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water stuck???

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I posted this in another area but I've moved it up here hoping to find out if this ever happens to anyone else. I had my third fill a couple days ago. I went from 2.4 to 3 cc in one shot and I might need an unfill now. I have this habbit of waking up a few times in the middle of the night because I am parched (and always have to pee) and when I went to sip water at 3am this morning, it hurt like hell. Water getting stuck????

I could feel it sitting there, like a clogged drain. I couldn't go back to sleep because it was so uncomfortable. I finally went back to sleep from 5-7am and now I'm drinking hot coffee which seems to be going down but that water incident has me worried. I hope this will pass. My fill was less than 48 hours ago....hopefully it is just swelling. What a wild ride this is!


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I posted this in another area but I've moved it up here hoping to find out if this ever happens to anyone else. I had my third fill a couple days ago. I went from 2.4 to 3 cc in one shot and I might need an unfill now. I have this habbit of waking up a few times in the middle of the night because I am parched (and always have to pee) and when I went to sip water at 3am this morning, it hurt like hell. Water getting stuck????

I could feel it sitting there, like a clogged drain. I couldn't go back to sleep because it was so uncomfortable. I finally went back to sleep from 5-7am and now I'm drinking hot coffee which seems to be going down but that water incident has me worried. I hope this will pass. My fill was less than 48 hours ago....hopefully it is just swelling. What a wild ride this is!


Hey Sabrina,

This has happened to me. I was too tight (did not loosen up) and I could get water stuck with too big a gulp. But when I had a good fill, if it was middle of the night and I took more than a tiny sip, it could hurt too. You could either be too tight or maybe taking too big of sips in the night. Also if you lay down right after drinking/eating it can get stuck easier in my experience. I would take it easy on foods today and then start out real slow. Also in the night just make it a habit to take super tiny sips....Hope you feel better soon!!

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I'm not panicking yet because I'm pretty sure (although I was half asleep) that I gulped a big amount down then went straight to bed before it had time to go down.

Also, my fill centre has us on liquids 24 hrs and then mushies for another 24 hours after a fill so I just tried some chowder and it went down no problem- even the clams.

I was reading some older posts and it sounds like a lot of people are tighter late at night- I had always thought this was only a morning issue. At least it was for me up until now.

I'll keep you posted.

Also...I just posted some photos in the member's gallery.


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It's common to be really tight in the mornings. I am. But, I can drink warm beverages in the morning, not cold. Within a few hours of waking up though, I can then go on to cold. But I still fill it sitting the pouch and squirting through within a few seconds. Dr. Ortiz showed me what I was feeling on the fluroscopy and called it perfect restriction. However, anytime after 4 pm I could still eat and drink anything!

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B) Yep, girl, you are too tight. I speak from 2 too much experience. It sucks to get an unfill, but it is instant relief. My fill dr. would always totally unfill, then I would have to return after the swelling went down for a new beginning. I am sick of that, but yet I will get my Third ... first fill. Don't wait on your unfill, because you will get miserable. I too would wake up, but I was choking because my saliva wouldn't go down.

Hang in there, we have to!

Good luck B)

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