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Brutal Honesty

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Hi - I have just had my band 5 days ago - I too are wondering why I did this to my self - I have this feeling like I have indigestion all the time - my post site is fine , what happened to me in hospital is that they put dressings over all incisions and Im allergic to this type of dressing so I have many blisters - I know what you mean about shoulder pain and discomfort , I find this worst at night time trying to get comfortable - I feel the same type of negatives as you feel - BUT

I have not had to take any diabetic medication since I had the band fitted - my sugar levels are great - best they have ever been - I feel like I have energy - something I didn’t have much of - I WANT THIS TO WORK and I want to live a long life to enjoy my 5 beautiful grandchildren - my girlfriend says I am so negative and to snap out of it - she’s right - I need to... and I WILL...

MY weight was at first appointment 144 kgs

Last Friday when I had band fitted it was 136.5 kgs

Now 5 days later I am already down to 131 kgs - it may not seem a lot to some but to me it is fantastic.......



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I found that extremely cold drinks [icy] made my shoulder area hurt really bad in the first few months after being banded. I would sip on room temp water or hot tea and the pain would ease. I don't know that the pain in the shoulder area is all gas pain, I think it's more pain from the band itself.

It does ease after a while. I think I'd take PAMMIES advice, go back for a recheck since you're so close. I sure hope you feel better soon. Try the warm to hot only drinks for awhile and see if that helps any.

My port was tender for months, but now it doesn't bother me at all. I was also bruised for MONTHS... my doc thought it was from the ginko I was taking so I stopped and the bruises healed.

Best wishes, Darlene

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Hi! All I can say is that it does get better and able to be tolerated more. I didn't ever have any port pain, except for the first few days, HOWEVER, I have had the shoulder pain since the day of the surgery. At first I could hardly stand it, but now, I find that I only notice it if I haven't eaten for too long, or if I've eaten too much. Somehow I think the way the port tube flips up, it grazes on the diaphram and aggravates the phrenic nerve. It's annoying, and sometimes very painful...enough to take Tylenol 3, but I think its worth it.

And as far as the gas....I have just resigned to taking gasX 2 times per day every day or I have horrible gas and bloating....again, worth it.

I am happy I got the band, though sometimes I wish I could just go on with life and not notice its there. Also, I have lost weight in months. Just maintaining that original 25-30 lbs and hoping that it will start to come off again soon.

Keep you head up!!

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hi faith well i must start with how sorry i am that u r having such problems now i will also tell u i was one of the first people who were banded while it was still in the trial stages they followed me for 3 years and my sister and i both went through the surgury. it has been 12 years now and i must tell u and all that r reading this that things can and do go back to where they were when u started if u do not b careful i had children while banded and did great. i lost a total of 100 lbs which was my goal then added it back on and went to a water diet again for a wk and shrunk my stomach back down and exersized like a feend and lost 80 again. so the band is great but u can get around it so be smarter then my sister and i and let it work with u dont think it will work FOR u. now your port pain my sister had to have her port removed after about 2 months her port came untacked and u could see it and it gave her terrible pain. not to worry u but my sister thought ahhh this is just part of it and didnt go in when she first started experiencing all the pain when she finally did she had gaingreen around her port so do not dismiss your pain please go in. what they did was they tightened her band then removed her port granted that means your band wont be able to be adjusted but the pain for my sister was gone after they removed it and she went on to loose almost 100 lbs too. good luck and keep your chin up u did this for the right reason and hopefully soon u will be able to start feeling better as you watch yourself turn back into the person u want to be. good luck :D

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The thing you have to remember is that you have a foreign object in your body. I get port pain almsot 6mos later, if I happen to lean in a chair in one direction too long. This is common, and you shouldn't concern yourself too terribly much. However, with that being said, be sure to examing the site for any redness, unusually warmth or heat in the area...(could indicate infection or trauma to the site).....or if they put your port accidentally close to a nerve, you're going to be extra sensitive to that.

So to recap, could be infection, could be trauma, could be nothing at all. Keep an eye on it, but don't stress about it too much.

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I agree with some of the others. Go back to the Dr. You do not have to suffer like that...I have the band almost 3yrs and never had a problem...Now, I suffer from acid reflux and believe it is related...but please go back to your dr. or see someone else. Keep us posted...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Cristy said:
Hi - I'm four days post op and never EVER thought I would feel this kind of pain, despite all of the reasearch and reading I did. After the frist three days of horrible pain, I went to my surgeon and he checked my band...even though it was supposed to be empty (practice of my surgical group) it had 3cc of fluid in it. That combined with surgical swelling and nothing was getting down. I felt better but am by no means back in the saddle.

Faith - I totally feel your pain. So many of the sites, even the supposedly unbiased ones, treat this as if it is a walk in the park. It isn't. It is more than just a lifestyle change, it is a physiological change and that is what people don't seem to address. We go in thinking we will walk out fine with just a dramatically reduced appetite and instead we face a whole host of physical issues through recovery and beyond. I know it has only four days since my surgery, but I'm waiting for the day when I feel it would be worth it. But like you, I would have it taken out today if I could. Makes me sad...especialy because I had to pay for it myself in the states ($16,500) and am sure it would cost as much to take it out.

Hang in there faith, I will be thinking of you!



So far out the few nightmare stories I have read - Majority of them were done ihere n the states.. WOW!

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  • 1 month later...

I knew I wasn't alone. I am worried. I have a high pain tolerance,but this is pretty unbearable . I have taken an 800mg motrin and 2 neurontin for nerve pain and that helps me get through my workday ( still unrelenting pain). I am not enjoying this and can not live with this if it goes on much longer. I feel just like you do. Regretful, worried, ashamed, failure the true meaning of dying to be thin!

I really am a hopeful and positive person. This is so difficult. I am a week and 3 days out from surgery it started the morning of the day after my surgery.

I just really wanted to be a better person for my husband and kids and right now I am not feeling that way everhopeful I will suffer this through at least until time for my first fill if it is not better by than then something is wrong this can't be the price to want to be thinner and healthier. Well I've taken up enough of your time. I hope only the best for you and everyone else who chooses to have this procedure and also for me. May 20th 09.

Evenifitkillsme09 :(

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  EvenifitKillsMe09 said:
I knew I wasn't alone. I am worried. I have a high pain tolerance,but this is pretty unbearable . I have taken an 800mg motrin and 2 neurontin for nerve pain and that helps me get through my workday ( still unrelenting pain). I am not enjoying this and can not live with this if it goes on much longer. I feel just like you do. Regretful, worried, ashamed, failure the true meaning of dying to be thin!

I really am a hopeful and positive person. This is so difficult. I am a week and 3 days out from surgery it started the morning of the day after my surgery.

I just really wanted to be a better person for my husband and kids and right now I am not feeling that way everhopeful I will suffer this through at least until time for my first fill if it is not better by than then something is wrong this can't be the price to want to be thinner and healthier. Well I've taken up enough of your time. I hope only the best for you and everyone else who chooses to have this procedure and also for me. May 20th 09.

Evenifitkillsme09 :(

Dying to be thin should never be an option; we're living to be thin. And the pain we go through differs by person. For most of it, it’s pretty easy, surgery Friday back to work Tuesday for me. However, there are those that have a harder time, it normally does pass – and it will be a distant memory.

(I’m wondering where you had your surgery as well – I’ve noticed that many people who have the worse pain were done elsewhere).

But either way, you’re going to make it through, the band is not an easy fix, you just went through surgery and now you are in recovery. You then have to go through the liquids and learn how to live with and properly work your band.

It takes hard work, and determination, but the results are awesome. Get hopeful, you're going to do great and look beautiful and be sooo healthy soon!

Take care, and hope each day is looking brighter!


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I am a physical therapist also and had my surgery exactly 1 week ago (May 14th, 2009). I felt great up to 4 days after surgery, but then the gas started. I started working 2 days ago and each day when I come home from work I am so bloated and in such pain (sharp achy pain in my upper left trap) that I can barely move. The gas-x only helps a little bit. My port site is sore, but the one that bothers me is the tiny one under my left boob. It is tender like you wouldn't believe. I cannot bend down either. If I drop something in the car then it is down there for good. The worse part is the gas (and that is what is causing the shoulder pain). I can't even expel it like I used to. It is impossible for me to burp even though I feel like I need to. I also don't pass gas anymore. I am thinking about buying beano and trying that. Good luck. If I find an answer then I will let you know.

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  BellCurveBabe said:
I am a physical therapist also and had my surgery exactly 1 week ago (May 14th, 2009). I felt great up to 4 days after surgery, but then the gas started. I started working 2 days ago and each day when I come home from work I am so bloated and in such pain (sharp achy pain in my upper left trap) that I can barely move. The gas-x only helps a little bit. My port site is sore, but the one that bothers me is the tiny one under my left boob. It is tender like you wouldn't believe. I cannot bend down either. If I drop something in the car then it is down there for good. The worse part is the gas (and that is what is causing the shoulder pain). I can't even expel it like I used to. It is impossible for me to burp even though I feel like I need to. I also don't pass gas anymore. I am thinking about buying beano and trying that. Good luck. If I find an answer then I will let you know.

Yeah, my gas pains didn't start until a few days after surgery. I had bad gas pains for about 4 weeks and walking didn't really help me much, but lying down did. Also, anyway you can get the gas out is good. I was never much of a farter but I was a farting machine for about the first 4 months. At about 6 months, I'm back to being non-gassy. Good Luck. It does get better. Sitting for long periods was terrible for me as well.

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So today I learned something. I have been drinking the capri sun and vitaWater etc during the day to stay hydrated. Today I forgot to pack that stuff in my cooler and only had water. I started the day without any gas as usual and stayed gas free until lunch. I went into walmart and bought an arizona fruit punch drink and low and behold after a few sips I feel my tummy churning and groaning. Then the gas starts (only a little mind you because I didn't drink that much). So I continued the rest of the day with just water. When I got home I sipped a capri sun and again the tummy starts groaning and the gas comes. I am sticking to water and REAL juice instead of that gatorade, capri sun junk etc. Note: I had OJ mixed with water for breakfast and that didn't cause any gas. I ate my chicken broth for dinner and have been fine. It seems to be those sugary processed drinks that are bothering me. Hope this helps a little.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Update? I was looking at the "old" posts and yours is one of the most viewed.

First thank you for the honesty...

I was banded about a month after you. Just had my first fill. How was your first fill.?I did had some "regrets" but I seem to be adjusting OK. My port is doing lots better. Still on liquids post my fill but will be eating solids soon. Do you have restriction? How is your weight loss? Still having pain?

Logging on and reading the posts has really helped me. I know I have support.


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  BellCurveBabe said:
So today I learned something. I have been drinking the capri sun and vitaWater etc during the day to stay hydrated. Today I forgot to pack that stuff in my cooler and only had water. I started the day without any gas as usual and stayed gas free until lunch. I went into walmart and bought an arizona fruit punch drink and low and behold after a few sips I feel my tummy churning and groaning. Then the gas starts (only a little mind you because I didn't drink that much). So I continued the rest of the day with just water. When I got home I sipped a capri sun and again the tummy starts groaning and the gas comes. I am sticking to water and REAL juice instead of that gatorade, capri sun junk etc. Note: I had OJ mixed with water for breakfast and that didn't cause any gas. I ate my chicken broth for dinner and have been fine. It seems to be those sugary processed drinks that are bothering me. Hope this helps a little.

I was told to not drink with a straw. If you were drinking the capri sun straight from the package with the attached straw that could have been some of the problem as you were taking extra air into your stomach.

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  Smiley said:
I was told to not drink with a straw. If you were drinking the capri sun straight from the package with the attached straw that could have been some of the problem as you were taking extra air into your stomach.

They gave us capri sun at OCC to drink so that is why I kept with it. :o

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  • 2 years later...


I like you, had a lot of weird symptoms after surgery. My best friend had the surgery with me and I was immediately concerned because I had weird symptoms and she never had any of them. In fact, the whole time I was in TJ, the burping was extreme. During my 3 weeks of liquid diet, I thought that it was the gatorade affecting me. I called the doctors (spoke with all of them at different times), who assured me and let me know it was all part of the healing process. Initially, Dr. Ortiz told me it was too soon after the surgery to know if something was wrong, but I knew that something was seriously wrong. I was very depressed and sad and couldn't take pleasure in the weight I lost because I was miserable and scared. After going back to Mexico and having the GI investigate only to say there was nothing wrong, I ended up having my gallbladder removed. That seemed to help some, but I still had lots of weird symptoms. I had lots of port pain...they said that maybe it needed to be moved. I had a pulling feeling at all of the places the band was attached...they said that maybe it was a reaction to the sutures and they could go in and use a different suture. I had intestinal pain that would move around and wasn't consistent with specific foods...they didn't really know what it was. I had a lot of reflux...they thought it was just a little gastritis. I went a year and a half and at times really thought I was dying, which scared the snot out of me since I only got banded to lose weight to be here for my daughter. Finally, I went in last new years eve and had the band removed at OCC. It was very, very easy...even easier than the band placement. Dr So informed me afterwards that the band was totally in place, but that I had adhesians totally surround the band (which they had never seen before) and the adhesian were keeping the esophogus from closing (hence the refux). I can tell you that I started feeling better almost immediately after having the band removed. My body just didn't like that inside of me. I still have intestinal spasms that still seem to be focused on the places where the sutures were, but take medicine to help when it is really uncomfortable. The spasms are getting better and I believe that eventually i will no longer have them. I do not regret going to OCC to have surgery. I love all of their doctors and believe that they do awesome work. I do regret the wasted time and money and mental anguish I experienced. I am sad to say that I have since gained 30 of the 60 lbs that I had lost back and must do something. I am trying weight watchers, but can't seem to make it work for me. I can't afford to try another surgery, nor do I want to take that chance again. Feel free to message me if you want someone to talk with!

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Hi Faith .

I will be honest with you ..My port flipped ...I did too much too soon ...Dr So had no problems at all with my fills and my band is fine ..

It does not hurt anymore. But I can feel it right below my rib cage. and it does stick out a little bit . But I work out daily and have a very active lifestyle and I do not have any issues with it ...True the issue with gas after a year doesn't go away , it does get better ..I have found all of this worth it ...I am no longer type 2 diabetic , and I no longer have high blood pressure ..and I have surpassed my goal weight ..I find the trade off well worth it ..

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been banded for over 2 years now. I allowed myself plenty of rest after my surgery and found that sleeping with a heating pad helped a lot. I got that shoulder pain once or twice in the early days, but haven't had it since. The port pain took the longest to go away but you really do need to not try to do too much too soon. It is surgery, allow yourself healing time. I'm doing really well. I'm at my goal weight, not depressed anymore and can do anything I could do before, including sleeping on my stomach.

Most of all, I have gotten to know my band, what it likes, what it doesn't. I also rely on the signs my body gives me when I'm eating and I know how to interpret them. If I start getting certain signals, I stop eating. Over the last 2 years, I have experienced most of the things everyone has, throwing up, sliming...all of that. At first it scared me, but now I understand what is happening and it isn't a big deal the occasional times that happens. For me, this band has been the answer to my weight problems that have haunted me my entire life. I am so grateful for it. My sister-in-law was so inspired by my weight losss that she is going to have it done in October. I will be with her because I really believe in the band.

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