ask! There are alot of great people on this forum who are ready to help. We know what it's like to begin this journey, it can be a little scarey. Best wishes! Darlene :lb16:
  12. Carrie and Caroline, Congrats on your banding dates!! I do hope to meet you both at the OCC! I'll be with my Hubby and daughter.... see you there! Darlene
  13. How are you doing??? Hope you're feeling better!!
  14. I noticed that if I drank cold things that I got that pain, so I stuck with warm or hot liquids for the first 10 days and it seemed to help. Walking also helped. I'm a sloucher and that caused me discomfort too. I've learned to "straighten' up"!! Best wishes, Darlene
  15. We've all had worries and doubts about getting the band. I looked into getting the band a year before I got it, so I got on this forum and asked all kinds of questions and voiced my concerns. Anything you want to know, just ask. I'm sure at least one of us have either gone through it or worried about it!! I've been banded for almost 2 months now and don't regret a thing. I've lost 22lbs and have stalled but am hoping to kick it back in gear after my first fill on the 29th. You'll be in the best hands at the OCC, relax and enjoy your journey to Bandland!! :lb16: Darlene
  16. I'll keep that in mind, I think it would be cool to watch a fill!!
  17. It's ALOT easier to get dehydrated after being banded! Make sure you have alot to drink with you. You'll be on clear liquids then and need to drink often. I kept room temp bottled water with me all the time [room temp worked better for me, cold stuff gave me the "phantom" shoulder pains] I sipped all day long. Just take it easy and let your Mom help you and keep sipping and walking. I felt pretty good after surgery, went shopping on Revolution Ave. the day after, with a bottle of water of course Best wishes, Darlene
  18. WWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!! Sorry for shouting, but Wow!!! I can't wait to be thin!! Awesome!
  19. I haven't watched the show recently but I've seen it before. They are a father and son and do weight loss surgery together. On one show, his sister [and daughter] calls them cause she's having trouble with her band. [she was lapbanded by another Doc but for some reason isn't or can't go back to him] she had eaten something that got stuck 2 days before and was sicking everything up. Her local ER had poked and poked her trying to remove her fill and couldn't get it. Finally they had her fly out to them and removed her fill with one try. She could immediatley drink water and was fine. They showed pix of her from before her surgery and she had lost alot of weight. Wonder why they seem to push GP surgery?? You'd think they'd want to go the less invasive route??
  20. No worries... so am I!! I'm gonna stick with the Lucerna, I know that it's a nice place. Darlene
  21. I stayed at the Lucerna in March when I was banded and requested to stay there again for my first fill at the end of this month. I haven't stayed at alot of Hotels, but I thought the Lucerna was really nice and the staff were very helpful. I got to LOOK at the pool last time I was there and am hoping to get to swim in it this time. My daughter can't wait!! I've read that the other Hotel has a pool, then I read that it doesn't????
  22. If you consider that bad then I did really terrible..... I ate 3 days before I was supposed to. We'll keep it a secret, okay???!!
  23. That's funny because I just recently realized that I hardly ever drink milk now! [i always drank skim] We went through a gallon in about 2-3 days, now I have it for a week or more and have to dump it out! I should make sure I drink more though, don't want my old bones to get brittle! I did notice that I want ice cream more now [guess I am getting enough milk, huh?] I never ate alot of it, but I sure want it now!! Anyone else????
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