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  1. So when you walk across, you can catch a trolley or bus there at the border to get you back to the airport? I don't think it will be too bad to do that, but I will actually be coming back on Saturday so will just have to plan to leave early. I will take a taxi to the border, walk across then catch the bus?
  2. So, if you want to get back from the border to the airport, can you just do the same thing in reverse? I am going down for a fill on Oct. 11, and have decided to try the bus/trolley.
  3. Thanks Tom, I know you are right. It's just so nice to finally lose a few pounds. I know I have a lot to get used to with this new lifestyle. Charlene
  4. Hi Danielle! I hope you are feeling better now. I know, on about day 4 post op was my worse day. Up until then I felt great. I guess I was sort of mourning the loss of my old life, and my new one hasn't really started yet. But it is better now. It was so good to meet you and the others at OCC. What an experience! I just can't get over how impressed I am with the care we got at the center. Are you still struggling with the post op diet some? I am. Just miss eating now. I can't wait to start solid foods, but I am pretty happy with my weight loss so far. I am down about 15 pounds since starting the pre op diet. Anyway, hello to all that I met in Tijauna, hope you are all doing well and hope to hear from you. Charlene
  5. Hi Keidas, I will be there on the 28th for surgery on the 29th. I will look for you. I am travelling with my daughter. I am so excited about getting this done. We have much to look forward to!
  6. I am scheduled for the 29th, will be travelling with my daughter. I am anxiously reading all the forums for information and tips. Would love to hear everyone's stories.
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