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Happy 1 year Bandiversary to me!

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One year ago today I made the great decision to be banded at the OCC by Dr. Ortiz. Today, I am 66 lbs lighter than my pre-surgery weight and while I know I still have a long way to go, I am so thankful for my band! Here are a few things I would say I have done well over this past year, as well as some things I have not done so well and wish I had done differently. Maybe they can be useful to some of my fellow bandsters out there!

- Remain active on these boards! A few months after being banded I felt I had things "down pat" and stopped checking in with my lapbandforum community very often and doing so kind of put me in a place where I didn't have any interactions with others who understood my band and eating restrictions, etc...and it made it easier for me to lose that accountability! Even if you don't "need" the forum every single day any more, keep somewhat active on it and remember that if nothing else, others need you (and you probably need them more than you're aware of!)

- Log, log, log! Keep some kind of journal going - log your lbs lost, your inches lost, your NSV's (non-scale victories - things like getting into old jeans, etc.) and take regular pictures of yourself. I'm so glad that I took a "the night before" picture of myself in sports bra and undies only. I've taken the same picture in the same basic "outfit" several times over the past year and it's a great way to be able to scrutinize the exact places on your body where you've lost. Sometimes it seems like we can't see any progress, but pull out those old pictures and you'll find the differences!

- Never forget the food rules! This sounds as simple as saying "look both ways before crossing the street" because it is such common sense, but just as daring to cross a street without being cautious of oncoming traffic has heavy potential ramifications, so does allowing yourself to forget the little things that Dr. Miranda told us to do. Stop drinking at least 20 minutes before meals, do not drink ANYTHING for at least an hour after meals. Eat protiens first, don't allow yourself to cheat the band (and thus yourself) with things like ice creams and whole fat dairy products. We have all heard the rules 100 times before, but do whatever it takes- copy them and put them on your refridgerator, tell your friends and family the rules so that you're held accountable, etc. - to remember to follow them.

- Work the heck out! Cardio - DO IT...even if you just do 30 mintues a day 5 times a week. Don't feel like you have to train for a marathon because you'll work out like a fiend for 3 days, then quit as you fall into a quivering heap of sore muscles. Be sure to lift some weights, as well. Muscle mass is so important to our bodies - the more we have the more calories we burn even during our sleep. Plus, studies show that even when octogenerians (80-89 year olds) begin a light weight lifting regimen, they gain some degree of bone density!

-Get fills when you need them, don't get them when you don't! If you are walking around with a band with no fill, or with substantially less of a fill than you actually need, go stand in front of a mirror, tell yourself you've been naughty, slap yourself on the forehead (hard so you won't soon forget this bad behavior) and then walk immediately to the phone to call a fill doctor. If you are scheduled for a fill soon but you know that you're sucking down ice cream and milkshakes and buttermilk - stop yourself. Getting a fill when you are already tight and not eating right can stretch your pouch and do permanent - FOREVER - damage to your stomach and your band. Don't play around with it.

I hope this helps some of you (and me - I need to remember these things all the time, too!) out! All my best to all my band buddies, and a very special happy Bandiversary to Anita and Natalie!

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Happy Bandiversary! Mine was yesterday and I agree with everything you wrote. Being to tight is no way to go.

I have heard people say they want to be wicked tight. Been there done that and it was no fun!!

You have done a great job.

Take care.

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Thanks for your post. I just joined this forum a few days ago and it's already helped me. Just reading posts like yours not only informs me but it also inspires me. I got banded in Feb and probably haven't been working with it the right way. But then again, I live in Kuwait and got it done here. My doctor didn't really provide me with instructions. for instance, I didn't know this rule you mentioned about when to stop drinking water before meals and when to drink after meals. or eat protein first. it's all new to me. I'll definitely check in daily because just in the past few days I've learned so much from everyone else's posts. Keep up the good work! It feels good knowing there are others like me on this journey. I


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