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Everything posted by ericsmom
Hi all. I have not been a good communicator over the past year! Things just seemed to get busy after my surgery (Aug 28, 07) and life just flew by. But I wanted to take this opportunity to share my life now (as opposed to a year ago) and a high level overview of my path/where I am today. I do this partly to encourage folks, but also to thank Dr. Ortiz, who performed my sugery. First, what a difference a year makes. I was 210 lbs going into the surgery - I am now 153. I was a size 16/18; and now I am a 8, moving towards a 6. I used to hide from life - now I look forward to everything. Getting dressed for work every morning had become torture - now I jump into my closet every morning, thrilled to find out what else I can wear. I shop too much! I used to dread every event, trip, etc, worried that I would eat too much. Now I can't, even if I wanted to! Not that everything is perfect. But all that's going wrong is my fault. I am tight, but I still choose to drink soft drinks. I make poor choices more often than I should - and have to "render back to the porcelain bowl" more than I want to. I have gallstones which I know I must remove, but am hesitating for fear of impacting my lap band. I am also anemic now, so very tired, because my food choices are not as good as they should be. But lots of what I am dealing with is because of how I'm eating. I've replaced overeating with undereating - with poor choices added in when I am stressed. But life is good. It's really great. I am going to Disney World to meet my husband's boss, and for the first time in my adult life, I'm actually looking forward to something like this. I'm not dreading what to pack - everything I pack I will fit into - and will wear! I no longer overpack "in case" - in case I gain weight, in the hopes I miraculously drop weight on vacation (as if...) etc etc. I want to encourage people to do better than I did from a diet perspective - but also to take heart because while it took me over a year to get here (and the first 6 months, very little happened until I got to a good fill), once it works, it's great. Take care, all -- I'm hoping to go to Tijuana in dec. for a visit - my first since the operation. Danielle
I'm in bandster hell...
ericsmom replied to LaurenLeigh's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
Hi Guys -- I am at 4 weeks (and some) and don't get my feel for another 2 1/2 weeks. I've been avoiding the lap band forum because I feel so guilty and out of control. Every since week 3 (ok a day or so before) I realized that I could eat ANYTHING -- and I mean....ANYTHING. I have tried fast eating, slow eating, mushy bread eating, dry eating...everything. It all not only goes down, but it feels as though it goes down better than pre-surgery I know that's all in my head, but still. The only thing I can be "proud" of is that I have not had any soda pop. Coming from a serial drinker of diet 7/diet coke, that's pretty good. Perhaps realistically, that's the best I should have hoped for. Like you, Lauren, I am sooooooo depressed -- being the analytical/anal sort, I had made myself 3 weight-loss schedules -- fast, medium and slow for the coming six months. None of them involved gaining all my weight back!! But then again, none of them involved eating everything in sight either... I guess the good news for us is that there is small group of people who are majorly restricted even when they are completely unfilled -- so they really have no way "out" of restriction and must always grapple with the multiple chews, seriously limit foods forever, etc. At least for us, when we're unfilled, we're unfilled, you know what I mean? I think that's a good sign in the long run. It also means that we heal well, which is great. But in the short run.....ugh. So much for Christmas in the 160s! Even though I've gained weight back, I will not change my stats. They'll just stay as is!! Good luck with your fills! I'm going to come on more often since I don't feel as foolish and crazy hearing you guys!! > -
[Hi! I found out about Dr. Ortiz on August 10 and had surgery on August 29! No worries, you will be fine. 2nd guessing yourself is totally normal - not as much for the procedure, but because it will require us to change the way we view food. I feel great, except that at the moment I am hungry all the time and can pretty much eat anything I want until I get filled in four long weeks!!! One word of advice: Do not take that last meal mentality as I did! Frankly, I am 3 weeks post-op and can eat just about anything - so the surgery doesn't necessarily define the end of eating as you know it (YET! I hope that filling my band will help get some restriction) If I had known, I would have probably been far more compliant on my pre-op diet! Best of success Danielle
Hi Christopher, I was banded 2 1/2 weeks ago. I shared your concern, not because I plan to get into a 2-piece - ever - but I keloid (raised scars post-surgery) quite badly and was concerned about the scars showing through a think shirt, especially the larger one(about 2 in.). Well, Dr. Ortiz must have "plastic surgeons'" hands too because already my scars are flat - and although they are still red (which is good for my skin!), I can already see that they will be flat so perfectly camouflageable if I ever decide to go "bare" in the middle. If in the worst case scenario they do still show for you, there are many products out there (waterproof) that help you camouflage scars, by the way. I know it's not what a man probably likes to hear, but it can be hidden, whereas our "extra tire(s)" around the middle can't!
Congratulations! I find your post encouraging because I am in bandster hell as we speak (week 2 - started bandster hell pretty soon after surgery and am now giving in to PMS wildness!) - I hope that by the time solids appear in my diet, it will give me some measure of comfort!! Coupla questions: 1) What kinds of foods can you eat? 2) Do you find that you have to chew ad nauseum? BEST OF SUCCESS!!!!
Your post made me so sad. I can feel your frustration. I am still in the liquid phase myself, and by 3 p.m every day, I am so mad and resentful that noone wants to be around me! I miss my diet 7ups like mad (although crystal light lemonade is a pretty ok substitute). Sadly for me, I have discovered something sweet that goes down easily (ever heard of Nutella?? Stay away!! ) But for now, as mad as I am, I value the weight loss more than the sweet, so that was a one-night thing. Some suggestions. Although I am a newbie I have done tons of research: 1) If you haven't done so, read several boards. MANY MANY people on this and other boards have felt the post-surgery hunger and the justifiable anger that goes with it. However - at the right restriction, EVERYONE who had the appropriate fill felt that it all came together and felt right. They could eat almost anything, but in smaller portions, which is why I did this. One woman just wrote that it took her 20 months to reach that appropriate fill and now she "gets" it. I don't think it should take that long and even she said she should have pushed the doctor harder. So I hope you have a doctor that's helping you with it. 2) I can tell you that I so wish I had this as an option when I was 19. I'm 43 now, and I have suffered through so many diets unsuccessfully that my health is a mess. I really believe that it's the yo-yo syndrome (up and down repeatedly) that gets your body in trouble. Although my health is important to me - I have a 6-year old -- from a social perspective, I feel even more regret. I can look back and see so many paths or risks not taken, situations avoided, awkward situations, rude people, etc etc. because of my excess weight. I love my life now, but it's hard not to wonder what my life would have been like without the obesity noose around my neck (and body!) during my 20s and 30s. 3) If nothing else, this band will help us manage the gain. We can deliberately cheat it, but it won't be nearly as "satisfying" since I can't cheat the way I defined it before - - gorging on everything and anything until I was stuffed. So in that sense, it is a 50/50 deal -- 50% coming from our will to change the way we live our lives. This is the hardest for me, but I think I am there emotionally, although I know there will be some hard times. It took you so much courage to do this - I do hope that you can see it through. Can you make a deal with youself to give youself a year -- regardless, do what's needed to make the band work (within reason!) -- and then, if after a year it just isn't for you, it is reversible (expensive, but reversible!) All the best...Danielle
Has anyone tried a diet program after surgery?
ericsmom replied to ladysha313's topic in Diet and Nutrition
Donna, I'll be with you in spirit, if not in action! What a great birthday gift to yourself!! I"m on the "liquid protein" (UGH UGH UGH) diet until Sept 21, so I"ll be with you part of the journey! I can tell you that even though I"m in bandster hell hunger wise, it is absolutely wonderful to get on the scale and get a different number (in the right direction!) almost every morning! Best!!! Danielle =D> -
Oh boy, am I struggling, Charlene! Hunger is intense - more so than I've ever felt!! In fact, yesterday I succumbed and had nutella (a chocolate hazelnut spread) -- NOT a good move!! Naturally, it felt wonderful going down (it's like a thick pudding) but man, today, hunger was that much worse! I don't know if I can put up with 2 more weeks of such intense hunger - I'm kinda wondering if it's actually gas mixed with hunger and I'm just feeling queezy/hungry. UGH I think I"ll start an August 29 thread -- there are quite a few of us and I"m sure I've written something to someone that I've missed! Danielle
Hi Kathy!! There is another post where I am looking for you and Stephanie - she answered there -- I'm so glad I checked here as well! I didn't realize there was a border strike! Oh my. I left Thursday early in the a.m. so in some ways, that's lucky, even though by Thursday evening, I was feeling a bit more sore than I probably should have felt because of the 3+ hour car ride. It went so quickly that it's all such a blur! I saw Dr. Ortiz for about a millisecond before falling asleep - I think that I said something about "him supposedely being handsome but I'm not wearing my glasses so please come closer so I can have a look" !! How embarrassing is that!! Today, I'm just sore sore sore around the stomach area - feels like a lot of tightening going on. I think that I'm probably pushing it on the drinking, but I I was so hungry by day 3 (I called it day 4 because I had surgery early in the day! ) So I started with the full liquid - or my take on it, at least! I hope I'm doing everything right! How's your three-year old treating you? Does she want to be held? Mine keeps hitting my stomach by accident -- ugh! It was easier when he was 3 and I had the other operation I mentioned! I wish I had had the foresight of saying "female problem surgery" -- hiatal hernia surgery just opens to door for so many questions (and an unbelievable number of people who've had it!) I just KNOW I'm going to get caught one of these days...I'm such a horrible liar! Stay in touch! Between Stephanie, you and I (and whoever was banded around our day!) I would love us to share our journey and experiences! Best > Danielle
Donna, Thank you so much for the perspective!! It helps to know that it's normal. Plus, I got my "monthlies" (sorry men) the day after, a full week early -- so that didn't help! My son today just told me that he wished I hadn't been "banded" (he already has the lingo right at 6!) because the band turned me into a grump! He's right, I'm really a bit of a witch these days, although SO grateful to my amazing hubby and litl boy. But my little monster has also been accidentally hitting me in the stomach about 100 times a day which is NOT the most pleasurable of feelings! The blues are better, though, replaced by MS. GRUMP - interspersed with incredible excitement and joy at the fact that this time I WILL throw my larger clothes away. I feel a bit schizophrenic. I've already started sorting through my closet, bringing out the smaller sizes (I have six sizes, so plenty to wear as I go down!!) One worry is this tightness that I feel - it comes and goes, and no vomiting, but the type of voiding, if you know what I mean. I think I might be "drinking" too quickly? I don't like creamy soups, so I made my own out of veggies and some beef and completely liquified it - and had less than 1/2 a cup -- so I don't think that's it -- maybe it's normal. It's hard not to worry!! The good thing is that since going off clear liquids, it takes very little not to feel hungry at all. Riding in a car is incredibly uncomfortable, though. Not sure how I'll do on my 3-40 min drive to work tomorrow! Anyhow, thanks so much for sharing my journey, and I can't wait to A) GET SOME OF THAT SERATONIN RELEASED and share our new lifestyles! Danielle
Mikey, no way! You live in Santa Ana? I was there for 3 days until yesterday - since it was so hot I went to the mall with Macy's and Nordstrom's (right across from the Barnes and Noble?) to walk, and kept looking around at people eating, wondering who might be "banded" -- everyone was eating way too quickly, though. Your weight loss so far is so inspirational - I can't wait to share journeys on down. I'm trying to come up with a name for my band -- it's been hard to think of one! I'm thinking I'm going to wait until my mood becomes less hostile before I come up with a good name, though.... :-? Noone outside my family (and a doctor with whom I work) knows about my banding -- everyone thinks I had a hiatal hernia repair! I've been on so many diet journeys with people around me that this time, I just want to hold on to this for a while and sneak into weight loss. Anyhow, I look forward to hearing about your progress! Danielle
Stephanie, It's so good to hear from you!!! > I felt the same way with you - we were so much on the same wavelength that I actually wished that we could have stuck around together after our surgeries - but my room had already been promised to someone who had surgery a day early since I was leaving. The blues are better, but It's been replaced by this really mean streak!! I'm so impatient, it's crazy! At this rate, both my son and my husband are going to give me the boot! Actually, the impatience has mostly been towards strangers -- God help the poor guy who waits more than a second and a half after the light changes !! On this end, I'm feeling a lot of tightening. The gases are better, but the tightening worries me! I went off the clear liquids at the earliest possible day because I was getting so hungry that even food I normally dislike was looking so good. So since yesterday, I have been "experimenting". I don't like creamy soups, so I've had to improvise. One soup I tried is my mom's tried and true "post dentist visit" soup - I had Tom make it, and it felt so good going down! It includes all sorts of healthy veggies and a bit of beef for protein - all liquified so that I could drink through a straw if I wanted. For some reason, though, I keep having a feeling of heaviness that becomes pain in certain seating positions. I think it's the stomach that still needs to heal, because if I take one of the tablets (suprema?) that Dr. Ortiz gave us, it feels better. But I'm terrified I'm doing something wrong. I tried applesauce tonight (no sugar - hope it's allowed!!) and that felt fine going down, but again, lots of tightening tonight. I think I might be drinking too much or too quickly, though? Do you feel that really right feeling right below your ribs?? Mmm, though, when you mentioned that hot dog, I could TASTE it!! I'm curious -- what did Dr. Miranda ever tell you??? I wanted to ask after your surgery, but you were still in the groggy phase - although you looked SO GOOD already!! The plane rides were pretty awful! Comical, actually, because Tom had to manage everything for a change, and we had so many problems - liquid tylenold spilling all over everywhere, a carry on left open with my unmentionables (any that you could think of !!) strewn all over the floor -- and all the while, I didn't care because I was so gassy and sore and Eric kept running into my stomach...ugh, glad that's over!! Tomorrow, it's back to work - I can't believe it. Still not over jet lag, never mind ready for a 6 a.m. wake-up! Stay in touch! Danielle
p.s. sorry - didn't mean "full protein" for the remainder of the 3 weeks - I meant, full liquids (as in clear and opaque!)
Hi - I'm 4 days post-op and I second the previous post - 4-7 days of total clear liquids (which I messed up yesterday according to my husband when I had v-8 juice - hey it looked clear to me! ) and then full protein for the remainder of the 3 weeks. For instance, Dr. Miranda told me that I could have those yoghurt drinks as of days 4-7 - then by day 7, I can have "full protein drinks" like Optifast. It also includes creamy soups, as long as there is no chewing involved. I had the procedure on the 29th, and I"m cleared to start solids on the 18th of September - so yours would be 2 days earlier. Until then, we get to sip sip sip! Hope this helps Danielle
Hi all -- thanks so much for the great wishes. It's day 4 post surgery here, and for some reason, I feel really blue!! All is going very well, healing-wise - gas is there, but I've realized that I've probably often mistaken gas pains for hunger in the past I hope all my fellow banding friends did well! Stephanie, Cathy (sp?) Charlene -- and all Those of you who were on the same day, let me know how you're doing! I went in first before I met all of you then left so quickly that I never had a chance to make sure all went well with you. I'm thinking about you and hoping all is well. On my end, like I said, I'm feeling blue. I'm wired and just restless, at a loss for what to do with myself. Not sure why. Anyone else feel this way? I'm sure that part of it is missing the activity of eating. I also realize that food had a relaxing effect on me - when stressed, bored, etc, food would always be a great companion. I despise the after-effect, but the during sure helped. So without the during, I'm at a bit of a loss. Plus so much is about food around us! Still in CA, now in Santa Ana visiting with husband's family (who think I had a hiatal hernia operation!), going home tomorrow which I think will help. Nothing like being around the familiar and busy. Best, Danielle
It almost sounds like a birthday -- but it's my banding day - yay!! I am at the Lucerna - they were so fantastic, they gave me a suite for my husband, son and me -- TWO bathrooms, 2 rooms (my hubby and I might actually get some sleep tonight!) and facing the pool....at no extra charge! I didn't even ask - just asked if they had a rollaway bed! The day was great - Dr. Miranda was lovely - we were kidding around about our various "bad" habits (clearly, mine are worse than hers!!) Dr. Jimenez was a doll - Josefa, my nurse, was able to get at my very difficult veins effortlessly to draw blood -- and the whole pre-op prep was painless and great! I got to meet Sue (Sueca) who made me feel much easier about tomorrow, and another girl from OK who was very reassuring as well -- both look GREAT, although I don't know how much they've lost, but very inspirational!! And last but definitely not least, I met a bandster "partner" and her boyfriend on the van to the OCC - She's from NC and we bonded quickly over our common "issues" with food and fears about surgery and beyond! I hope that we can keep in touch afterward and be partners in post-banding process. There are 4 others that I will meet tomorrow. After the tests, Mrs. Ortiz drove a couple of us to the hotel - she was actually really charming - maybe she's shy with men because I'd heard mixed reports? But anyhow, she was telling us how her son (that's our DOC!!) is such a laid back fellow - and how he kids around with her because she's so petite, and he pretends to hug at his height, and then "realizes" that she's way down there and lowers himself to hug her...anyhow, you get the picture - she was chatty, says she loves her job because it allows her to socialize. I think that's great! Anyhow, tomorrow's the day!! I noticed that Mikey posted a successful outcome -- YEA Mikey! And I was looking for you in the hotel, thinking you were around still, but couldn't find someone who looked like your picture! You've probably changed so much already since you lost so much weight before the surgery! Ok, I am rambling - I am nervous, terrified, excited, can't wait for 6 months from now, and look forward to the journey! Best, Danielle
Pre-trip planning?? Leave tomorrow!!
ericsmom replied to ericsmom's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
There's a COSTCO at TJ? I keep thinking I"m going to another country, but there's a Costo, a "Quicky Mart", more flavors of my favorite non-POP drink (Crystal Light) than in the States -- what am I worried about??? It's great. DEFINITELY, most DEFINITELY, it will be the burger and fries. That just makes salivate right there. Then it's over to the Other side!! I can't wait! Still haven't found Liquid Tylenol, , but we have all day MOnday in San Diego to find a Walgreen's, and all Tuesday to find something at the stores in TJ. Worst case, I got the kids' version - by my calculation, I have to drink the whole bottle just to get the equivalent of an adult portion for my weight I go straight from the hospital back to CA, so in some ways that's easier! So we're all set! That chicken consomme would have been good at the hotel, though -- will have to find something similar in Santa Ana on Thurs/Fri! Now, it's just a question of finding suitcases and packing for the three of us (she says at 10 p.m. with an 8 a.m. flight ) Thanks again, all! TJ, here we come!! Snowbird, you're next! Thanks for telling me about the shakes - thanks to you, my suitcase will be much lighter than I thought! Danielle -
You're awesome!! When I looked at your stats I thought what a quick weight loss since the lap band - then I remembered that you're going on Monday -- fantastic!! Not sure if I'll see you there, but all the best on Monday!! Danielle
Pre-trip planning?? Leave tomorrow!!
ericsmom replied to ericsmom's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
Thank you so much, all!! I had not thought about any of the stuff you brought up! Lauren, re: the liquid tylenol, I haven't been able to find one that isn't children's, so I bought the kids' one and will just guzzle it! I also love the idea about the doctor's note!! That's perfect - that's what my dad does with his insulin - I should have thought about it like medicine! Sue, I had absolutely no idea that we had access to a "last meal"! I must be honest, I have really been struggling with the pre-op diet, because it just sems wrong to me not to eat before surgery that will have me restricting my eating for my foreseable future -- what a mentality, but frankly, I've got a bit of jekyll/hyde thing going in the evening! It really helps to know that I will have that one meal - in fact, I think I can stick to the fast now before Tues! I do hope we get to ride together - and the four of us (three of us and you) of us will contribute lots to the total for anyone else who joins! =D> Judy, that's a great idea (bouillon cubes). For some reason, I assumed that wouldn't be allowed on the plane - but it's not liquid, it's just potential liquid! Thanks for all the good wishes! Danielle -
Okay, yesterday, I got the confirmation that my surgery is on Wed Aug 29!! So far, no takers on the surgery date, but I'm sure I"ll meet them when we all get down there! I just realized a few things I should probably have thought of before! On my 10-hour flight (2 flights, connection in AZ), how does one do a liquid diet?? I assume that Protein Liquids aren't allowed onboard - and I have optifast liquid containers (not powders) Because I have an extra day in CA before surgery, I am worried about myself - specifically, staying on the fast. Has anyone needed to do that on a trip? It's also going to apply to me post-op - I travel quite a bit with my job (internationally, so long flights) I need to be on the fast over the next few days, because I've been less than angelic on the pre-op diet. Sadly, I realize how much of a grip food has on me!! Oh well, that's why I'm doing this! Any help, as always, would be appreciated! Danielle
Okay so it's a sure thing: I will be banded Wed. August 29! Good news (for me!) is that there are 6 of us that day!! Anybody else there that day? I'd love to know so we can share our journey down there! =D> Danielle
Sue, I am going to be going to OCC on Tuesday the 28th for my surgery on the 29th! Threre are 6 of us on the 29th, so I"m sure I won't be alone. If we can coordinate, I"d love to go down with you! Send me a private message and we can coordinate. Thanks, Danielle
OOps - sorry about the previous empty post. Lauren, congratulations! You're one of the people I'm following (since we're "around" the same time - I"'l be on the 28th or 29th!) I hope you got some good sleep last night, and that things are feeling better! Best wishes for a speedy recovery and continued QUICK loss!! Danielle