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    Jacksonville, NC

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  1. Kathy, Glad to hear that you're doing so well, healing quick, and losing weight. The liquid diet is definitely a bummer. I hope to never see or eat another popsicle, slushie, or plain ole cup of chicken broth. After the surgery everything went by so quickly there really wasnt much time to socialize. Wish there had been more time pre-surgery to bond with others, but now I share a common bond with you and the other bandsters. I'm so glad you havent suffered gas pains because I've had some doozies. I try to walk an hour a day and still suffer with gas pains behind my chest and occasionally my shoulder. Pretty darn uncomfortable....but all worth it in the end when I'm skinny! . Would love if we could keep posting and motivating each other to reach our goal weights.. Stephanie
  2. Danielle, I am so glad that I met you so soon after arriving. You will never know how comforting it was to relay my fears and tears to someone who understands. Boyfriends/hubby/significant others are great but they just don't fully understand the emotional toll. My boyfriend is convinced that they tinkered with my hormones because I have just been a sap these past few days. The entire staff were caring, nurturing, and professional. I started tearing up during the heart testing and the nurse just hugged me and told me how beautiful I was. I can't believe how sweet she was to a complete stranger...but she hugged me like I was her own child (which of course made me bawl some more! lol) The gas pains are definitely real. I walked my butt off trying to shop but swore I was having a heart attack when the gas bubbles went behind my chest. Whoooweee...all you can do is wait for the bubble to move. Gas-X is a must. I'm definitely morning food. I swear my stomach is growling every other hour during this liquid phase. I've found that orange juice no longer seems to agree with me. I took 3 sips and felt like my chest was caving in. So I'm finding comfort in apple juice and vitamin water. I am so excited to upgrade my soup choices soon. I have a count down for the solid food day. I haven't figured out what will be the lucky dish. I crave whatever I smell. I passed a hotdog cart today and thought about just licking the hotdog. And wondered if I could just lick 1 salt and vinegar potatoe chip. I miss "flavor" The flight home was pretty uncomfortable but I'm waiting for the day that I fit comfortably in an airplane seat. I understand the "blues" you are feeling. My life revolves around cooking food, eating food, looking for food, watching the food network, and thinking about food...so now I have to find other stuff to keep me busy. Anyway, I'm so glad that you're surgery was a success. Now the fun really begins... Stephanie
  3. I struggled with making the decision to have the surgery for several months before finally taking the plunge and setting a surgery date (8/29). I constantly am looking for that perfect "diet" that would rescue me and my weight. I've tried every diet, every pill, every gimmick, every work out program, every diet book, drink, supplement, counseling, hypnosis, etc. I've finally come to a point in my life where if I'm not on some program telling me what to eat or not eat..I have no idea what to cook. I just want to be normal and to eat like a skinny person. I want to eat a variety of foods but in "normal portions." I don't want to always think about calories, or the ingredients, or measurements, or the carb count. For the first time in my life I want to focus on other things. I'm hoping that the band will give me that freedom. I'm tired of eating cardboard foods with nasty chemicals and artificial ingredients. I want to learn to slow down while eating and to actually savor flavors instead of inhaling and shoveling food in my mouth as fast as I can. I'm hoping the band will recondition my brain to learn moderation.
  4. Hello Everyone, I'm scheduled for surgery on the 29th arriving from NC with my BF on the 28th. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Thank goodness for a supportive boyfriend who is flying in from Iraq to be by my side. I'm currently doing Atkins until 7 days before surgery when I'll start the liquid/Lean Cuisine diet. I have to lose 13 lbs which is not coming off easily. I keep wondering why I have to lose weight to have a weight loss surgery. If I had the willpower I wouldn't need the surgery, right??? Anyway, I hope to join Weight Watchers afterwards to relearn healthy eating. I will lose this weight by any means necessary and I will keep it off!!
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