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choking sensation in my throat

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I have a question. I had my 3rd fill a few days ago and I'm having a hard time eating. I've been told not to drink water with my meals but whenever I eat, I feel like I'm choking ( a lump in my throat) and so I have to take small sips of water until whatever it is goes down. I'm not sure what I should and can eat. So far, I've had no luck with fish, steamed or raw vegetables, or a turkey sandwich. I don't want to puree everything but I pureed a veggie soup I made and that went down ok. can someone tell me what the rule is about water and also what food would be ok to eat? Thanks so much :)


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Here are some things that I kept before I was banded. Some of these are from the OCC website.

The five rules for eating with a Lap Band

For most people the word diet brings to mind suffering and failure, so let's talk about nutrition. The following rules will help you to succeed during your weight loss journey with the Lap Band.

Rule 1: Eat three times a day

Rule 2: Eat only solid foods

Rule 3: Chew thoroughly

Rule 4: Do not drink liquids with your meals

Rule 5: No high calorie liquids

By following these simple rules you WILL succeed with the Lap Band!

1) Eat 3 meals per day at regular intervals. Balance is the key here, most of us are tight in the morning and loose at night, try to balance this out by eating your dinner around 6-7 pm and not snacking in the evening so you will be hungry in the morning. Most of us can't eat immediately upon getting up, but after an hour or two allow yourself to consume 1/3 of your daily protein intake in the morning. (I like to do this with a protein shake in the morning -- sip it over the course of a couple of hours --)

2) Don't allow yourself to get too hungry as that is when we tend to eat to fast and burp! Banding is not supposed to be a state of deprivation, if you are hungry eat! Learn to listen and respect what your body is telling you. Most of us have ignored these subtle signals for years and we need to relearn what hunger feels like (as opposed to eating out of boredom) and we need to learn what full feels like (gentle satisfaction, not stuffed to the gills).

3) Don't drink with meals! Stop about 15 minutes prior to eating and try to wait 60 minutes after eating. Washing food through your pouch will defeat the band allowing you to feel full and satisfied.

4) Take your body weight and divide it in half, which is how many ounces of water you should ideally be drinking per day. Measure the capacity of your water glass and try to get in all your water each day without drinking at your meals. Gradually work on the water habit until you have integrated it into your life; Crystal Light and non caffeinated, non-carbonated, sugar free beverages may be used as you work into the water habit.

5) Minimally 30 minutes of physical activity per day!

6) Take time to eat your meals without interruptions. You deserve 30 minutes of time 3 times per day to feed yourself in a relaxed atmosphere. Many of us lost touch with what full feels like because we were too busy paying attention to the needs of others during our meals. Respect yourself enough to take time to eat no matter how busy you are. Be prepared to have to re-establish your boundaries as family members, friends and co-workers may not always understand this behavior change in you! (If people comment on your small portions you can always say you "have already eaten earlier"---which is of course true---they don't need to know how much earlier!

7) Protein: Strive for 60 grams of protein per day. Your body can only absorb 20 grams per sitting so anything beyond 20 grams exits without being absorbed. Figure your protein at 7 grams per ounce, so 3 ounces of meat is 21 grams of protein or 1 serving. You will need 3 servings per day. This is not a high protein diet! You will not be eating 8 oz (1/2 pound) of meat ever again!

8) Protein and produce! Chicken and vegetables, beef and vegetables, fish and vegetables are the staples of your diet. Add some small portions of fruit but be careful with fruit juices because of the high sugar content.

9) Chew, chew, chew. :)

When do I need a fill:

If you are not losing 1/2 - 2 pounds a week (and this needs to be averaged over 4 weeks), check these points before getting a fill. If you are doing all these things then you probably do need a fill.

Are you drinking a minimum of 70 ounces of water per day?

Actually the recommendation is to take your body weight, divide it in half and that is how many ounces of water you need to drink per day to keep your cells flushed and everything in working order. I know it is hard but try using a water bottle with measurements on the side so you can track it.

Are you engaging is some type of physical motion on a daily basis?

I hate the E word exercise because that happens in gym and life does not. So raking your yard, walking your dog, weeding the garden all count as do parking farther from the store, taking the steps instead of the escalator. It is cumulative and it all adds up so every little bit counts!

Are you eating 60 grams of protein per day?

60 grams is not so much really. It is three 3 ounce servings per day.

Figure your protein at 7 grams per ounce and so 3 ounces of chicken is 21 grams. Once you get the hang of it you become a pro at mentally tallying where you are for the day. Remember that your body can only absorb about 20 grams at a time so don't over do it. But protein is an essential building block for your tissues and cells and protein helps turn off hunger and carbohydrates seem to turn it on. If you need additional help you might try

Protein drinks

Everyone has their favorite protein shake. I’ve tried Wal-Mart, GNC, Unjury and Arbonne, but the best so far has been Advocare Meal Replacement Shake – 24 grams of protein for 220 calories. It tastes like and has the consistency of a chocolate shake – yum! They also have vanilla and berry.

Are you staying away from liquid calories?

Cut the slush and mush once you are 4 weeks past surgery, it just goes down way too easy compared to 3 ounces of lean beef and some broccoli. Are you eating protein and produce and leaving out fast foods and junk? We all have bad days. Forgive yourself and just move on. No more guilt. It is possible to eat on the road and have healthy meals. Instead of a fast food, try a grocery store deli.

What should you be eating?

Protein and produce. If it isn't one of those two items then it is something that should not be part of your daily diet. Eat chicken and vegetables, beef and vegetables, fish and vegetables, some fruit thrown in there and a little dairy.

No matter how much fluid you have in your band there are only three kinds of fills, too little, too much and just right, the actual number of cc's is irrelevant. (The first fills don't always amount to much of a restriction---just hang in there---the body has to adjust to the band and you have to adjust to smaller quantities. Expect to "notice it more" with the third and fourth fills)

Hope this helps~!


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Carrie - this post ROCKS!!! You have the perfect timing too. I was just talking to some ladies at work about how much protein I should be getting in my diet. When I put my weight in one site it told me I had to have low end 80 grams of protein. I am totally new at this but I was thinking how the heck can I do that!? I will not focus on getting more than 60 grams now. That is a relief, big relief. I was thinking if I have 1 cup servings per meal, how was I going to fit more in.....we are suppose to eat 3 meals a day.....anyway, so glad you took the time to type that info.

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I have a question. I had my 3rd fill a few days ago and I'm having a hard time eating. I've been told not to drink water with my meals but whenever I eat, I feel like I'm choking ( a lump in my throat) and so I have to take small sips of water until whatever it is goes down. I'm not sure what I should and can eat. So far, I've had no luck with fish, steamed or raw vegetables, or a turkey sandwich. I don't want to puree everything but I pureed a veggie soup I made and that went down ok. can someone tell me what the rule is about water and also what food would be ok to eat? Thanks so much :)


Sounds like you might need to be on liquids for a few more days. I experienced something like this after my fill in January - that was when I realized I had restriction, but maybe a little too much. It eventually started to loosen up so I didn't go for an unfill because that was the first time I had really felt restriction. If it were me I would cut out solids for a few more days and go back to full liquids. As long as you can get liquids down you are not in major trouble, it is when liquids will not go thru the band that you cannot give it time and must go for an unfill immediately. I am by no means a doctor, but I think a few more days on liquids and then trying mushy/soft foods such as cottage cheese for a few more days should be okay.

Let us know how it goes.

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