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Carbonated beverages

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This topic indirectly came up in a different thread, but I wanted to post it separately as a new topic. Like most of OCC patients, I have been staying away from carbonated beverages, and haven't really missed it all that much. Hardly ever, actually. But a couple of nights ago, I was out at a concert with a friend, and we went to a bar afterward, and all they had was beer or hard liquor (which I wasn't interested in). I'm not a huge beer-drinker, but I do like it from time to time and Friday night I rather wished I could have had some. I'm actually looking forward to drinking beer again, but I know I've been burping more since the surgery, and I'd hate to do anything embarrassing at a social event. I was wondering what other people's experiences were, after drinking carbonated beverages. Is there any difference post-band, once those six months are up?

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It's uncomfortable. I don't drink beer, but I had a soda at about 7 months post op and the carbonation wasn't exactly painful, but it was almost like I could feel it expand my pouch. I think this is especially true if you have good restriction already.

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I'm just about to hit 6 months and I think I am just going to keep going with no pop. Since i've gone this long i'm just gonna keep up with it. I might have a beer now and again because I love them, but i'm gonna have those few and far between on special occasions. So here after a while I might have to go buy me a Miller High Life to celebrate!

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I was wondering about this the other day - I have had no carbonation since the night before surgery and I havent really missed it at all, only 2 times have I really craved a diet coke. Since liquids go straight through the pouch, I was wondering if it would hurt to drink them now... but I still havent. It will be nice after the 6 month mark to have a sip or two if I want it and have something besides water lol

good to know i have the option and others are able to drink anything they like after 6months

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I am only 3 months post op and had not had any carbonation until I had a mimosa recently, I was one of those who had EXTREME gas pain in my shoulder for weeks after my surgery. Sure enough I felt some pain in my stomach after drinking 2 sips. That was the end of it for me. I think the carbonation has different effects on people. I used to drink sooo much beer that I put on so much belly weight I am happy to be getting rid of. If it doesnt bother you and you have a frosty cold one every now and then, then I dont think it will be a problem. I just know I couldnt do it, cause of the shoulder factor.

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I never liked beer, but was a coke zero drinker period - except a ginger ale or wine cooler every now and then.

Since my surgery I tried twice a carbonated drink and it was just weird. I did not like the feeling of the bubbles in my pouch and a flat coke/ginger ale simply tastes like &^$*%

So now I live on a shot (1/4) of fruit juice diluted with water (3/4) and it's totally fine with me ;)

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