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Today was my first fill

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I met with my local Dr today. Dr. McBride did an upper GI and took pictures of my band to "make sure it was placed correctly." Everything was great. (I had no doubt that it would be, thanks OCC Dr.'s and staff.) She also inflated my band to make sure it was okay. She put in 1.5 cc's of saline and slowly backed it out until the barium was not getting held up. To my suprise I only needed .7 cc's to start me off. She had the table tilted upward while taking out the fluid. It is pretty neat to see the barium flo too.

I am officially off and running! She did advise to have liquids for 2 days, then soft foods, lastly on to solids. Dr. Mc also told me there was not need to rush back to soft or solids. As long as liquids are satisfying me, I could stay on liquids as long as I would like. Better weight loss this way. We will have to see how it is going!

Very nice doctor and staff. I hope this will work for me. I have some very poor eating habits. Oh, and another thing, she was suprised I did not have any diesases, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, cholesteral, ect. Most people who have this procedure in the states have these issues. I am happy to say I do not, and that is another big reason as to why I am doing this life style change. I don't want any health issues and my family has several in there history.

I enjoy reading all your posts!


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Good luck! Don't expect to much of your first couple fills, but if you do get restriction then great! But just use this time to practice your new good habits and continue to get lots of protein and other things to keep you hungry.

Good luck!

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I'm glad all went well. But I'm surprised you were told to stay on the liquid diet for as long as you wanted. My doctor told me that once the 21 days were over, to start eating solids slowly that I shouldn't stay on liquids and soups. I need to learn to chew solids slowly but thoroughly as a way to prepare me for the real world of eating. But hey if it's working for you, then great.

to be honest, I lost most my weight during the liquid phase. I'm thinking of going back on it for a few weeks to try and lose again as I've been on a standstill since.


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Good luck! Don't expect to much of your first couple fills, but if you do get restriction then great! But just use this time to practice your new good habits and continue to get lots of protein and other things to keep you hungry.

Good luck!

Shelby - The sad thing is I really want to eat something already. -_- During the day I am good to go, it's at night when I am at my worst. It is hard not to have expectations, but I will focus on my new good habits. I found some protein shakes that have 30 gms of protein in them. As soon as I drink one I automaticly feel satisfied. The bad thing is I don't need to be satisfied to eat. :( I really have to work on head hunger.

YOU LOOK AMAZING! Your new picture is so flattering!

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Hi Angie-

Glad to hear all is well -

So tell me for real what did the needle feel like?

Lena - I am not the best one to ask. I have NO needle jitters, so that make the getting poked part harmless. I will say it was more of a weird pressure. I could feel it when she was in my port, which was strange. She did say I have a smaller port, and that often the lapbands packaged for Mexico have the smaller size. Learned something new, I didn't realize the port came in two sizes. Dr. Mc did it under floro so there was not any issue finding the port. Oh and guess what! Not sure if I had mentioned this, but she is a bandster too. There are several people who work in her office who are WL patients. I think that is pretty cool.

There was a very small amount of blood, not enough for a bandaid. I was suprised at the gage, thickness of the needle. It was larger than I thought it would be. Oh and there was a tiny sting, but the pressure feels so odd that you are focus on that.

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I'm glad all went well. But I'm surprised you were told to stay on the liquid diet for as long as you wanted. My doctor told me that once the 21 days were over, to start eating solids slowly that I shouldn't stay on liquids and soups. I need to learn to chew solids slowly but thoroughly as a way to prepare me for the real world of eating. But hey if it's working for you, then great.

to be honest, I lost most my weight during the liquid phase. I'm thinking of going back on it for a few weeks to try and lose again as I've been on a standstill since.


Arianna - I don't think that the Dr.'s instructions are "typical" however she goes by her experience and puts that together with her doctorly advise. :D I have really bad eating habits and liquids have proven to be a "issue" with me. For example, was up in the middle of the night last night eating a small bowl of cereal. Went down fine, it was soggy. Admitting this makes me feel like cr%p but hey, it's the truth. By admitting I have a problem I am addressing 1/2 the battle. I got on the scale this morning and vuala - I am down a couple lbs from yesterday. (insprite the gosh darn cereal.) I am going to do my best.

Arianna - I don't have food issues during the day, it's in the evening/night that kick my butt! Last night after I got home I was walking around lost, thinking of food. Another pathetic confession. Let's hope and pray I can address my terrible eating habits and get better one bite at a time. (I was secretly hoping last night I would be to tight to eat the cereal and feel something negative to teach me a lesson.)

At anyrate, I am on this path and I am praying I tranform for the good. The Lord knows I need to do something.

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Wow, that sounds like a good way to do a fill. When you get to solids let us know if you can feel the restriction. How much did it cost?

Hi BellCurveBabe- This Dr. charges a package fee up front. I will get 4 fills for the up frint price of $1000.00. Each fill after the four will be $125.00. For the later it is broke down as $75 for the office visit, and $50 for radiology.

Each Dr in the area was a different price. I was supprise at how much they differed when I was calling around. I get my fills local and have to drive less than five minutes to get there. :D Very nice! I would have loved to go back to the OCC, but for me, it was not practical. Away from my family, time off work, cost of airfare, transportation and hotel stay. It would be a considerable difference in price. Paying the lump sum up front may be more expensive in the beginning, but it deffinatly closes the gap fast. Soon it will be a cost savings to me to do it this way.

I wish you SUCCESS in finding good after care if you are not planning on going to MX for your fills/adjustments. I did all my searching before I got banded. I need to make sure I had a Dr who would take a MX banded patient. In my area, there was only one Dr. who would not touch me with a ten foot pole. His office was the only office I was treated poorly at, so to me, I didn't mind that he was not a Dr. I was considering.

How are you doing? Have you started solids yet?

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Shelby - The sad thing is I really want to eat something already. -_- During the day I am good to go, it's at night when I am at my worst. It is hard not to have expectations, but I will focus on my new good habits. I found some protein shakes that have 30 gms of protein in them. As soon as I drink one I automaticly feel satisfied. The bad thing is I don't need to be satisfied to eat. :( I really have to work on head hunger.

YOU LOOK AMAZING! Your new picture is so flattering!

Oh Angie -

I can so relate to the night thing, It's like grazing time for me.......... LOL

I really can't say I've had too much head hunger(YET!) tho Sunday I was willing to sell my soul for a SLICE OF PIZZA! And I will say this I do grab a small handful of goldfish crackers once or twice a day, but I'm able to be satisfied with it and I move on. But today is only my 14th day of the 21 day LD....

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Lena - I am not the best one to ask. I have NO needle jitters, so that make the getting poked part harmless. I will say it was more of a weird pressure. I could feel it when she was in my port, which was strange. She did say I have a smaller port, and that often the lapbands packaged for Mexico have the smaller size. Learned something new, I didn't realize the port came in two sizes. Dr. Mc did it under floro so there was not any issue finding the port. Oh and guess what! Not sure if I had mentioned this, but she is a bandster too. There are several people who work in her office who are WL patients. I think that is pretty cool.

There was a very small amount of blood, not enough for a bandaid. I was suprised at the gage, thickness of the needle. It was larger than I thought it would be. Oh and there was a tiny sting, but the pressure feels so odd that you are focus on that.

Oh crap! :o thick gage

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Oh Angie -

I can so relate to the night thing, It's like grazing time for me.......... LOL

I really can't say I've had too much head hunger(YET!) tho Sunday I was willing to sell my soul for a SLICE OF PIZZA! And I will say this I do grab a small handful of goldfish crackers once or twice a day, but I'm able to be satisfied with it and I move on. But today is only my 14th day of the 21 day LD....

You are doing great! If you don't have any head hunger, then my friend you are in a much better place than me! :P

Oh and really, the needle is not mega thick, it's like the size of any standard writing pen. Muaaah haa haa haa! Totally kidding!

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I met with my local Dr today. Dr. McBride did an upper GI and took pictures of my band to "make sure it was placed correctly." Everything was great. (I had no doubt that it would be, thanks OCC Dr.'s and staff.) She also inflated my band to make sure it was okay. She put in 1.5 cc's of saline and slowly backed it out until the barium was not getting held up. To my suprise I only needed .7 cc's to start me off. She had the table tilted upward while taking out the fluid. It is pretty neat to see the barium flo too.

I am officially off and running! She did advise to have liquids for 2 days, then soft foods, lastly on to solids. Dr. Mc also told me there was not need to rush back to soft or solids. As long as liquids are satisfying me, I could stay on liquids as long as I would like. Better weight loss this way. We will have to see how it is going!

Very nice doctor and staff. I hope this will work for me. I have some very poor eating habits. Oh, and another thing, she was suprised I did not have any diesases, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, cholesteral, ect. Most people who have this procedure in the states have these issues. I am happy to say I do not, and that is another big reason as to why I am doing this life style change. I don't want any health issues and my family has several in there history.

I enjoy reading all your posts!



How exciting? How are you feeling? Does having a fill make you feel the way you did just after the surgery or are you up and ready to run run run afterwards.

I look forward to hearing more skinny updates from you.


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How exciting? How are you feeling? Does having a fill make you feel the way you did just after the surgery or are you up and ready to run run run afterwards.

I look forward to hearing more skinny updates from you.


Robbyn - I am feeling great, thanks for asking! I can tell in this morning that the liquids I am drinking are taking a slower route. Not like it is stopping in my throat or backing up so to speak, just flowing down the hatch a bit slower. I will have to see how solids feel when I get back to that stage. I am going to stay on liquids for as long as I can to jump start my weight loss. I have not had a huge scale victory. That is not saying I have not been loosing inches. I have been suprised that my body has not shed more weight given my portions ect. (I am doing my best not to question it and accept that my body is holding on to the weight - even though it blows my mind.) At any rate, Dr. Mc even said she could tell I was loosing because of where my port incision was and where she located it. I just took my ruler out and measured the needle mark and where my incision is. Mind you I am in a sitting position, but it is 2.5 inches lower than where my incision was. Amazing! So that is the victory I am holding on to. Go a head and laugh! Yes, I really took a ruler out and measured my tummy, while working! Ahh the life of a new bandster!

I am doing great. I am ready to run run run. It is not like after surgery. I did have a tensy wensy bit of discomfort last night from the poke. Best described as a hmmm will I ahve a bruise sortness. Sometimes it is hard to say what you want in writing. I am more of a face to face person, easier to communicate.

I returned back to work after my apt and had no trouble doing so. Oh Robbyn, I look forward to sharing more "skinny updates" with you! I am ready to pack up and ship off these old cloths! Someone will be a happy camper to get all my cloths as I loose! Woo hoo! One investment I will not be sorry to see go!

How are you doing? Has the gas fully left yet? I had a weird hicup after surgery, but no gas pains. I had gas when I started solid foods again. Wow! I was like an air tunnel. TMI warning.....at first it was non smelly air, then that changed, and the stinky gas followed. I was thinking to myself, gosh, I sure hope this is a side effect that will be short lived. It was, and I was relieved. Don't get me wrong, I would have been happy to treat the gas if it stayed, but happy my body adjusted to "normal" again....and so is my loving hubby! LOL *blushes*

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Robbyn - I am feeling great, thanks for asking! I can tell in this morning that the liquids I am drinking are taking a slower route. Not like it is stopping in my throat or backing up so to speak, just flowing down the hatch a bit slower. I will have to see how solids feel when I get back to that stage. I am going to stay on liquids for as long as I can to jump start my weight loss. I have not had a huge scale victory. That is not saying I have not been loosing inches. I have been suprised that my body has not shed more weight given my portions ect. (I am doing my best not to question it and accept that my body is holding on to the weight - even though it blows my mind.) At any rate, Dr. Mc even said she could tell I was loosing because of where my port incision was and where she located it. I just took my ruler out and measured the needle mark and where my incision is. Mind you I am in a sitting position, but it is 2.5 inches lower than where my incision was. Amazing! So that is the victory I am holding on to. Go a head and laugh! Yes, I really took a ruler out and measured my tummy, while working! Ahh the life of a new bandster!

I am doing great. I am ready to run run run. It is not like after surgery. I did have a tensy wensy bit of discomfort last night from the poke. Best described as a hmmm will I ahve a bruise sortness. Sometimes it is hard to say what you want in writing. I am more of a face to face person, easier to communicate.

I returned back to work after my apt and had no trouble doing so. Oh Robbyn, I look forward to sharing more "skinny updates" with you! I am ready to pack up and ship off these old cloths! Someone will be a happy camper to get all my cloths as I loose! Woo hoo! One investment I will not be sorry to see go!

How are you doing? Has the gas fully left yet? I had a weird hicup after surgery, but no gas pains. I had gas when I started solid foods again. Wow! I was like an air tunnel. TMI warning.....at first it was non smelly air, then that changed, and the stinky gas followed. I was thinking to myself, gosh, I sure hope this is a side effect that will be short lived. It was, and I was relieved. Don't get me wrong, I would have been happy to treat the gas if it stayed, but happy my body adjusted to "normal" again....and so is my loving hubby! LOL *blushes*


Thank you so much for responding so quickly. I'm glad fills don't have the same knock out punch surgery does...phew!

The gas has been gone a day or two now and last night I even rolled from my left side to my right side while sleeping (using my stomach instead of my back to turn) so I'm feeling physically wonderful. I'm able to get more calories in too because I'm not as fearful as I used to be about gas pain.

I'm still a little dizzy but I'm getting better every day. I even had enough energy last night to cook for my family. They were very happy and getting sick of take out.

I don't have any work contracts scheduled until after I'm on solid food, but I do have to get back to my normal self by Thursday. My daughter is graduating from high school so Thursday are all of her beauty appointments and a photo appointment, Friday is her graduation ceremony and Saturday is her blow out party. I'm going to keep the menu simple simple simple and ask for help if I'm not feeling up to it though.

Sending you skinny vibes!

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Shelby - The sad thing is I really want to eat something already. -_- During the day I am good to go, it's at night when I am at my worst. It is hard not to have expectations, but I will focus on my new good habits. I found some protein shakes that have 30 gms of protein in them. As soon as I drink one I automaticly feel satisfied. The bad thing is I don't need to be satisfied to eat. :( I really have to work on head hunger.

YOU LOOK AMAZING! Your new picture is so flattering!

You know it's wierd, I was able to handle the 21 day liquids, but for some reason after I get a fill and i'm on liquids for 24 hours it is like torture! It is all a head thing. At night is when i'm at my worst too. A lot of it is b/c I am so busy at work and in such a routine I quite honestly forget and time flies and I have to remind myself to eat. But then I get home and am just relaxing on the couch and it gives me time to think and fester about it and it makes me want to eat. But they also say your band relaxes as the day goes on so night is going to be bad for everyone. Head hunger is the worst! I always have eaten even when i'm not hungry so I understand what you are saying. As time goes on it gets better for me, but it is still there for sure!

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I met with my local Dr today. Dr. McBride did an upper GI and took pictures of my band to "make sure it was placed correctly." Everything was great. (I had no doubt that it would be, thanks OCC Dr.'s and staff.) She also inflated my band to make sure it was okay. She put in 1.5 cc's of saline and slowly backed it out until the barium was not getting held up. To my suprise I only needed .7 cc's to start me off. She had the table tilted upward while taking out the fluid. It is pretty neat to see the barium flo too.

I am officially off and running! She did advise to have liquids for 2 days, then soft foods, lastly on to solids. Dr. Mc also told me there was not need to rush back to soft or solids. As long as liquids are satisfying me, I could stay on liquids as long as I would like. Better weight loss this way. We will have to see how it is going!

Very nice doctor and staff. I hope this will work for me. I have some very poor eating habits. Oh, and another thing, she was suprised I did not have any diesases, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, cholesteral, ect. Most people who have this procedure in the states have these issues. I am happy to say I do not, and that is another big reason as to why I am doing this life style change. I don't want any health issues and my family has several in there history.

I enjoy reading all your posts!


Fantastic Angie... good luck. :cheerleader: You're gonna do great. I have my first fill scheduled 6/19 and cant wait to get started.

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Oh and really, the needle is not mega thick, it's like the size of any standard writing pen. Muaaah haa haa haa! Totally kidding!

Oh I could kill you! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

That was funny... You should have seen my eyes - I almost died when - you said standard writing PEN!!!! :o:o:o

LOL You got me on that one!

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Oh I could kill you! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

That was funny... You should have seen my eyes - I almost died when - you said standard writing PEN!!!! :o:o:o

LOL You got me on that one!

PMPL! (pee my pants laughing) oh my goodness! Hee hee I am still snickering. I do have an evil streak.

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I am a wuss and I don't think the fills are a big deal at all. You don't even feel the needle going in and you feel some pressure when they are trying to get it in the port, but that still doesn't hurt at all in my opinion. I get another fill a week from today and I can't wait! I hope I can finally find my spot. Never have had good restriction. They are a piece of cake. Only thing that is painful is giving them $100 bucks each time! :huh:

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I am a wuss and I don't think the fills are a big deal at all. You don't even feel the needle going in and you feel some pressure when they are trying to get it in the port, but that still doesn't hurt at all in my opinion. I get another fill a week from today and I can't wait! I hope I can finally find my spot. Never have had good restriction. They are a piece of cake. Only thing that is painful is giving them $100 bucks each time! :huh:

are you covered under insurance? I wish that's all it cost me............ :rolleyes:

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Any restriction? I get my first fill Monday. You must have a 4cc band. gee .7 seems like so little. I am really concerned about multiple fills, as my fills cost so much (still less expensive than going to TJ) Thank you for the honest post. Can so relate! If I could control my food intake I really would not have bothered with the band! My goal is to retrain myself. I have lost weight soooo many times I have a clothes collection from size 6 up! (needless to say the smaller sizes look new as they were not worn very long!)

Yesterday was one of those "why did I eat that" (really those) going away party at work for someone....

Today is a new day, work this weekend.

(answer to you post a while ago....don't know what the pop was did you ask your fill doc?)

My port is still a little sore getting better (still scared to lift weights of do sit-ups, afraid I will rip it off my abd!)

Foot still not 100%, having nerve pain, hope to start walking next week , scooterless for 2 weeks, returning it today! (I still

walk around at work, but haven't walked up to the 4th floor yet, using the elevator, normally I never use an elevator (They kind of creep me out...)

Keep us posted on how life is after your first fill....


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Any restriction? I get my first fill Monday. You must have a 4cc band. gee .7 seems like so little. I am really concerned about multiple fills, as my fills cost so much (still less expensive than going to TJ) Thank you for the honest post. Can so relate! If I could control my food intake I really would not have bothered with the band! My goal is to retrain myself. I have lost weight soooo many times I have a clothes collection from size 6 up! (needless to say the smaller sizes look new as they were not worn very long!)

Yesterday was one of those "why did I eat that" (really those) going away party at work for someone....

Today is a new day, work this weekend.

(answer to you post a while ago....don't know what the pop was did you ask your fill doc?)

My port is still a little sore getting better (still scared to lift weights of do sit-ups, afraid I will rip it off my abd!)

Foot still not 100%, having nerve pain, hope to start walking next week , scooterless for 2 weeks, returning it today! (I still

walk around at work, but haven't walked up to the 4th floor yet, using the elevator, normally I never use an elevator (They kind of creep me out...)

Keep us posted on how life is after your first fill....


Everyone gets a different amount put in to them. That is why they do it under xray to see what your body can handle. I got 1.6 at my first fill and go tomorrow for my second fill.

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Everyone gets a different amount put in to them. That is why they do it under xray to see what your body can handle. I got 1.6 at my first fill and go tomorrow for my second fill.



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