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An Ahh Ha Moment

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I have been cleaning out my closets and drawers for a few weeks now in preparation for a garage sale. Yesterday I removed the rest of the clothes I cannot wear and put them in the garage sale box. I came across my high school graduation (18 yrs. ago) and college graduation dresses (14 yrs. ago). Both of them were size 24's. I have already gotten rid of the dress I wore when I got my master's degree (11 yrs. ago, even though it seems like it was 2 yrs. ago), but if I remember correctly it was a 22.

It is strange to realize that I am now in a size 14 and sometimes a 12. After I have my tummy tuck in 11 days I am thinking I will end up wearing 10's or 12's. I recognize that graduation day for my doctorate is still two years away, but just thinking about walking across that stage and accepting my diploma in a size 10 or 12 is almost unfathomable. Guess it is a good thing I have two years to get used to the idea. The down side is that the robe I will be wearing will not be fitted at all and will be floor length. Oh well, those who know me will know what the new me looks like, and yes, I am already contemplating the type of dress I will be wearing.

For those who have mentioned in other posts that they don't really see a change in themselves I am kind of the same way. I know I have lost weight and can see it in my clothes and such, but because my rolls and bulges are all still there, just smaller, it is sometimes hard to recognize the difference. I am thinking that after the TT I will finally be able to see the changes 100% for myself as the rolls and bulges will be (better be) gone. The one thing I do notice now is that I feel as if I stand taller and with more confidence, of course part of this may be my "hooker boots" with 3" heels. I never would have attempted wearing these had I not lost the weight for fear of doing the triple klutz. :o Prior to my weight loss, my dad was correct in that my middle name should have been Grace, but not now because I have been known to run and jump in those boots.

I guess I have posted this information to once again remind everyone to not place so much focus on the scale, but rather on those little life changes that you notice as you go along.

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Isn't that a great feeling! I've been finding myself thinking ahead and about where I will be when a particular date hits. Makes me so excited about the future.

You are doing great! Keep up the good work! Before you know it your PS date will be here!

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