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You know you are a bandster when......

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how about.....you know you are a bandster when you get nervous watching TV commercials for something big and bready and you are thinking HOW do people eat ALL OF THAT FOOD?!?

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  MyNewLife said:
Here ya go Angie!

Carrie - you are the BEST!! I think the search has something against me! Just kidding!

Okay - you know you are a bandster when......

Your 22 month old and you share plates.

When your pant draw strings are wayyyy longer that you remember them being.

When all your girlfriends want to "split" lunch with you and fight over who gets to! LMAO!

When you are out to breakfast with your family, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. Upon arriving back at the table you are greeted by the "LOOK" from EVERYONE. Ya know the look that says...are you alright. You break the silence and say, I had to go to the bathroom. LOL

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I got one, this happened to me at the football game last night....

You now you are a bandster when your kids (12 and 13) know just as much about protein, carbs and calories as you do.

I asked my step son to go to the concession stand and see if they had any "meat" (hamburger patty or sausage). He came back and told me that they had sold out of the meat, the only thing they had was hotdogs...ANYWAY the lady said "we have some fries, you want some fries" My 12 year old looked at the lady and said, "Uhmmmmm no thank you, they are full of CARBS".......LMAO!!! I said what did she say, he said she just looked at me.....PRICELESS!


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  AngieB said:
You might be a bandster if.....you call your hubby into the kitchen to taste test the food, so you don't eat your dinner before the dinner actually starts!

I have been using my hubby more and more. If I don't, then I don't have the hunger to eat......or the room..... :rolleyes:

Angie that is HYSTERICAL!!!!


I thought I was the only one who did this...TOOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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This was my experience this weekend. You pack your winter pj's that you last wore in May only too realize that if it were not for your hips they would fall to the floor. Then, when you have to go outside at 7 am to get your nephews car seats before your brother leaves, you make sure your pj top is long enough to cover the 5 inches of underwear that are showing above your pj bottoms so that both you and the neighbors are not embarrassed.

Hobby Lobby here I come 'cause I need some elastic to remedy this situation!

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You know your a bandster when.... You are still chewing the olive from your bloody mary, and every one else is on there second round of drinks and you haven't even taken a sip out of your first.

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Ok, these are all very funny so I had to add my own. :)

You know you are a bandster when you walk through a department store and find yourself in the plus sized section only to think, "these clothes are WAY too big - who fits in them"? :)

You know you are a bandster when your husband won't make eye contact with you in a restaurant because he is worried about you pushing the food around on your plate.

You know you are a bandster when you have 3 bites of something and feel full - resriction is amazing, isn't it?

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You know you are a *NEW* bandster when you are on the MSN homepage & notice the ad for "Flattering dresses for sexy, full-figured women" and think, "Maybe I should wait a few months because those may be too big by then...." :D

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The bowls you eat out of for meals, hold 1 cup of food.

All your friends can't wait until you drop a size so they can have your cloths.

You cut up your own food more than you do your 22 month olds......yes, that is me!

Last but not least, I know I am a bandster, when I am ADDICTED TO THIS FORUM!


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  MyNewLife said:
I thought this would be something really fun to do. I read this on another site and have laughed so much at it... I will give some examples................

You look at the serving size of Triscuts and think "7 crackers - I'll never eat all those, so you take 3 and are full"

You can make more then one meal out of a can of Tuna.

A thimble of vodka gives you a buzz- a cap full gets you wasted.

The guys at my works will ask what everyone wants to eat for Lunch and when they get to me they will say "Just order her a BEAN!"

LISA yours is still one of my favorites!!!!- Get pulled over and Cop tells you to get a new drivers license!!


When you order off the kids menu and the server asks "How many kid plates do YOU need to order"

I was there when it happened to a friend that was banded in the US about 3 years ago... Needless to say we left QUICKLY

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  Msbehaved said:
When the lady at TJ maxx asks how old your baby is...

I was buying little baby size travel snack cups for my cottage cheese at work lol

Wow- I am impressed by your weight loss!! I am seriously considering the procedure- do you have any regrets? Have you had problems with the PB'ing? (sounds terrible and the reason I am scared).



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When you can maintence your "area" again, and have the razor burn to prove it!

I swear, I felt like Chewbacca! My husband laughs when I say that, and says it wasn't that bad! Just the fact that he said, "it wasn't that bad," is bad enough!

Thank goodness for NSV!

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