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Everything posted by fat2nrml

  1. What kind of tests do you mean???
  2. I just had my metal fillings all replaced with white about 3 months ago...... so much for that idea!!! :lb1:
  3. Sorry about your bad experiance with your Doc and don't let it get you down!! Please see another Doc about your hip, if you injured it in a dirt bike accident, I have my doubts that your weight is causing your pain. That Doc is an idiot! Like the other girls said,.. you have lost ALOT of weight!!! Be proud and try to be patient, you'll get there!! Best wishes!! Darlene
  4. I use my daughters Flinstone gummies sour vitamins. I love 'em!! It says on the bottle for adults to take 2. I've been taking them since I had my surgery. I just chew them to liquid, they're really good. [What I really like is they don't have artificial sweetners!!] Darlene
  5. Tanya, When are you going to get the port fixed?? I'll be at the OCC on the 29th for my first fill. Please keep us updated! Best wishes! Darlene
  6. I think that I will always have an obsession with food, I fear that'll never go away. I think that I will have to retrain my mind when it comes to food. Like one of the other ladies said, tell yourself that you don't need all that food and we're not going to die because we didn't pile our plates sky high or go back for thirds. My biggest fear right now is doing damage to my band from over eating. Stretching my stomach pouch or making my band slip. I, thankfully, haven't gotten sick since my surgery but I have over eaten to the point that my stomach hurts [no fill yet.] I know that I have to stop this, I don't want to hurt the band [or myself] after comming this far and spending all that money. I wish I had a little switch that I could turn off the part of my brain connected to food!! I have the band for my weight loss tool but what do I do with my food soaked brain????
  7. I know that when I sat slumped over, it bothered me. Not pain really, just very uncomfortable. So if you have good posture, you should be alright. Good luck and best wishes!! Darlene
  8. I flew home to Pa. and didn't set anything off..... I wonder if anyone's has???? It's not a stupid question, I'm sure alot of implanted devices can set them off. Best wishes on your first fill!! Mines the 29th. Darlene
  9. Hello Momonamission, I too am a former screamer..... actually, I think I'm the one who was initionally corrected for it. I never "spoke" on a forum before and didn't know the lingo. I am now reformed and no longer feel the need to scream everything{LOL!!} No damage done, I read them all, caps or not! Darlene
  10. Hello and welcome!! I flew from Pa. and I also had lay overs. [i flew out of a small local airport to Ohio then on to Cali] It was OK, I made sure I took Phazyme so the gas pain wouldn't be so bad. I have to say, lugging around my suitcase was the worst part. Pack light and have a suit case with wheels. I kept water with me at all times and sipped. I wasn't in alot of pain, just uncomfortable. The pain meds they gave me at the OCC made me sleepy so I only took them at night because they helped me sleep better. You can take tylenol or advil before the flight to help with discomfort. I brought a book with me and read to help pass the time. It was all worth it and I'd do it again in a minute!! Best wishes!! Darlene :-h
  11. I'm "hungry" all the time.... in my head. I just WANT to eat, taste, chew and feel the different textures of food in my mouth. It's a no-win love affair I have with food! I [We] understand Paula, it's really hard. I've really been trying to keep myself busy and my mind off of food. It's going to take some time, for me anyways, to let go of food as my main love....... :lb20:
  12. I'd like to hear what some long time bandsters think about this????
  13. It just makes me love and recommend the OCC even more!!! =D> :cheerleader: :air_kiss: Good luck with your port.... did they say how that happens?
  14. Best wishes!! I went by myself and it was my first time flying alone. [i'd flown twice before with hubby] Don't worry, you'll be fine. Relax and enjoy your mini vacation! =D> Darlene
  15. I just got banded in March and will have my first fill on the 29th. I got the Lapband so I could stop the cycle of taking pills, losing weight only to gain it all back +. I've taken some sort of meds. since I was about 16 and always hated it. It made me feel shakey, my heart would race and I had trouble sleeping. I believe, when I have the proper fill, that the band is going to work WITH me to lose my weight and to finally keep it off. I never heard of the med. you listed so I'm not sure how it works, but do be careful. Best wishes, Darlene
  16. Just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow bandster Mom's!! > =D> :-h :lb21: :lb16: :cheerleader: :girl_dance: :sun_bespectacled: :yes: Have a great Mom's Day!!
  17. I agree, I'd like to have it in San Diego so that the whole OCC staff could attend. If, for some reason that wouldn't be possible for them, then I'd vote Vegas. Count me in either way, but I hope the OCC can be involved!! =D>
  18. I weighed 214lbs when I started my pre-op diet and weighed 208lbs on my surgery day. Dr. Miranda said I did good and I had no trouble with my surgery. I don't think you'll have a problem, just try to stick with it though. It'll be easier on you and easier for Dr. O to do the surgery. Best wishes!! Darlene >
  19. I didn't have a BM until 6 days post-op and was miserable!! I finally had to use a supository [the bullet of health!] and I got relief!! I wouldn't wait much longer, it's harder the longer you wait. :lb12: Best wishes, Darlene
  20. :lb5: :lb9: :lb16: :cheerleader: :lb10: :lb24: Happy Day!!
  21. You'll definetly want wheels on your suitcase.... I wish I would have had them!! I went by myself and had to lug my bag everywhere!! I did pack light but it was still hard! I was at the different airports between flights and had to carry that bag plus I took a small purse. Wheels are your friend!! >
  22. Hello Christina and Welcome!! I felt just like you when I started this journey, it's normal. You're in good hands at the OCC! If you go alone, don't worry cause I did too. I made friends and went shopping with them the day after surgery and had a super time. We keep in touch and we are having our first fill together on the 29th. My weight loss has stalled, I'm still losing but it's about 1lb every 2 weeks. I really need that fill! I'm happy with my band and would do it all over again. Your day will be here before you know it!! Best wishes, Darlene
  23. I'm also sorry for the pain and uncertainty you're going through. I do understand about the nurses, for the most part they were sweet and helpful, but they could be cold too. My IV also ran empty and blood was going back up the tubing about 3am and I had to buzz the nurse. She was pretty good about it though, she just put a port thingy in and unhooked the IV. I got 4 pain pills when I left the OCC, as a matter of fact, Mrs. Ortiz had to stop by the pharmacy on our way back to the Hotel to get some because they were out. I wonder why you didn't get any??? I think I will always have an obsession with food. I CAN'T remember a time when food wasn't #1 in my mind. From the time my feet hit the floor in the morning until I'm asleep at night, food is in my thoughts some how. That's going to be the hardest part of my journey, letting go of the hold that food has on me. I have to admitt, it is getting better. I'm hoping after my first fill that I'll look at eating as a pain in the ass instead of being something so great. [Fingers crossed!!] Good luck and best wishes... please keep us updated!! Darlene
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