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Everything posted by lanie
How did you guys know how much weight to lose?
lanie replied to ClaireinCO's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
ClairenCo, Dr.Miranda put me on a slightly different pre-op diet, but I had a set number of pounds I had to loose. I would give her a call and ask her. It helps to know what you are working for, that is for sure. Especially when the cravings start to hit. Good Luck. -
Just finished paying for my surgery - guess this is as real as it gets - so far I have lost 7lbs - only three more to go before surgery, (28 Aug) even I can do that. Now I am starting to feel the nerves. I am "nesting" like you can't believe. I don't think I did this much before my sos was born. . Anyone else out there feeling this way?
Pre-op protein shake options?
lanie replied to ClaireinCO's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
I have been using EAS Advant Edge Carb Control Ready to Drink, drinks they have 15g of Protein, 100 Calories and 1g Impact Carbs. They taste pretty good as well. So far I have dropped 7lbs. I ordered mine online, but I know that you can buy them in the stores. Hope this helps. -
Has anyone gotten their Medic Alert Tags? I currently wear one for other medical conditions and am going to have it updated after my surgery (12 days and counting) for the Lap Band. I am curious as to what other people are putting on theirs. From what research I have done the basic is: AGB Patient - No NG Tube w/out Endoscope. Can anyone offer any other suggestions or what their Dr. reccomended. Thanks. Lanie
Hello All, My surgery date is set for 28 August - I will be coming in from Virginia.
Surgery Scheduled for August 28th
lanie replied to mysterymachine's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
Littleroo Thank You - I appreciate the support. I admit I am a little nervous of the "hand off" from airport to driver, though the OCC assures me they haven't lost anyone yet . -
Surgery Scheduled for August 28th
lanie replied to mysterymachine's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
I used to live in Colorado Springs, love the State. Hope you have luck with your travel arrangments. I don't arrive until 7:30pm I have no idea how long it will take to meet up with the driver and get to the hotel. I think I am more nervous about that part than the surgery (lol). I will be making the trip alone, so I am a little nervous about the traveling part. -
Surgery Scheduled for August 28th
lanie replied to mysterymachine's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
mystermachine, I have the same surgery date - I am flying in Sunday night from Virginia. Like you I had to finance the surgery. I was lucky to be able to use my DH car as security so we got a little bit of a break on the rate. I figure in the long run it is worth the money. Besides, every one says you save on your food budget after being banded, let's hope so (lol). I look forward to seeing you down there. I am excited to find someone with the same surgery date as myself. -
Well my surgery is set - has been for over a month now - I have gone through a serious of emotions from nervous to excited. Now I feel apathetic about the entire processes. My surgery is still a month away. I am doing all the expected things. Making sure I have all my duckes in a row. But, still nothing. What's wrong with me. I want this, I need this! Why am I not feeling more about it. Will the excitment come back as I get closer? Will the apathey continue to the surgery date? Is this good or bad? Not a lot ruffles my feathers, so maybe this is the norm for me. Any way, I would be interested if anyone else has felt this way in their journey. Thanks.
I too would love an idea of what to take with me. I also would like to hear from those of you who had long flights and what you did for "food" on the flights. Its not like you can hall chicken broth to Mexico and back . Again any insight, advice is appreciated.
Let me know how the fill goes - I live in Alexandria, so he would be right around the corner. Congrats on the weight loss. Who did your Band? How are you feeling?
I am being banded on the 28th, arriving on the 27th. I'm going all by myself from Virginia. Anyone else coming in on those dates? I would love to hook up online or in TJ.
Well I just told my two closest friends my plans, they both happen to be nurses. Lets just say it did not go over very well. They were okay with the surgery, after a few minutes. But when I told them about Tijuana Mexico, they fliped out. Then when I told them I was planning on going by myself. That just sealed the no deal as far as they are conserned. I was doing pretty good, till this point. Had it all worked out in my mind. I even have my plane ticket purchased. My husband is going to watch my son. Now they are insisting that I take someone with me, as an advocate for me incase something happens. Not what I had planned, or sure is really necessary. What's a girl to do...
Surgery on 7/21, what is given for pain?
lanie replied to mferra's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
Lori, Do you know if they prescribe anything other than Supradol? I am allergic to all NSAIDS. Or should I try and get my Dr. here to prescribe somthing? I have time to work through this, my surgery date is not until the 28th of August. Any help is appreciated -
The bellow link will take you to a recorded video of a live Lap Band Surgery from Brigham and Womens Hospital. It is very informative, but very graphic and technical. During the video they are doing a question and answer session as well as giving a little seminar on the Lap Band. They of course are hoping you will choose their facility, but still good source of information. You must type in the link, clicking on it will not take you to the video. http://www.or-live.com/brighamandwomens/1372/ Hope you find it as informative and as helpful as I did.
Surgery Date Set - Nerves Setting In
lanie replied to lanie's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
Hello All, Thanks for the great feedback. I am feeling better every day about my decesion. Even more so since I finished reading Dr. Ortiz's book "Lap-Band For Life". It did a great job of answering a lot of my questions about the surgery and what to expect from the entire process. Not to mention about what to expect afterwards. Now I am anxious, but in a good way. I am counting down the days until I can be banded. I am trying to make little changes to my life (diet), so that I will not feel such a suddon shock to my system and hopefully be over some of the craveings (like for soda and pineapple). Besides I need to loose that 5%, and like everyone else I am worried about reaching that goal before surgery date. Weight Watchers here I come again . -
I am being banded on the 28th of August 2006 - My BMI is 37.1 - I would love to loose a hundred pounds but I will be happy with 80 or so wich ever the dr thinks best. I am feeling a lot more comfortable about my decesion. I told my mum and she didn't freak out like I thought she would. She was very supportive and even offered to go with. I will be making the journey on my own. From what everything that has been posted I think I should be good to go. I am more nervous about making it back over the border crossing to catch my plane I think at this point. A little nervous about the liqued diet, seems to be a lot of chatter and different versions on what you can have when. I am a pretty literal person, if you say clear liqueds for so many days, well then that is what I will do. I hope the nutritionist is ready for a lot of questions.
Surgery Date Set - Nerves Setting In
lanie replied to lanie's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
I have the same question as Charlie - what money, credit cards, to bring? How is the cell phone coverage, what about chargers, is the current the same or bring an extra battery for the phone? What about jewlery, should I bring my wedding ring or leave it home. Whear is our personal effects stored during surgery. I know these are little things to be worring about, but questions that still go through the mind. -
Surgery Date Set - Nerves Setting In
lanie replied to lanie's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
Thanks for all the great feedback - my nerves have seemed to have gone away - I feel very calm now - I know this is the right thing for me. I even told my mum today what I was going to do. She surprised me and was very suportive, even offered to fly down if I wanted. I declined, that would realy send me over the edge . I am now trying to mentally get ready for the surgery and the life style changes that will come with it. I drank my last soda this weekend, no more carbonated drinks for me. . I have started drinking more water and am hitting the crystal light section of the store to see what flavors are out there. I don't want to start drinking to many sport drinks, thus undoing what the band is supposed to be doing, by drinking to many calories. Keep the support/feedback coming - you have not idea how it helps to know people are going through the same thing I am. -
My surgery isn't till August, but I had my last carbonated soda yesterday. I figure I had better get it out of my system now, one less craveing to deal with. Besides it will show my husband how strong my resolve is to have this done . The killer is giving up Mojotos (spelling may be off), my favorite drink (it is made with carbonated water) . I guess I will be a wine girl from here on out, when I want a drink. I have all ready started looking at all the crystal light and such, that seems to the recomendation from the people who have been through this before. Lots and Lots of water products. That seems easy enough, especially if I start now. I am trying to be very upbeat about this and see only the positive life style change I am making. Water is so much better for me than soda . Good Luck. Lanie
Surgery date is set (28 August 06) - Plane ticket purchased - Now I am nervous. Am I doing the right thing? Mexico? What am I thinking, what should I expect? I have read nothing but good things on this site. Every thing I have found on Dr. Ortiz is great. Yet you hear nothing but horror stories about going to Mexico. I guess I need a little advise from some people who have been there, nerves and all. Any advise and stories is helpful to me. Thanks is advance. Lanie
I am trying to get my ducks in a row. Anyone know of any Dr. that works with international patients in the great DC area? I am willing to drive a couple of hours if need be. A good Dr. is what is important to me. Appreciate any help or advice. Lanie
Hello, I have just made the decesion to be "banded" (soundeds so barbariac), but if it works... Do to family scheduling I need to wait till August, it seems a life time away. Now that I have made the decesion is there anything that I should be doing to get myself ready, again August is so far away. Is there any one out there that went through this with a low amount of weight to loose (say around a hundred pounds), my BMI is at 36. I would love to hear from you and your experience with the "band".