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Sue Y

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About Sue Y

  • Birthday 02/16/1945

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  • Location
    Rockford, MI
  • Interests
    Reading, travel, gardening, GRANDKIDS, mission work in Guatemala, cooking, Red Hat Society

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. I am in the research phase of being banded. My husband is quite set against my going to Mexico for the procedure, and is willing to pay out of pocket whatever extra self pay in the U.S.entails. Our insurance, BCBS in Michigan, would pay ONLY if I prove 12 consecutive MONTHS of dieting and exercise under a doctor's supervision! Folks, I am too old for that. My dad died at 68 from cancer, but his life quality was pretty much wrecked by obesity-related illnesses: high blood pressure and high cholesterol no doubt led to his heart attack and quadruple by-pass. I just watched Dr. Ortiz' video from the website; maybe my husband's xenophobia will be taken away by Dr. Ortiz' completely unaccented English! Who knows? Not a factor for me, as I taught Spanish for years. Is there anyone on this forum from east of the Mississippi? I have received a list from Carolyn of docs in Michigan(on the east side; I'm on the west shore near Grand Rapids)who were proctored by Dr. Ortiz. One has said he'd do fills for me here. That would be great. Went to an info session at Barix Clinics in Holland,MI. All they do is bariatric surgery, but they don't have near the experience of the docs outside the States. I don't know their self-pay price, but chances are it's significantly higher than OCC. Heck, part of the reason I'd like to go to Tijuana is to stay in the posh hotel! And, as someone has remarked, I'd rather have the teacher perform the procedure than the student.... Chelley, you are inspiring. Hope your fill experience was good and that you find yourself back on track. Gradual is really so much better than fast; it gives your skin time to recover somewhat, and is less likely to result in gallstones, too. I have been practicing tiny plates, tiny bites and lengthy chewing. It really is more satisfying than the stuff and gulp that helped get me to my current weight: 215 at 5'3", with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea. No diabetes yet, but I bet it's right around the corner! Warm regards and best wishes to all of you already embarking on the adventure of losing weight! Sue
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