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Getting ready for surgery...questions

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Hello all! I am having surgery on June 30 and I thought I would start exploring liquid options so whe nI get home I have a plan. Does anyone have some suggestions for protein shakes you have tired or other liquids that helped?

Also, I plan on going back to my job (in an office) exactly one week from my surgery, what should I expect?

Thanks for you help- I'm excited, but full of questions!


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ok...where I live I don't have a lot of selection...I know some ppl don't ke slim fast cuz of the sugar...but I have been pretty successful, plus I love it so it works.

I put all this in my magic bullet..

4 or 5 big ice cubes

1 cup milk

1/2 scoop chocolate sm fast

1/4 scoop chocolate protein powder

1 tbsp peanut butter

YUM...for some reason I crave chocolate & PB so this keeps me from binging and helps me get enough calories in as that's difficult for me :)

Hello all! I am having surgery on June 30 and I thought I would start exploring liquid options so whe nI get home I have a plan. Does anyone have some suggestions for protein shakes you have tired or other liquids that helped?

Also, I plan on going back to my job (in an office) exactly one week from my surgery, what should I expect?

Thanks for you help- I'm excited, but full of questions!


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Hello all! I am having surgery on June 30 and I thought I would start exploring liquid options so whe nI get home I have a plan. Does anyone have some suggestions for protein shakes you have tired or other liquids that helped?

Also, I plan on going back to my job (in an office) exactly one week from my surgery, what should I expect?

Thanks for you help- I'm excited, but full of questions!


Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Milk flavor (you can get a case at Costco) very good!

I also use Isopure Alpine Punch powder, mixed with 12 oz of water, half a scoop of the punch and then a crystal light pack. I find it refreshing and I always look forward to it in the late afternoon.

Good luck!

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If you do a search on this site there are some great suggestions on just about anything you can think of to ask. I like the equate milk chocolate shakes from walmart. They are ready to go and come in 6 packs for under $5 a case. Just remember the colder the better.

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If you do a search on this site there are some great suggestions on just about anything you can think of to ask. I like the equate milk chocolate shakes from walmart. They are ready to go and come in 6 packs for under $5 a case. Just remember the colder the better.

What type of work do you do? I would not suggest any heavy lifting but otherwise you will be fine.

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I really like the EAS Advantedge (chocolate or strawberry) ready to drink shakes mixed with some extra milk. They are only 110 calories and 17 grams of protien. They taste good. You should buy 1 or 2 of a few shakes so you can find your favorite before your surgery date.

As for going back to work....you should be fine. I am a physical therapist and went back to work 4 days after surgery. I have to crawl on the floor and lift a considerable amount.

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Thanks for the great advice. I tried the Adkins shakes today and after a few sips I feel like I can't take the taste anymore. I will try a few more- I am especially intrested in the 6 pack for $5. I noticed many of them are rather pricey.

I am in marketing so I have no heavy lifting and am inside almost the whole day. I am not planning on telling anyone about the surgery so the hardest part will be trying to avoid my staff noticing me not eat for two weeks.

This forum is such a great resource, I look forward to learning more from all of you!! :)

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Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Milk flavor (you can get a case at Costco) very good!

I finally gave in and purchased one of these last night for $3.99. I am willing myself to take one drink every morning and evening until it is gone because I spent to stinkin' much on it, but honestly I gag every time. To me it taste as if someone dissolved a vitamin in my chocolate milk.

I put one scoop of high protein Slim Fast into two cups of milk and it is pretty much just like chocolate milk. Other than the Slim Fast I have not found any shakes that I like.

I would suggest that you purchase individual pre-made drinks to try out first, or maybe ask people who know about the surgery if they have any that you could sample. I didn't discover the Slim Fast until a couple of months post op, so I just didn't worry about the protein during my liquid stage, but the again I only had 7 days of liquids as opposed to 21.

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Hello all! I am having surgery on June 30 and I thought I would start exploring liquid options so whe nI get home I have a plan. Does anyone have some suggestions for protein shakes you have tired or other liquids that helped?

Also, I plan on going back to my job (in an office) exactly one week from my surgery, what should I expect?

Thanks for you help- I'm excited, but full of questions!



Hugs! Congrats on your surgery date. I was at the OCC about a week ago. Here is the list of protein drinks they gave me:


Isopure (my personal favorite) You can get it at GNC

Carb solutions


Designer Whey Protein (I like this too)

Body for Life Protein


Slim Fast Optima

Met Mrx

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Unfortunately it is just a trial and error thing. For me I can't swallow the muscle milk and i'm an EAS girl. Doesn't taste amazing, but it's the only one I can do and don't mind it. See if there are places where you can just buy a small one or samples. Same with chewable vitamins...i've eaten some nasty crap! :huh:

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