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Tomorrow is the day

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Good Luck,

The surgery is a breeze. I have also found out that everyone is here to help you and answer questions. You will find that there isn't a question that you should feel too petty to ask.

Anne :-h

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  AshleyMarie said:
I just wanted to thank everyone for all of your support. It means so much to me. I am leaving this afternoon for my surgery tomorrow. I am very excited I can't even sleep LOL. I will make sure to check in as soon as I can. MWUAH!

So happy for you. Stay focused and enjoy the ride into your new life.

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Congrats and best of luck! You will sail through no problems. Hop on the computer and let us know how it went once you are done. I always love the emails people send when they are doped up! :)

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Where do I begin? I arrived at the border at 3pm California time. Right now Mexico is an hour behind just FYI. Our shuttle driver Francisco was very nice and drove very safely. He answered any questions that I had about when he would pick me up and how crossing the border would be. My mother and I arrived at the Lucerna and went straight up to our room. We were very lucky to have been the first room after we walked out of the elevator. I have not been sleeping well lately so I closed the blinds, turned on the T.V. and closed my eyes. I was just about to fall asleep and there was a knock at the door. My mother and I did not want to answer it and just laid in our beds. It was the bag boy. He opened the door and said, "We have a complimentary fruit basket" and closed the door. He just said it on the sink. It included a banana, pear and an apple. After that, my mother and I decided to go get some dinner. We ate in the restaurant downstairs. I know this was a no no but my mother and I shared a plate (as did the other people who had surgery the same day as I did). We splt the Mexican combo. It seemed like just enough food and it was not greasy like the yummy Mexican food in San Diego. For our Mexican combo, a lemonade and diet coke, the bill was $13 in U.S money. We did ask the waiter how that worked when he took our order. We just left $15 with the waiter. We then went back to the room and turned on the T.V and watched a movie. At around 9pm their time, we closed our eyes and fell asleep.

I was told to be ready for the shuttle service to pick us up at 5:30am Mexico time. It was a little late, but I was able to talk to three other women who were being banded the same day as me. We arrived to the OCC and filled out a little paperwork. Since I was the first one to complete my paperwork, I was the first one to do my Pre Op tests. Those went smoothly. I then visited the dentist and the nutritionist. After that I went to my private room. The private room was very nice. It had a chair and a couch for my guest, my bed and a radio and television with full cable. Once I was ready for surgery they wheeled me right in. I remember the Dr. saying I would fall asleep in 20 seconds and at that time I was wide awake. All of a sudden I felt like my ears were going to pop. One of my eyes closed and then boom I was asleep. Thirty minutes later I was taken back to my room to my bed. I remember waking up and my right eye was very blurry. I was completely out of it. I then fell asleep for about 2 hours.

After waking up from my nap, the Dr.s all came in to talk to me and see how I was doing. One of the nurses came in every now and then to put medicine in my I.V. Let me tell you this for all people afraid of needles. I have NEVER had a shot or I.V. as easy as this one. They even gave me a shot in my stomach. I DIDN'T even feel the normal pinch you do when someone takes your blood or gives you a shot. It was simple! The thought of a shot in your stomach sounded to weird to be but it was so easy and I didn't feel a thing. After a while one of the nurses helped me stand up and sit in the chair. I was soooo thirsty she brought me an Otter Pop. Oh do I love those. I suggest you all buy them or some kind of popsicle for the Post Op diet. It really helped. I did feel gassy but it was definitely something I could deal with. I walked around the clinic probably a total of 7 times and they said I was doing sooo well. Dr. Ortiz said that I could go home the same day of surgery. (I live in San Diego and am really close). I was ecstatic. I was burping a little bit but after my last medicine and pain killer it seemed to go away.

Overall, my experience was wonderful. You do not have to worry about the shuttle service or going anywhere alone if you don't want to. Francisco drove very safe and we were at the Lucerna in no time. Everyone at the OCC treated me like I was the only person that mattered in the world. I do have a few recommendations that I would like to share with people. I would suggest stocking up on Gatorade and popsicles right away. The nutritionist told me that Gatorade is what is going to give me energy. Also, when I was walking around after surgery I had the little ankle size socks and the booties on. I would definitely suggest bringing some comfortable socks. Other than that I think you should be fine. Pack light because you can wear the same thing 2 days in a row. There isn't anyone you have to impress...Oh and to all of you who warned me about the Dr.s being cute you were NOT lying! I was flirting with them so much haha. I even called one of them Mario Lopez. LOL.

Ok so if people are wondering. The ride back was also with Francisco. He picked me up from the Lucerna and we drove to the border. The shuttle drivers have a pass where they do not have to wait in the long line. It is like a Fast Track kind of thing. We drove to Customs where the police had to open the hood and search the car. While they were doing this, my mother and I walked in and showed our ID'S, Birth Certificates and Passports. I do not have mine yet. We then did what you do an airport and put or luggage and purses through the x-ray. We walked maybe half a block which was not bad AT ALL and met Francisco. He drove us back to out car and we were free to leave.

I wanted to thank everyone for their support. This has been an amazing experience for me. I got to Mexico, had surgery and am back at home sitting on my bed with my laptop in just a little over 24 hours. I feel blessed to have such amazing people to talk to that can help me through the way. To those who are worried about going to Mexico or having surgery please listen as I say I would do this surgery again in a heartbeat. I feel a little sore and not too gassy and I know that can change tomorrow. I am glad I can officially say I AM BANDED. I want to say a quick thank you to my dear friend Evette. We have been friends for a few years now and she had surgery with Dr. Ortiz a year ago. Evette, you are an amazing beautiful person inside and out and I am inspired by you. Thank you for all of your help!

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Thank you thank you thank you for posting this. I am feeling very at much at ease with everything since your post. I am so excited about my surgery even though it's 9 weeks away. Sigh.

Please let us know how you're feeling tomorrow.


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  robbynnoel said:

Thank you thank you thank you for posting this. I am feeling very at much at ease with everything since your post. I am so excited about my surgery even though it's 9 weeks away. Sigh.

Please let us know how you're feeling tomorrow.


I will definitely check in tomorrow. I have been drinking a lot of Propel vitamin water and some Organic Chicken broth...oh yeah and an Otter Pop. So far so good. The gas comes and goes but it is nothing unbearable as of now.

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  AshleyMarie said:
I will definitely check in tomorrow. I have been drinking a lot of Propel vitamin water and some Organic Chicken broth...oh yeah and an Otter Pop. So far so good. The gas comes and goes but it is nothing unbearable as of now.

congrats to you...

and good luck

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I am just checking in with everyone. I was banded yesterday and felt great minus a little gas. The gas continued until I got home last night. I walked around my house and had to burp a few times. I am so overwhelmed with excitement that I only slept 2 1/2 hours last night. I did manage to take a 2 hour nap already Thank God. I am feeling wonderful. I am able to sleep just like I did before surgery. I was afraid to try but I woke up on my side and a little on my tummy. At first I was laying on my right side because my incisions are all in the middle and left side, but I can even lay on the side where my port is. I feel fantastic! I am drinking all day long. I have already finished so many bottles of Propel water. I can do this, I am strong!

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