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ky woman

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Everything posted by ky woman

  1. Want to hear more? I had the surgery on Friday and was released on Sat am. I took the $5 taxi to Revolution boulevard to shop. I had NO PAIN! I never even took a Tylenol. The five of us were banded the same day and I was the only one completely pain free. I atribute ths to the colon clense I did before the surgery. I still have no bloating or pain. I could have gone back to work today. =D>
  2. I'm Heather (aka ky woman) I thought you might like to hear what has happened so far. I had a little trouble in Louisville at the airport security. I was an hour early but the line was very long and they gave me a hard time about carrying liquids and meds in gallon size zip lock bags. The new standard is 3 oz containers in a quart sized bag. Some lady gave me one of hers and we transferred it to the right size before they would let us through. I had to run for the plane! The plane America Airlines had no inflight movie during the 4 hour flight. So I was glad I got an audio book from the library and listened to for entertainment and distranction. I brought one of those horseshow shaped pillows and was very comfortable. The driver that was to meet us at baggage claim was late because he had a pick-up at Delta. Our group has five people. It was about a 12 mile drive to Tiajuana and about 1.5 miles to the clinic. It is as clean and modern as any U.S. doctor's office. We had our blood drawn, EKG, pulmonary function test, dental check up (it was free) and body/fat analysis by the nutritionist. Miranda gave us the follow-up diet. Then we went to the Hotel Lucerne. It is very nice and upscale. Security in the parking lot, great pool and 2 restautants. We all at "the last supper" in the Mexican restaurant and then went swimming and exploring. Accross the street is a convenience store for purchasing clear liquid drinks, it is open 24 hours. The closest pharmacy is about a block away. The next morning they picked us up at 7:30 and took us to the clinic. We all asked to go first but I went last. I got in at 12:00pm and was out at 12:45. I got up walking an was happy to feel so good. No nausea, abdominal soreness or bloating. I was just a little sleepy. This morning I got up early bathed, had 2 bms and packed to go back to the hotel. Note! If you are arriving solo, they check you out of the hotel and you have to have all your stuff packed to go to the clinic. If you have a friend with you you can leave most of your stuff in the hotel. This morning still feeling great. They gave me IV antibotics, a breathing treatement, cup of broth and a popcicle. They tell us we will be checked by the doctor and taken to the hotel by 9:30. I'm planning to do a little sightseeing at the open market and leave for home at 9:05 am
  3. I'm Heather (aka ky woman) I thought you might like to hear what has happened so far. I had a little trouble in Louisville at the airport security. I was an hour early but the line was very long and they gave me a hard time about carrying liquids and meds in gallon size zip lock bags. The new standard is 3 oz containers in a quart sized bag. Some lady gave me one of hers and we transferred it to the right size before they would let us through. I had to run for the plane! The plane America Airlines had no inflight movie during the 4 hour flight. So I was glad I got an audio book from the library and listened to for entertainment and distranction. I brought one of those horseshow shaped pillows and was very comfortable. The driver that was to meet us at baggage claim was late because he had a pick-up at Delta. Our group has five people. It was about a 12 mile drive to Tiajuana and about 1.5 miles to the clinic. It is as clean and modern as any U.S. doctor's office. We had our blood drawn, EKG, pulmonary function test, dental check up (it was free) and body/fat analysis by the nutritionist. Miranda gave us the follow-up diet. Then we went to the Hotel Lucerne. It is very nice and upscale. Security in the parking lot, great pool and 2 restautants. We all at "the last supper" in the Mexican restaurant and then went swimming and exploring. Accross the street is a convenience store for purchasing clear liquid drinks, it is open 24 hours. The closest pharmacy is about a block away. The next morning they picked us up at 7:30 and took us to the clinic. We all asked to go first but I went last. I got in at 12:00pm and was out at 12:45. I got up walking an was happy to feel so good. No nausea, abdominal soreness or bloating. I was just a little sleepy. This morning I got up early bathed, had 2 bms and packed to go back to the hotel. Note! If you are arriving solo, they check you out of the hotel and you have to have all your stuff packed to go to the clinic. If you have a friend with you you can leave most of your stuff in the hotel. This morning still feeling great. They gave me IV antibotics, a breathing treatement, cup of broth and a popcicle. They tell us we will be checked by the doctor and taken to the hotel by 9:30. I'm planning to do a little sightseeing at the open market and leave for home at 9:05 am
  4. I'm home now and checked the itinerary. I am arriving in Chicago on Flight 4087 from Louisville @ 6:15 am and I will be in seat 13D on the Chicago to San Diego flight. I leave 8/5/07 at 9:05 am on Frontier Airlines to Denver and then on to Louisville. I started the "all liquid diet" on the 18th and have gone from 214# to 202#, how are you doing? I like drinking a soy milk shake. I put one cup soy milk {120 cal) and about 8 ice cubes in a blender with some fiber powder and about a 1/2 tablespoon of sugar free jello. I make raspberry, strawberry, and strawberry kiwi flavors. Sometimes I add instant Jello pudding (fat free and sugar free) and have white choc. cheesecake milkshake. Get the picture? I have a sweet tooth
  5. So far, I see you and your friend, laquera and Bennson. I will arrive on American Airlines At 10:30 from Chicago.
  6. I am flying in on August 2nd, too. I will arrive on American Airlines at 10:30 am. I'm flying solo. Look forward to seeing you!
  7. Try a colon clense. It does not cause you to cramp. A colon clense is not a laxative. It cleans thegunk off your colon. All the stuff that has been backing up and toxifying your body. You get the product from a health food store. You can take the meds crushed. It takes about 5 days and you will have results that last months or even a year. Your energy will improve as the toxins leave your body. Good luck
  8. I'm a registered nurse and am familiar with the type of pain you are feeling. I want to help you. Have you ever done a colon clense? Americans often have a build-up of gunk on the lining of the colon that makes having bowel movements difficult. Signs include small diameter stools, bloating and needing to take something to have a bowel movement. The gunk on your colon may be making it more difficult to move the products of the surgery. I am including a patient teaching sheet for people who may be interested in getting rid of the gas as soon as possible after the surgery. I have, also, seen some research that suggests chewing gum after the surgery may be helpful. How to Get Rid of Gas after Surgery People who have had surgery often complain more about gas pains or discomfort from the surgery. Your nurse can give you pain medicine every 3 - 4 hours after your surgery. This medicine will help take away the surgery pain, but will not take away the gas discomfort. If you have trouble with discomfort, a few easy exercises will help you get rid of the gas. What will Happen after Surgery? After surgery, you may not be able to eat or drink. When you start to take fluids, do not take very hot or very cold liquids. Both can cause gas. You may suck on ice chips because ice will melt in your mouth. The water then warms up before it gets to your stomach. What can I do to Prevent Gas Pains? The best way to prevent gas pain is to have a bowel movement as soon as possible after surgery. Other things that may help are moving in bed from side to side, getting out of bed, and walking. How do I Get Rid of the Gas? L Massaging or rubbing your stomach or mild exercise may help get rid of gas. Do this exercise several times a day : < Lie on your back with your legs straight and a pillow under your knees. < Slowly raise your right leg and move it toward your stomach. Bend your leg at the knee and hip. < Hold this position for a count of ten (10). < Take 2 or 3 slow, deep breaths. < Slowly lower your leg. < Repeat this exercise with your left leg. L Try rubbing or massaging your stomach this way: < Make your hands into fists. < Put the knuckles of your left hand on the right side of your stomach. < Use firm but gentle pressure. < Roll your hand up toward your chest, across your stomach, and down the left side.
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