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Everything posted by flacajackie

  1. Gas oh Gas...I read that gum works wonders so I chewed like a cow for 4 or 5 days. Have not felt that gas thing again. flacajackie
  2. I know I know. Banded July 23rd (Ortiz) I too suffered from "food longing". I watched my husband eat chicken wings and begged him to let me smell them and watch him eat. The view of the wings was so close I could hear the meat tear off the bone and cartilage. But then I guzzled a shake and 5 10 minutes later it was over. Right now I'm actually strugling with eating post-op. I've enjoyed the pre and post op weight loss and would like to continue at that pace. I know it's impossible but I'm a girl I dream. I'm trying to schedule my first fill a couple of wks from now. I'm enjoying the excercise but am worried I'm pushing myself so I did not go to the gym this am...maybe later today. Best wishes Yall! flacajackie
  3. Hey, If you were banded on the 24th you might have been in the waiting area when we were walking out or you might be one of the gals in the lobby I talked to after my procedure. Either way I hope things went well. I am so looking forward to next year but am also very focused on my "present" and every day. Good luck. Let me know how you did. Light and Love: Jackie
  4. I hear all of you. I'm only 5 days post op. I'v already lost 18 lbs. And for me it was not about losing the weight. For me it was about keeping it off. I read a HORRIBLE statistic that claimed that 98% of folks that lose weight gain it back and more. That's when I knew that there had to be somehting else. It's not like I can't lose the weight it's that I can't keep it off. Now, I think highly of myself but in the food department and the srong will deparment I KNOW I'm not in that top 2% that keep it off. Not for lack of trying. My mother has always said about smoking: never quit quitting because one time it will take. I've applied that idea to my weigh loss because it worked with the smoking. After much research I found that the majority of Bandsters have seen success in keeping the weight off. I like the idea of journaling food and excercise entry. I keep a journal of my excercise and I will start my caloric journaling as some have suggested on this forum. Light and Love: Jackie
  5. Banded on July 23 2007 I was amazed at how fast things have moved along. My brother went with me and we both laugh at how loud our stomach can get. I don't know if those are hunger sounds or simply my stomach screaming about the chocking mechanism it has around it now. I apologized to my stomach and told it that it was the only way I could find to stop abusing it so that even though it didn't look too loving the choke was a really good thing. GAS GAS GAS at shoulder: that is my only pain. Funny it happens just after I dring a broth, water or really take in anything. Except this morning it woke me up. I hear walking will take care of it so I will try more than the 15 minutes I tried yesterday. My brother can't walk because of foot pain so I wonder if anyone knows if riding a stationary bycicle will do the trick. He has a "gas buble" just under his ribs on left side of his chest. It'f freaky I saw it yesterday. Any ideas? Other than the gas NOTHING. Dr. Ortiz and his team are impressive.
  6. My assistant, who recently had a baby, told me that the actual thought of giving birth was so overwhelming she just put it out of her mind. Even though she knew that her daughter had to come out at some point she said to me she just "put it out of her mind" she did not want to think about the how. I thought it was ridiculous until I tried it myself with the banding procedure. That is until my pre-op diet brought me straight into the here and now. So again I had to bring myself out of the worry and into the now. Right now I all I have to do is drink those deliciously chalky shakes then will see what happens. It seems to be working. I will deal with it all when I absolutely have to. Worry is a girl's greatest ailment. Best wishes July 17th is here....
  7. Rhonda your enthusiasm is encouraging. That you can talk about shopping and not pain, fear, remorse speaks volumes of what you say. I've always heard what people don't say louder than what they do. Have you considered the Fill Center? I'm NC so far for me to run back. Best wishes on your fill. Let us know how wonderfu that goes as well.
  8. Glad you asked. I suffer from headaches often and am 14 days from being banded. I'll look to see if anyone aswers. I thought about asking Lori at Dr. Ortiz's office. Dr Ortiz your surgeon?
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