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Hey everyone!

I've noticed there's no real focus on exercise/fitness in this forum -- and because it's always been my first love, I thought I'd share some of my knowledge.

I have a background in fitness and nutrition, and 2 years ago, competed in my first figure show - I've been in involved in bodybuilding for almost 4 years now.

These are my current cert's - just so you know I'm legit ;)

i'd be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

America College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Certified Health/Fitness Instructor

American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Certified Personal Trainer

Stott International Pilates Method

Certified Mat Level 1

I think the key to physical fitness is finding something you love doing. For me, it was lifting weights, and watching my once very mushy female body, turn into muscle.

It's amazing how the body works.

It's just as amazing how the mind works -- for me, over eating, and years of BP'ing has taken a toll on my mental state. Over the past 365 days, I've gained so much weight.

In the past year, I've gained over 55lbs. I stopped working out, after I brought home a new doberman puppy, and my mind was no longer on myself, but my new 'baby'.

5 years ago, I went through my first 'transformation' and through monitored dieting (I hired a nutritionist - who i ended up dating later on ... my life was bodybuilding and dieting. Which left room for very little else.

I went from 230lbs, to a solid 145lb - I love seeing before & after pictures - i find them extremely telling, and of course, motivating!

I had my 'oh my god' moment, when I saw this photo of myself - I'm the one on the left. I knew I had a serious weight problem, and need to take control.





I did all through constant dieting, and i never skipped or missed a cardio or workout session.

My life was then based around my workouts. The more I concentrated on it, the more results I saw.

Anyone can do this.

Anyone can set a goal - physical, mental, emotional.

You can accomplish your weight goal.

Just remember. Weight is only a number on a scale. It doesn't define you.

I am getting the band to help with my ongoing struggle to control my BP'ing, which is something I've finally figured out mentally.

I'm excited to get banded on Tuesday!

I'm also excited to see YOUR before/after pictures.

What was your 'oh no' moment?



Hi Lindsay,

Wow, you hot little thing you! I want that! On March 23, I start my running course to learn to run. I am signing up for a Sprint Triathlon in August and I cant wait to do it. My brother is huge into the sport and wants me to join him. You can help me. I will be in touch in the next few days to let you know how you can help me, training and work out info!

Thank you for letting us know that you have such a vault of knowledge!

Oh one question, did you have the lap band surgery?


Hey everyone!

I've noticed there's no real focus on exercise/fitness in this forum -- and because it's always been my first love, I thought I'd share some of my knowledge.

I have a background in fitness and nutrition, and 2 years ago, competed in my first figure show - I've been in involved in bodybuilding for almost 4 years now.

These are my current cert's - just so you know I'm legit ;)

i'd be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

America College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Certified Health/Fitness Instructor

American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Certified Personal Trainer

Stott International Pilates Method

Certified Mat Level 1

I think the key to physical fitness is finding something you love doing. For me, it was lifting weights, and watching my once very mushy female body, turn into muscle.

It's amazing how the body works.

It's just as amazing how the mind works -- for me, over eating, and years of BP'ing has taken a toll on my mental state. Over the past 365 days, I've gained so much weight.

In the past year, I've gained over 55lbs. I stopped working out, after I brought home a new doberman puppy, and my mind was no longer on myself, but my new 'baby'.

5 years ago, I went through my first 'transformation' and through monitored dieting (I hired a nutritionist - who i ended up dating later on ... my life was bodybuilding and dieting. Which left room for very little else.

I went from 230lbs, to a solid 145lb - I love seeing before & after pictures - i find them extremely telling, and of course, motivating!

I had my 'oh my god' moment, when I saw this photo of myself - I'm the one on the left. I knew I had a serious weight problem, and need to take control.





I did all through constant dieting, and i never skipped or missed a cardio or workout session.

My life was then based around my workouts. The more I concentrated on it, the more results I saw.

Anyone can do this.

Anyone can set a goal - physical, mental, emotional.

You can accomplish your weight goal.

Just remember. Weight is only a number on a scale. It doesn't define you.

I am getting the band to help with my ongoing struggle to control my BP'ing, which is something I've finally figured out mentally.

I'm excited to get banded on Tuesday!

I'm also excited to see YOUR before/after pictures.

What was your 'oh no' moment?


I appreciate the offer of help but I'm confused. Did you already have the surgery or are you going to have it at 145lbs?!?! And what's BP'ing? I know that I PB sometimes...


I'm guessing that BP'ing means Bingeing and Purging. It does sound as if she is getting the lap band to prevent that horrible cycle. I guess even at goal weight and all that exercise she does and all that nutrition info she harbors, she is still struggling? I'm not sure either. I have noticed that during my short time on this board I've run across "psychologists" and exercise gurus basically advertising their profession here. It is smart marketing, we are their target audience. I am skeptical about them, personally. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe they are posting to benefit themselves as well...and not in any sort of financial way.


Since communications is MY specialty (nothing to sell here) let me chime in, lol! It looks like what you are trying to say is that five years ago you got down to 145 through diet and exercise but this year gained 55 back so you are around 200 now and although you love exercise (I'm the exact opposite, hate it, even fear it) that you still struggle with food and that is why you're getting banded. I think that makes perfect sense and wish you the best of luck.




Welcome to the forum. I saw your post on nutrition as well.

Good luck with your band.

You will find the topics come and go on the forum. Just because you do not see it today does not mean that we were not talking about it two weeks ago.


I'm guessing that BP'ing means Bingeing and Purging. It does sound as if she is getting the lap band to prevent that horrible cycle. I guess even at goal weight and all that exercise she does and all that nutrition info she harbors, she is still struggling? I'm not sure either. I have noticed that during my short time on this board I've run across "psychologists" and exercise gurus basically advertising their profession here. It is smart marketing, we are their target audience. I am skeptical about them, personally. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe they are posting to benefit themselves as well...and not in any sort of financial way.


When I read this a second time it did sound like a very cleverly worded advertisement, but hey I could be wrong...


Lindsay this is a lapband support forum, we all learn from each other as bandsters & help each other with our journey. But, I don't think ANY of us claim to know it all about Nutrition and Exercise.

Obviously if you have gained 55lbs you also have issues with food etc, and could probably learn from other bandsters, if you are truly having surgery.

Quite frankly, I think you should just spit it out what your goals are here, instead of being full of criticism.

Since communications is MY specialty (nothing to sell here) let me chime in, lol! It looks like what you are trying to say is that five years ago you got down to 145 through diet and exercise but this year gained 55 back so you are around 200 now and although you love exercise (I'm the exact opposite, hate it, even fear it) that you still struggle with food and that is why you're getting banded. I think that makes perfect sense and wish you the best of luck.


i went from one thing to another .. didn't i?!

but you nailed it.

i've always struggled with my weight - up and down, up and down.

but my recent weight has reached a whopping 229lbs.

and i'm getting banded on tuesday -- hence why i've just started poking around on here.

i'm not selling anything.


...maybe my first post sounded like a bit of an advert, eh?!



Hey Lindsay,

Welcome and congrats on your decision to get the band.

This really is a great place to be, I looked at what you wrote in the other post and its right on with what I'm trying to do for maintenance. In one of my lines of business I work with Nutritionists and Doctors (I’m the business part) who are into natural wellness and I always have to step away from the place I’m comfortable in for my own needs, you would think I could lose the weight since I had all the knowledge at my fingertips – and people who would love to help me, but its harder than it seems to work with those you know.

The band has been a great asset to me, I’ve reached my goals and now I’m going to another doctor (separate from my business) to learn more about healthy eating and changing the way I view food, and the movement of my body. I needed someone who doesn’t know me to get me on the right path.

I’m glad you joined us – its great to have extra resources to help us succeed and hopefully we can help you. And thank you for putting everything out there – it really can benefit people.

(I’m not selling anything either).



i went from one thing to another .. didn't i?!

but you nailed it.

i've always struggled with my weight - up and down, up and down.

but my recent weight has reached a whopping 229lbs.

and i'm getting banded on tuesday -- hence why i've just started poking around on here.

i'm not selling anything.


...maybe my first post sounded like a bit of an advert, eh?!


Lindsay glad you cleared that up! lol We can all learn from each other. You will lose the weight again, the band is a great tool to help you. I doubt you will ever gain again! Good Luck! Let us know how you do!



thank you everyone, for you kind and very supportive words.

i've been feeling extremely isolated lately, and i don't have many people I can talk to about this.

it's a rather personal experience and thing to do, and the one time I DID bring it up in my usual blog, i all of a sudden got flamed by people i didn't even know.

i hate it when people respond to the lap band, without even knowing anything about it.

especially when it comes to traveling to mexico.

i believe this forum has a blog feature, so maybe i'll start a new blog there.

i just need others who know exactly what i'm talking about to comment and follow ...

does anyone else here have a blog i should know about?!

and thank you again.

you have no idea what a sigh of relief i just had!



thank you everyone, for you kind and very supportive words.

i've been feeling extremely isolated lately, and i don't have many people I can talk to about this.

it's a rather personal experience and thing to do, and the one time I DID bring it up in my usual blog, i all of a sudden got flamed by people i didn't even know.

i hate it when people respond to the lap band, without even knowing anything about it.

especially when it comes to traveling to mexico.

i believe this forum has a blog feature, so maybe i'll start a new blog there.

i just need others who know exactly what i'm talking about to comment and follow ...

does anyone else here have a blog i should know about?!

and thank you again.

you have no idea what a sigh of relief i just had!


Hey Lindsay, don't pay attention to those stupid un educated people. lol You are doing this for your health not theirs, so their opinion of you doesn't matter. People are also not educated about Dr. Ortiz, his staff or facility. If they could ALL see it, they would see that it is better than alot you see in the U.S.

I blog, I enjoy writing about what is going on with me through this journey. You will see my blog address below.

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