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Does this band really work

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I got the lap band March 3rd I feel I am failing , I was supose to be eating soft foods but I can eat soild foods, My family is not that good of suport beacuse they eat alot of junk food, and fried food, Its hard to watch them, then them saying go drink your liquids , So I lied and told them I can have whatever I want.But I know better I am gonna go back to working out this week But how do I get back on my diet? Will this feeling of always being hungry go away when I start to get my fills?

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i'm not too sure how to respond to this post without sounding mean or nasty ...

but the band is only a tool.

you won't lose weight if you're still eating crap.

and not exercising.

You shouldn't be eating solids, because you're stretching out your new stomach!

Once it's stretched out by eating solids far too soon (like you're doing), it can't be un-done without more surgery.

You're stretching out your new pocket.

Did you get the diet information package and the consult with the nutritionist explaining this?!

my husband doesn't eat very well, but i don't revolve my eating habits around his.

i make my own decisions.

maybe you should too?

i'm surprised you got the lap band.

It doesn't sound like you're ready.

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It is still very early. You need to follow the diet guidelines so you dont damage your band. It is not uncommon to not have restriction yet. I did not get restriction until after my 3rd fill. Give it time, it will work.

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Geez... can we support one another with a little bit of tack and kindness? I think telling someone that they were not ready to be banded is a bit extreme and out-of-line. Please be considerate of others feelings. Answer honestly, but answering honestly can be done without rudeness.


How do you start again? You go back to the guidelines that your surgeon gave to you. It's really that simple. What's done is done. At your first fill (have it done under fluro) ask questions like... have I stretched my pouch, have I caused my band to slip, does my port look okay and overall how do I look inside. Pick yourself up and eat right from here on out. I know it's hard to make the right choices when you are surrounded by people that don't know or don't care. It's such a personal decision to get the band and those around us truly don't know the life style change that it is. Be honest with them. Educate them on the life of a bandster. Help them understand how important this is for you. I remember thinking several times during my 21 day post-op liquid phase... "What have I done? I want this thing out of me! I think I just made the biggest mistake of my life! I want a cheeseburger!" Now... just a couple of months later, I can tell you that I know that it's the best thing that I could have done for myself. Be patient with the process as it is not an overnight fix to our obesity. Right now, you have no restriction because you have nothing in your band. As you get your fills you will feel a difference and you will begin to learn what restriction is. If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me. I'm still a newbie of sorts... I was banded on December 3 and just got my third fill yesterday. Including pre-op, I have 4.5 months under my belt and will do all I can to help you get back on track. You can do this!


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I agree 100% with Kristy.

Also, the band has just been put in place. There is NO SALINE IN IT FOR RESTRICTION you are in the healing process. I think I only lost 5-8 lbs during the post op and then once I got my fills, I was losing much more. Most of your weight loss is going to come AFTER the fills.

Hang in there. This is just the beginning. If you read the profiles of the long time bandsters here, they have hit their goal in a year. I too didn't think it was possible but I am 2 lbs away from the 170's and that means 40 more lbs within the next year for me to hit my 100 lb goal.

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  angela2662 said:
I got the lap band March 3rd I feel I am failing , I was supose to be eating soft foods but I can eat soild foods, My family is not that good of suport beacuse they eat alot of junk food, and fried food, Its hard to watch them, then them saying go drink your liquids , So I lied and told them I can have whatever I want.But I know better I am gonna go back to working out this week But how do I get back on my diet? Will this feeling of always being hungry go away when I start to get my fills?

Angela! You've only been banded 12 days! You are still healing and let me tell you that the liquid stage is the hardest part. If you can make it through this--then you can make it through anything! Your family is not very supportive and that's a damn shame, but this was YOUR decision and it's natural to feel hungry on liquids! Please, please just get through the next nine days of liquids and your band will be healed into place, then you can start solids. This is a learning process and trust me, I've been banded for six months and it is still hard to get around the "head hunger", but I'm taking it one day at a time and you should too. Good luck and please protect your $8000 investment in your future by staying on the liquids--you can always come to this forum for support. That's what we are here for--except for the few harsh people, most people are very helpful. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

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i don't think what a lot of people need is hold handing.

she's stretching out her new stomach.

that's fact.

she's making her own decisions.

that's fact.

that makes me mean?


i hate it when people make excuses as to why they can't do something they have full control over.

i think they need to make INFORMATIVE decisions, not based on what they psychologically want or THINK they need.

Hell, that's why the majority of people are over weight.

They have serious issues that go far beyond what we see.

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I am sorry but I have to agree 100% with Lindsay. I don't think her post was rude, it was brutally honest and what needed to be said. Not sure why people on here feel they have the right to tell others they or their posts are rude. I find that rude.

If you don't want some tough love then why even post a post like this? How at such a short time should the bandster even know if they can eat solid food yet or not. They should not know this yet....period.

I wish you the best angela2662 and for your sake I hope you get your head in the right place about this sooner than later.

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Ok Angela, Here's my take:

you done screwed up. (I don't really talk like that, but it always funny saying that!) You need to sit down and figure out why you are sabotaging yourself like this right out of the gate. Whats going on in that brain of yours? Evaluate. You ARE hungry cause you don't have restriction. BUT, you just made a big investment in yourself, and if you think rationally, you have got to figure out why you're not willing to do the work to make the investment give you a return. You need to do some true soul-searching so that you can get yourself on track.

Now, that being said... you are going to be hungry till you get a couple (or more) fills. You need to follow your post-op diet to the letter so that you don't screw your band up. Once you are eating solids (when you're supposed to), you need to count your calories, do whatever the hell you have to do to keep that weight loss going until you get those fills to give you the restriction you need. Some people gain during post-op. Or they fail to lose until they get their fills. That is a reality. BUT, you can make yourself not be one of those statistics. The more closely you follow what you eat until you are properly restricted, the further you will be ahead in the game.

One of my favorite retro movies is Better Off Dead. One of the characters says one of my favorite lines, "Buck up little camper, we'll beat that slope together." So dust yourself off, and make YOURSELF a priority NOW and start over. You can do it.

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I totally agree with being blunt.... I don't think Lindsey was rude, it is what I would want to hear if I was breaking the rules.... Take it or leave it... That is how you need to take any comment given on this forum, please no drama like before...... If you don't like what someone says then just ignore them...

Everyone keep up your hard work...


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Congrats on MAKING YOUR OWN DECISION to get Lapband! This is not an easy decision or life style change to make and you somewhere were ready to make this decision, you are banded. You have to be strong, EVERYONE struggles and I would have a hard time believing if someone if they said they have never struggled, uhmmmm that is why we are overweight and have had surgery to help us. NO ONE on this board is perferct and yes you need to hear that you could hurt yourself by eating at this time, you do need to heal. HOWEVER, you can correct what you are doing by making better choices. This is your choice not your families, I honesly beleive there is a purpose in everthing you do in your life, and who knows maybe this is your time to help them. Maybe you could show them just by doing what you are suppose to do that you can eat good foods and live a better life. As far as the food, when you are able to eat them after 21 days of liquids, you are going to be hungry and you are going to be able to eat pretty much what ever you want until your fills. Make you a daily menu and try your best to stick by this. Weigh and measure your foods.

Anytime you need encouragement or just need to vent, this is the place to do it. Go take a look at the Photo Gallery, it helps me so much. Just think, in no time at all, we will see new pics of Angie!

Please never second guess your decision to be banded because of someones words. It is amazing how words can affect someones outlook on the things they are already struggling with.

Good Luck and Keep your head high!


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Was just offering my opinion... telling someone that they should not have been banded is rude and uncalled for. A little tack and kindness isn't too much to ask for. But, perhaps it is to much to ask for here... time has shown that. Lindsey, I didn't say you were mean. And, I'm not asking you to hold people's hands. I was just stating that sometimes we can say things in a little kinder "tone" so that people feel they are supported and not shamed. At least she had the courage to post... but, there is no need to demean another human being because she made some wrong choices. Meh... so done with this topic.

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Enough of this.

1. True nobody needs hand holding, but people do need some sympathy and understanding. Think back to what it was like when you were heavy. It's one thing to present the facts, it's another thing to be insensitively blunt. Have a little compassion. And if you want to be factual, you're incorrect. While she may be eating sooner than she's supposed to, no, that does not necessarily mean that she's stretching out her pouch, what it does mean that later on she may very well have some band slippage issues. No THAT is a fact.

2. This person came for help and support, not to see a bunch of people puff out their chest, and play the "I'm better than you game". You should ALL be ashamed of yourself.

3. We're adults....>ACT LIKE IT<

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You did not say where you were banded. At OCC, Dr. Ortiz recommends his patients stay on liquids for 21 days so that the band can "heal in place." Those 21 days are not about losing weight but about the band healing. Dr. Ortiz recommends this in one of his videos. If your band was placed by OCC, it does not have any saline (fill) in it and therefore you will not have any restriction.

It was your decision to get the band, it is also your decision to follow your post operative guidelines. If you choose not to, as Travis said, there may be consequences like a stretched pouch or a slipped band. All of us on the forum can encourage you but the decision is unltimately yours to make.

We want to see you succeed. All of us have our own way of expressing our concern. Some of us may come across as more blunt than others. I think it has been said before but on here, you have to take what you want and leave the rest.

Good luck with your band. I sincerely hope you decide to adhere to your post operative guidelines and give the lapband a chance to work for you.


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  BrandNewDawn said:

You did not say where you were banded. At OCC, Dr. Ortiz recommends his patients stay on liquids for 21 days so that the band can "heal in place." Those 21 days are not about losing weight but about the band healing. Dr. Ortiz recommends this in one of his videos. If your band was placed by OCC, it does not have any saline (fill) in it and therefore you will not have any restriction.

It was your decision to get the band, it is also your decision to follow your post operative guidelines. If you choose not to, as Travis said, there may be consequences like a stretched pouch or a slipped band. All of us on the forum can encourage you but the decision is unltimately yours to make.

We want to see you succeed. All of us have our own way of expressing our concern. Some of us may come across as more blunt than others. I think it has been said before but on here, you have to take what you want and leave the rest.

Good luck with your band. I sincerely hope you decide to adhere to your post operative guidelines and give the lapband a chance to work for you.


Much better, thank you.

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I would also like to add, that you should tell your family and why it's important. If you need someone to talk to them, feel free to message me in private and I'll call them and have a sit down so they'll understand.

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Angela -

Where were you banded at?

What you are experiencing is normal. We have all had times in which we had to force ourselves to make the right choice. Just because you can eat solids it does not mean you should eat them. Re-read your doctors instructions and be determined to follow them. Why?

A. You will be looking good when your family is looking miserable from stuffing their faces with junk food.

B. You will be getting to purchase a new wardrobe when your family is wearing the same things they have always worn.

C. You thought this thru to the best of your ability prior to the surgery and then put some good money into the surgery. So now you are goikng to show your family how you kick butt and take

names in the weight loss department.

Here are some things you might try to make this time easier for you.

1. Do your best to get in plenty of protein to help curb the hunger even though it sounds like you are still in the liquid stage. Remember that you are not limited to the amount of liquid you can

have during this stage, you are only limited by how fast you drink it. Once you get started with the fills, your hunger will gradually be curbed.

2. If you do the grocery shopping for your family stop buying the junk food.

3. If you do the cooking for your family, start cooking healthy for everyone. They get to eat what you eat - good stuff.

4. If watching them eat right now is too difficult for you, take your drink to the other room.

5. You mentioned exercise - be careful with this, sounds like it might be a little too soon to start this.

I think Travis was right when he said you need to talk to your family. Let them know why you made this decision, and if part of the reason was because of them, let them know that. Tell them that you did this so that you could see them grow up, graduate, get married, etc. Even if it takes time for your family to come around, we are already here to offer our support and encouragement. So, hold your head high, stick your chest out and face the new you head on.


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  Trav said:
I would also like to add, that you should tell your family and why it's important. If you need someone to talk to them, feel free to message me in private and I'll call them and have a sit down so they'll understand.

Trav- You're awesome. That is all. :)

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Sorry to beat this further to the ground, but as a psychologist, I had to give my two cents on the importance of having a little tact and compassion. The purpose of this forum is to support, not to denigrate or make others feel bad about themselves. Lord knows many of us on here have experienced a lifetime of feeling bad about ourselves and having those bad feelings compounded by the lack of support and understanding from people around us. We might disagree with what others on this forum have to say and what their methods of weight loss are (I certainly have disagreed with some stuff that is posted on here), but it is just as easy to make one's point respectfully and tactfully as it is to do so bluntly. It doesn't hurt to give a little consideration to how our words and tone may affect someone.

To Angela,

In my experience, the band helps to curb physical hunger and slow down the rate of food going down, but the mental hunger takes longer to go away, and some people still fight with that months or years after getting the band. I've had two fills so far and I rarely ever feel physically hungry - it's almost always purely mental. And I still do get hungry, 3.5 months post-band. Having said that, having adequate restriction and reaching that 'sweet spot' seems to be the critical thing that makes the band work for people. And you don't have any restriction in your band yet, so don't beat yourself up over being hungry.


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Angela - Identical story for me. Let your body heal, and eat some food if you can. Let's face it, as long as your band allows you to chow down, then you will. That's how we got here in the first place right? You will not become successful until you eat less. This will not happen until your doctor cranks that thing down. After this, when you eat, you will get full quickly and if you push it, you will throw it all up. It's pretty simple. After some of this action, you will learn to not eat as much, and your body will natrually go into ketosis. At this point, you will no longer fight hunger and you will lose weight. But be patient and let it all happen...

SoCal Kid

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Hi All,

I love these types of discussions because it teaches me more about the band. I was banded 4 days ago and I think I am mentally starving. I am not sure if I misunderstood liquids. I am only taking in water, apple juice, clear broth, and sometimes a cup of tea. Are protein shakes considered liquid? They seem a little thick and I was told that liquids mean the consistency of water.. Should I be taking a protein shake or two? Maybe I would have more energy and feel full and not deprived. The road ahead is a long one I know, but I did this for a reason. Just tired of being overweight, and not being able to keep the weight off...

Thanks for all the support


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MY post-op instructions from Dr. Ortiz (all docs are different and sometimes their directions are different from patient to patient) but MY post-op dircetions were clear liquids for seven days (so no protein shakes, soups etc until day 8) and then on day 22 (after 21-days liquid diet) I could start adding food.


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What Sabrina said.

My directions were so clear.

I'm just a bit confused.

Didn't everyone else receive the folder of nutritional info (it's only TWO pages of info) and have a private consult with Gabriella, the in-house nutritionist?

She made me go through a really basic powerpoint presentation on carb's and the importance of liquids, and clear liquids and protein.

Even Dr Martinez said that if i wanted to be successful, i HAD to follow the diet to a T.

This was all before i went into the operating room.

They were very very clear on the instructions.

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  Lindsay said:
What Sabrina said.

My directions were so clear.

I'm just a bit confused.

Didn't everyone else receive the folder of nutritional info (it's only TWO pages of info) and have a private consult with Gabriella, the in-house nutritionist?

She made me go through a really basic powerpoint presentation on carb's and the importance of liquids, and clear liquids and protein.

Even Dr Martinez said that if i wanted to be successful, i HAD to follow the diet to a T.

This was all before i went into the operating room.

They were very very clear on the instructions.

Even though this forum is through the OCC not everyone on here was banded by them and other doctors have different post-op diets that include mushy food, etc. and from the seven months I've been on here, people that are banded other places sometimes are not clear on their post-op diets or other things and end up coming here for information and help.

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  AngelaAnn said:
Even though this forum is through the OCC not everyone on here was banded by them and other doctors have different post-op diets that include mushy food, etc. and from the seven months I've been on here, people that are banded other places sometimes are not clear on their post-op diets or other things and end up coming here for information and help.

Very true! I know someone who was banded 4 days ago in the states and she is already eating mashed potatoes. Every Dr. has different rules.

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