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so I got back on monday from having my breast augmentation, lipo, and they took the lipo and made me a butt. He also fixed my old tummy tuck that wasnt that great. It was done by doctor Quiroz at Cosmed. They were great. He didnt even charge for the extra work we decided on right before surgery. They have called everyday to check on me. They are all wonderful. I still get tired really fast - just had surgery May 20th. I had my stitches out today. Will update you guys and post before/after pics either next week or the next....Im off to sleep again!

P.S. Boobs are nothin to get done ha ha, very easy!

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Welcome back, I was checking everyday to see it you had checked in.. I'm glad all went well and can't wait to see your pictures.

Take it easy and don't do to much.

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I love Dr.Q - he is awesome and would recommend him to anyone. My mom will be going to him.

I was only in the hospital for the day. Then went to the hotel. BUT - you definately need someone with you at all times after this surgery for almost a week! The butt is sooooooooooooo painful - probably the hardest Ive had out of all my various surgeries...OUCH - hopefully it will be worth it once the swelling and bruising goes down,

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The butt is sooooooooooooo painful - probably the hardest Ive had out of all my various surgeries...OUCH - hopefully it will be worth it once the swelling and bruising goes down,

It will definitely be worth it, but 4 weeks to the day later my butt is still kind of sore. I told my 7 year old nephew this weekend that if he did anything remotely close to the love pat that he likes to do when he walks up beside me, that he would probably come up missing his hand. He thought it was funny, but when his mother chimed in that I was being serious he took heed and still has both of his hands attached in the proper places.

I finally sent an e-mail out to my co-workers today telling them that I had a bilateral brachioplasty and an abdominoplasty. One person said she did not know what those words meant, nor could she pronounce them, but she was glad I was okay and back to work. Some people were asking and others were just staring without saying anything, so I finally broke my silence. Most of them still do not know about the lap band.

My inner thighs will definitely be my next step and I am thinking about having the "girls" reduced and uplifted at the same time as I think they look way too big in comparison with the rest of me.

Rest and get to feeling better soon!

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Congrats! how exciting. My goal is to do lipo and tummy tuck next February (that's my next vacation) so I've to to buckle down and lose as much as I can before then. Can't wait to see the before and after photos.

How do you feel? Is it really painful? I've got kids so I'm a bit worried about the recovery period.


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eck - Denise I am getting excited for you!

Smiley - OMG he did a little lipo on my inner thighs - its painful. My legs are bruised down to my knees and they look like tree trunks lol - but getting better - hope its worth it too...that combined with my butt OUCH

I had a full tummy tuck years ago - this time he just fixed it (other guy made ugly scar) that was a hard recovery along with the lipo - pretty painful. BUT SO worth it. But dont plan on doing anything for a few weeks. But Id do it again in a heartbeat (as Ive said before) the results are amazing and make u feel wonderful!

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So for you all that are traveling so far for PS, what do you do about any follow up visits or aftercare? Do you have to fly back?

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well - I had surgery on the wed. Then went back to the clinic friday for a check up - then saturday as well and they took out my drain. Started my long journey home on sunday. Got home Monday. Went to my family doctor wednesday who sent me to the hospital to get my stiches out. My family doctor is going to check me again in two weeks :)

Most doctors are good with checking you for infection and making sure things are healing good.

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I just wanted to say you look gorgeous! Keep up the good work!

Thanks so much!!! :)

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well - I had surgery on the wed. Then went back to the clinic friday for a check up - then saturday as well and they took out my drain.

Wow!!! Granted mind was a TT, but I had my drains in for 2 weeks and 1 day before the drainage had decreased enough to have them out. Even now each week when I go in he removes the fluid that has built up, not because he has to but because it does make the clothes look better and me feel more comfortable. When I go back this week I am going to volunteer to come in every other day for the next week if it will help get the swelling down sooner.

I bought some basic clothes before I went back to work that were tight 12's. After the pants I bought yesterday and some more that I tried on today, I am thinking I should have been a little more conservative because some of the 10's are looking pretty good even though I am still swollen in the nether regions. The swelling has just got to go down there soon so that I can finally say I have a flat stomach.

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Ouch! I hated the drain more than anything – I had my extended TT done on Friday and the drain removed on Monday – I had swelling but it wasn’t fluid build up that could be removed.

It’s interesting how we’re all different! But I don’t think I could take the drain being in there for 2 weeks – I would have had mine out earlier if it wasn’t for the weekend and I had a extended tummy tuck (what they call a body lift at Cosmo).

And did you write "drains" as in plural - more than one? I only had one. (Give's me goosebumps just to think of it)

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