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My sister has to have her band removed

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If anyone remembers, my sister Merideth who posted here only a few times has to have her band removed. She was banded here in America January 08. Well, the first problem she has was the tube wrapped around her intestine and she had to have that fixed. Well, now the band has eroded into her stomach so now it has to come out. She doesn't want it put back in either. Not sure why it happened, but I do know, she wasn't so good about following the rules. She drank with every meal, carbonated beverages and all. I always told her to stop it and she wouldn't. Plus, when she got something stuck she drank then too. I feel bad for her and hope she doesn't gain her weight back. She is close to 70 pounds down. She's never had a fluroscopy either and may have been too tight. They only discovered it now because she had a throat scope because of the all the problems she's been having lately. Her band surgeon isn't event the one who sent her for the test. He didn't seem to think anything was wrong. Anyway, makes me all the more happy I went to Dr. Ortiz for my surger and for my follow up. I had a few fills here but went back to Dr. Ortiz in february for a check up and although money was tight, I am glad I went.

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If anyone remembers, my sister Merideth who posted here only a few times has to have her band removed. She was banded here in America January 08. Well, the first problem she has was the tube wrapped around her intestine and she had to have that fixed. Well, now the band has eroded into her stomach so now it has to come out. She doesn't want it put back in either. Not sure why it happened, but I do know, she wasn't so good about following the rules. She drank with every meal, carbonated beverages and all. I always told her to stop it and she wouldn't. Plus, when she got something stuck she drank then too. I feel bad for her and hope she doesn't gain her weight back. She is close to 70 pounds down. She's never had a fluroscopy either and may have been too tight. They only discovered it now because she had a throat scope because of the all the problems she's been having lately. Her band surgeon isn't event the one who sent her for the test. He didn't seem to think anything was wrong. Anyway, makes me all the more happy I went to Dr. Ortiz for my surger and for my follow up. I had a few fills here but went back to Dr. Ortiz in february for a check up and although money was tight, I am glad I went.


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I'm sorrry that happened - its so hard when is someone you love! I know Pammie had that happen to her a very close friend. Take care and know the band is not for everyone - you do have to be able to follow the rules and if you're going to fight it all the way - at some point something has to give.

Take care and give your sis a big hug, I'm sure she needs one, its got to be tough on her with all she went through!



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Hey Ramona,

Merideth told me about it on Facebook. She didn't explain, just said it eroded and it had to come out.... I feel bad for her!

I'd be sick if I had to get mine out, after all this, [hers was probably covered by insurance, huh?] all that money down the tubes UUUUUGGGGHHHHHH!!!

I hope the removal goes smoothly!

Thinking of you and Merideth, Darlene

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Well, after all the reading I've been doing, it appears as though lap band erosion really isn't related to drinking while eating and is more often than not, doctor error that causes it. The stitches are either too deep or too many. Alchohol, spicy foods and lots of coffee can contribute also, but the majority of the time it is doctor related.

I am wondering if this is related to the problem she had last when the tubing was wrapped around her intestine. Unfortunately, she has had nothing but trouble with her band. I feel bad for her and hope she doesn't gain back all the weight she lost.

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Well, after all the reading I've been doing, it appears as though lap band erosion really isn't related to drinking while eating and is more often than not, doctor error that causes it. The stitches are either too deep or too many. Alchohol, spicy foods and lots of coffee can contribute also, but the majority of the time it is doctor related.

I am wondering if this is related to the problem she had last when the tubing was wrapped around her intestine. Unfortunately, she has had nothing but trouble with her band. I feel bad for her and hope she doesn't gain back all the weight she lost.

woo, sorry for the sis's bad luck. Even if she wasn't following the rules perfectly, nothing she did could've caused such a bad outcome. hopefully she won't regain the weight back and will continue to be active and positive.

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My Great Aunt had her band removed in January for medical reasons that she could not control, Her body just rejected the band). She continues to this day to eat very small portions and follows the rules as if she still has the band. I will send my best wishes to your sister! Its not easy to lose the weight and then have your band removed, but she needs to know that she is worth it and deserves to be happy, just because her body can't handle the band doesn't mean she should give up! Tell her to smarten up or she will put the weight back on and then some!


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