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leslie sl

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Everything posted by leslie sl

  1. Nancy, I thought you could try my email. Maybe that will work. Mine is: hikingleslie@yahoo.com. I double checked and I did use the correct email for you. Leslie
  2. Nancy, Yes, I emailed to raven_2930@yahoo.com. I will try again. I would like to meet up at the hotel if we can. I will probably get there too late for dinner, but maybe figure a way to meet in the lobby or something. I'll try your other email again. Thanks for getting back to me. Leslie
  3. I sent an email to your raven address. Did it arrive? It will be great to meet. I am excited too. Just going it alone can feel a little scary. Leslie
  4. My name is Leslie and I am also having surgery Aug. 6th. I arrive at the boarder at 8:00 PM and will get driven to the hotel. I live in San Diego and will be going alone. I would love to find someone else who will be there at the same time for support. I am just a little nervous, but more excited. When do you both arrive at the hotel?
  5. I am looking for anyone who is getting their surgery done on Aug. 6th. I am going by myself on Sunday, Aug 5th, to the hotel and would like to meet any other woman who may be there for moral support. I am just a bit nervous and would like company. LL
  6. I am getting the surgery on Aug 6th. i would like to know if anyone else is going to be getting it done at that time as well?
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