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You know you are a bandster when......

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I thought this would be something really fun to do. I read this on another site and have laughed so much at it... I will give some examples................

You look at the serving size of Triscuts and think "7 crackers - I'll never eat all those, so you take 3 and are full"

You can make more then one meal out of a can of Tuna.

A thimble of vodka gives you a buzz- a cap full gets you wasted.

The guys at my works will ask what everyone wants to eat for Lunch and when they get to me they will say "Just order her a BEAN!"

LISA yours is still one of my favorites!!!!- Get pulled over and Cop tells you to get a new drivers license!!


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Sorry I had to add one.....

When you almost go postal on the waiter because you have told him 10 times that you dont want anything to drink with your kids meal!

LOL that happens all the times, Now I just order water and put it aside!


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LOVE the tuna one...that is so true! I've taken one of those pouches to work before and made it a 2-mealer! :)

Got some for ya...

When your chest gets tight and your mouth starts to water when you get within 5 feet of a panera.

When you check the clock as soon as you are done eating and start counting down 45 minutes until you can drink.

When you can say you've worn a paper thong with thigh high tights!!! SEXY!!!

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SO true..lol I have had so much fun with this just trying to think of some more, my stepson keeps walking in looking at me like I am crazy...lol

When you look at the wine bottle to try to figure out how many calories you are drinking.....

When you hubby brings you a glass of water with dinner and rolls his eyes and says never mind I forgot...lol

When hubby looks at you and say "Are you stuck" just cause you have "that" look...and then says you need to start chewing better baby! lol

When you have a LOVE HATE Relationship with your SCALES!

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Yeah, I will be ok. I was laid off on Monday. I have been pretty depressed this past week, I got six week severance pay, so I am going to take this time and make it my six week makeover! I just need to shake myself off and get started! I am doing all I can do to not eat!


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Ohhh Ohhh I got more....

When the shelf life of your clothes is about one month because you grow out of them so fast

When the topics you are googling are protein, constipation, and plastic surgery! So googled all three today BTW! :)

When you finally have to break down and buy new undies because yours are falling off your butt! Yeah, had that happen too! Note to all: don't wear undies that are getting too big to Zumba class - they will keep falling off your butt!

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Yeah, I will be ok. I was laid off on Monday. I have been pretty depressed this past week, I got six week severance pay, so I am going to take this time and make it my six week makeover! I just need to shake myself off and get started! I am doing all I can do to not eat!


I am sooo sorry to hear that. The economy is really hitting everyone hard. Thinking happy thoughts that you find something soon!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is fun!

When you are looking at someones plate thinking to yourself......"Are they really going to eat all that food!?

When you take a drink in the morning to see how tight you are.

You know you are in bandster when you step on the scale in the moring and at night. LOL I did this yesterday!

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This is fun!

When you are looking at someones plate thinking to yourself......"Are they really going to eat all that food!?

When you take a drink in the morning to see how tight you are.

You know you are in bandster when you step on the scale in the moring and at night. LOL I did this yesterday!


That is too funny! I as well am guilty of the night and day weigh in.

I will add one......

When someone says something and YOUR HUBBY looks at you and says you might be a bandster...lol

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You might be a bandster if your hubby says don't peanut butter on me! (our code for PBing)

If you know what fluoro is.

If you begin to like your morning protein shake.

If you can honestly said you have been on a 4 week liquid diet.

If you had voluntary surgery in Mexico and know it was the BEST option.

Just a few I could think of for now.


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Sorry I had to add one.....

When you almost go postal on the waiter because you have told him 10 times that you dont want anything to drink with your kids meal!

LOL that happens all the times, Now I just order water and put it aside!


HAHAHAHAHA this one drives me NUTS!! They just won't let you alone if you don't order something to drink.

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You know your a bandster if:

You eat supper in a salad plate and only fill it half full.

Good one GregP!

I have one. You know you're a banster when you take more water/drink bottles to work than you do food! Gotta get those liquids in!

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LOL...these are great! Here's a few...

You know you are a bandster...

...when you have your very own 'shelf' of vitamins and supplements that you could open up for business with!

...when your friends ask if you're mashing the meal for your grandbabies!

...when you don't know whether to squash your burp or hold in your fart!

and this one happened to me today...

...when you let out a toot with a surpirsed look and the guy standing next to you says, "Oops, sorry!" I died laughing...and almost farted again!!! WAY too funny!!

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LOL...these are great! Here's a few...

You know you are a bandster...

...when you have your very own 'shelf' of vitamins and supplements that you could open up for business with!

...when your friends ask if you're mashing the meal for your grandbabies!

...when you don't know whether to squash your burp or hold in your fart!

and this one happened to me today...

...when you let out a toot with a surpirsed look and the guy standing next to you says, "Oops, sorry!" I died laughing...and almost farted again!!! WAY too funny!!

PMPL - Jazzy that last one was so funny! I would have rolled in on the floor laughing!

Okay....I got one, you know you're a bandster when.....your counting down the days till you can have solids agian. ( I have 8 more days) :D

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Oh wow this made my night reading these. You all are cracking me up!

That is what I love about this group - nobody else would find as much humor in this as we do. I love it!

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... o.k. ...

You know you are a bandster couple (out for dinner) if the words "you first" do not only mean DH holds the door for you, but let you go first to the bathroom if both have food stuck and start PB'ing B)

Have a great weekend ;)

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... o.k. ...

You know you are a bandster couple (out for dinner) if the words "you first" do not only mean DH holds the door for you, but let you go first to the bathroom if both have food stuck and start PB'ing B)

Have a great weekend ;)

Ute - Now that is very polite! I have not PB'd since I am newly banded. I am still on the 21 days of liquids. So I can only imagine how it must feel, from everything I have read it seems like a horrible experience. I can imagine myself wanting to run for the bathroom!

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The waitress approaches you with a concerned look and asks if everything was okay with your meal because you did not eat much of it.

Your mother buys you the green bags to store your fruit and vegetables in because she has noticed that you don't get them eaten up before they spoil.

You can split a child's meal with your five-year-old nephew and still have leftovers.

You have more empty hangers in your closet than you have actual articles of clothing.

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You know your a bandster when... You wake up and say to your husband "wow I went all day yesterday without anything getting stuck!" and he says "you were a good bandster yesterday." and you feel proud of yourself. :P

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