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Funny Question

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:hi: I have a funny question for you all out there...did your head size shrink after losing weight! I have a big head, and I love to wear hats, but having a big head means that a lot of the hats I like are to small for me and end up giving me headaches. Or they just don't fit at all. If I could lose weight around my head it would be great!!

I'm thinking the answer is no. Your skull doesn't shrink!

Jenelle :girl_smile:

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I think everything on me shrank - including my head (I know for sure my nose, people think I've had a nose job - nope - it’s just not fat anymore) Take a look at my picture - it does look smaller to me - but unfortunately I didn't measure so no proof.....

I'm pretty sure I had fat on my head, I remember feeling a fold on the back of my head from fat and being disgusted - but those days are just memories now and thank goodness to that!

I know, anyone just getting the band now should measure their head before and then after - let’s see if it’s true! (And have some fun while we're at it)!

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Thanks lisa, I wasn't sure how people would respond to this question! I measured my head and its 23.5 inches around and 12.5 inches from ear to ear going over top of my head. I will check again in a few months! I too have that fat role at the back so it makes sense that it would get smaller!


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